Конспект урока "Дом и семья в Православной церкви" 9 класс

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Гимназия №75» города Казани
Подготовила учитель английского языка
Александрова Анна Александровна
Казань 2013
"Дом и семья в православной церкви" ("Home and family in orthodox church")
Урок английского языка в 9 классе построен с учетом возрастных особенностей учащихся,
использованием различных видов речевой деятельности и современных ТСО. Не является
приложением к определенному УМК, может быть использован в системе уроков курса
"Православие в современном мире"
Основными целями урока является пробуждение интереса учащихся к основным
жизненным принципам и традициям христиан, заставить задуматься о роли и положении
семьи в современном мире, а так же о дошедших до нас удивительных примерах жизни
христианских супругов.
Урок английского языка в 9-м классе по теме « Home and family in orthodox
church »
Цель урока:
формирование учебно-познавательной, информационной компетенций и
компетенции личностного совершенствования учащихся.
Образовательный аспект:
Закрепление лексических единиц;
Актуализация грамматического материала при понимании
предлагаемого материала;
Автоматизация сформированности грамматического навыка
Развивающий аспект:
Развитие внимания, воображения, памяти, мышления;
Развитие языковых, индивидуальных и интеллектуальных
способностей учащихся.
Развитие навыков и умений восприятия англоязычной речи на слух.
Развитие познавательного интереса к христианскому образу жизни.
Воспитательный аспект:
Воспитание интереса к проблемам семьи в современном обществе;
Воспитание личной ответственности за принимаемые решения.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.
Оснащение урока: доска, компьютер, экран, проектор, карточки с
вопросами к текстам
Программное обеспечение: презентация PowerPoint
Время: 45 минут
План урока:
1. Организационный момент.
2. Постановка темы урока, сообщение цели.
3. Речевая разминка.
4. Основная часть.
5. Индивидуальные выступления по заданным ранее темам.
6. Подведение итогов, задание на дом.
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент.
T- Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad to see you today. Take your
II.Постановка темы урока, сообщение цели. (5 мин)
(на интерактивной доске 1 слайд)
T- Today we’ll go on speaking about the most important questions of our life.
One of them is Family.
Nowadays the problem of family and its place in our life is close to most of
modern people. Needless to say that boys and girls don’t know why we should
have families, why we should have only one husband or wife, why we can’t live
without marriage and so on.
Our modern society can’t answer these questions. So young people start their
life without any base of values and views, they have to use the information they
take from TV programmes and video films. It goes without saying that young
people always want to find the truth. What wise words do you know?
( One of the pupils answers, ”Who is looking for the truth will find God.” )
T-I hope that all of you will find Him and our lesson will help you in this difficult
T-May I ask you some questions?
T-Who wants to be happy? ( Children answer)
T-Who wants to have a strong and happy family in future? ( Children answer)
T-Who wants to have kind and loving children? ( Children answer)
T-And what is the main thing in the family?
( Children answer and Teacher writes the answers on the board:
love, tenderness, respect, patience, the own house, money, health, faithfulness ).
III. Речевая разминка. Повторение. (5 мин.)
T-Well done, children! All the things are important for the family. But what is the
main thing? ( Children answer using the linking devices. First read them in
chorus. ) (на интерактивной доске 2 слайд c вводными словами)
IV. Основная часть (30 мин.)
T-From my point of view love is the first in the list of these values. Do you agree
with me? ( Children answer)
T- But who can explain what “love” means? How can we learn to love?
In the history of Orthodox Church we can find the examples of happy families. I
want you to answer the question:
T-What does it mean, “family” from the Christian point of view?
( Children answer, “Family is a small church, where the husband is the head, the
wife helps him in every thing and children are “people” whom they must teach
and rear) .
(на интерактивной доске 3 слайд) Children look at the slide
T-And Who will be on the first place in the family? ( Children answer: God will
be on the first place).
T-Absolutely right. Look at the next slide.
(на интерактивной доске 4 слайд)
T-If you open the Bible and read the first pages you will seethe words: “The man
will leave his father and mother and join the woman and they will be as one
body”. And from that moment nobody can part them.
Do you think it’s too difficult to use it in our life? Why? ( Children answer)
T- Of course our life is sometimes too dramatic. Who can give us the strength?
Where can we find the light when it’s too dark?
Some pupils got the task to prepare the short stories about the life of saint
families whose life was the proof for lot of doubting persons. They prove that it’s
possible to have such families because what’s impossible for men is possible for
We’ll speak about :
-Peter and Phevronia
- Adrian and Natalia
- Kirill and Maria
(The first group starts speaking about Peter and Phevronia, the others write
down the plan of the story in their note-books. The get the cards with the
questions to the text)
(на интерактивной доске 5 слайд)
- The 1
speaker: A well known story about Russian prince Peter and his wife
from a poor family Phevronia seems to be a fairy-tale. Nevertheless it’s a real
story when the sick prince of Murom Peter was treated by the girl from the
small village. As a pay for the treatment Peter promised to marry her.
It was so cheeky from the point of view of the ordinary people. But it was God’s
action. Phevronia was clever and kind. The prince and people loved her so much
but the boyars and their wives felt hatred because of her birth. They couldn’t
forgive that the poor girl became their princess and they had to bow to her.
-The 2
speaker: One day the boyars came to Peter and asked him to drive
Phevronia away from the country. But the prince didn’t want his wife to go
along. He went away with her. He was afraid but his clever and faithful wife
advised him to trust God and not to give up.
They were far away from Murom when the boyars started fighting for the power
in the city. But God didn’t leave the saint family. He sent his angels with burning
swords to the city. They were walking from house to house and asked, “Where is
your prince Peter?”
-The 3
speaker: In a great fear the boyars ran after the prince and his wife, got
down on their knees, asking to come back to the city, be their rulers and save
them from the mysterious youths.
Peter and Phevronia forgave them and came back to Murom, they were clever
and kind rulers and in the end of their life they decided to go to monastery. They
died at the same day and now they are together in Eternity.
T-Well done. Do you know when we remember these saints? ( Children answer:
On the 8th of July. They still help families to live in love and harmony ).
Ask some questions after listening from the cards:
-Why did the prince have to marry the poor girl?
-What was the reason of boyars’ hatred?
- Why did the boyars ask Peter and Phevronia back to Murom?
T-Now we speak about one more saint family of Adrian and Natalia. ( Another
group starts speaking about their life. Pupils write down a short plan of the story
and find the answers to the questions from the cards:
-What can you say about Adrian’s person?
- Why did he get into prison?
- What did his wife do after Adrian’s arrest?
_ Where did Natalia travel after her husband’s death?)
(на интерактивной доске 6 слайд)
-The 4
speaker: A young couple lived in Nicomedia many years ago. There were
the times when the Christians were driven and tormented. Adrian was a young
rich man believing in pagan idols. Once he saw how a group of Christians was
cruelly tortured but they refused to bow down in front of idols.
Adrian was extremely surprised at this fact and he wanted to be a Christian too.
A cruel pagan tsar Maximian sent him to prison with other Christians, but Adrian
was happy. Now he knew the aim of his life.
-The 5
speaker: His wife Natalia was a Christian too, but she was afraid to
speak about it. Now she put on her best clothes and ran to prison. She decided to
be next to him and keep him up.
She got down on her knees and begged him to suffer everything to get the
reward from God, the endless gladness.
The martyrs were in prison for many days and Natalia and her servants helped
- The 6
speaker: After that Maxsimian again called Adrian asking him to bow
down in front of idols to get the freedom, but the saint refused and was
cruelly tortured and killed. Natalia was near by and preyed for him. After her
husband’s death she travelled to Vizantia on board the ship with other
Christians and the bodies of saints.
In Vizantia she slept forever in one of the churches and saw Adrian who called
her to Eternaty.
T-There were a lot of other happy families in our history. Some of them are well
known and some are not, but all of them lived with the God’s help growing in
love and belief.
V. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание. Объявление оценок за урок
(5 мин.)
(на интерактивной доске 7 слайд)
T -Look at the next slide. Here you can see Kirill and Maria, the parents of our
great Russian saint Sergey Radonezhskiy.
And your home task will be to find the information about them.
This topic is so important and wide, we can speak more and more, but our lesson
is over. I advise you to think a lot about our questions to find literature, to look
for the information in the internet, don’t be passive, analyse everything you
hear and see. And I hope you will find the truth in your own life.
Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye.
Библия.-Москва: Российское Библейское Общество, 2000
Балакшин Р.А. Избранные жития святых.-М. Изд-во Сретенского монастыря,