Конспект урока "The Green World. Жасыл Әлем" 7 класс

Ағылшын тілі 7 сынып
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Сарлыбаева Амина Кабылдиновна
Павлодар қаласы
Сабақтың тақырыбы:’’The green world’’
Мақсаты: 1.Балаларды ағылшын тілінде қоршаған ортамен таныстыру.
2.Аңдарды, Жер планетасын қорғауға сүйіспеншіліктерін ояту.
3.Оқушылардың оқу, сөйлеу, ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту.
1.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі: Greetings.
T. Good morning,children!
(Who is on duty today? Who is absent?)
2.Сабақтың барысы:
Let’s begin our lesson. Look at the blackboard. Read the epigraph to our
«I’m the part of the world and the world is a part of me».
How do you understand these words? What does it mean?
3. Үй жұмысы тексеру:
Plural form of nouns (rule)
Words animals (look at the picture and name the animal. Give the plural form of it)
4. Жаңа тақырыпты меңгеру:
Ex. 2, p.55 - 56
Жаңа сөздер
Pollute- ластау
Dumb- ақылсыздық
Мәтінмен жұмыс. (оқу және аударма)
Read the letter. Translate the text.
The Green World. Жасыл Әлем
Answer the questions. Ex3, p.56
Оқушыларға қойылатын қосымша сұрақтар:
a\Do you like the poem?
What does American girl ask for?
What should we do to make the Earth better?
Oh, look how beautiful our planet will be if we only help it. Together we can make the world
The Earth’s day is on the 22
of April.
b\ We have in our land 8 reserves. They are: Aksu-Zhabagaly, Almaty, Markhakol, the West
Altay, Khorgalzhyn, Nauryzym, Barsakelmes, Ustirt. In the future will be created another 9
reserves. They are Karatau, Betpakdala, Torgay. Alakol, Zhongar, Zaysan, Balkhash River,
Khysylkhum and Ereimentau. In these reserves are many animals and people work with
animals all day.
V. Грамматиканы қайталау.
Past Simple
Қолданылатын кездері. Жасалуы
1.watched, he, yesterday, TV.
2. helped, the house,last Sunday, Ann, about
3. Мен кеше үй жұмысы істедім.
4. Ол 2 ай бұрын Астана болды
Irregular verbs. дұрыс және бұрыс етістіктер
Слайдтардан бұрыс етістіктердің формаларды жасау.
Present Perfect Continuous
Қолданылатын кездері. Жасалуы
Мен ағылшын тілін бес жылдан бері үйреніп жүрмін.
Асхат 10 жасынан бастап компьютер ойнап жүр.
How long ____ you _____ (learn) English?
I love music. I _____ (play the dombra) since I was 9.
This crossword is difficult. I ____ (do) it for 40 minutes.
IV. қорытынды.
V. Үй жұмысы
a\ех.8, р54 оқу
ереже қайталау.
Павлодар, СОШ №37
Учитель английского языка Сарлыбаева Амина Кабылдиновна
Tема: Astana is the capital of our country.
Form X.
Цели: 1. Совершенствовать языковые навыки и умения, расширить знания учащихся о столице нашей страны.
2.Развитие познавательных способностей: памяти, внимания, логического мышления.
Активизация познавательной активности и развитие интереса к предмету через использование
информационных технологий.
3.Воспитание чувства патриотизма, гордости за свою столицу.
Оборудование: компьютер.
Ход урока.
I.The beginning of the lesson. T: Good morning! How are you? ( Звучит кюй, на экране появляется Байтерек).
1. Warm-up activity.
T:What do you see on the screen?
S: We see Baiterek.
T: What is it?
S: It is a symbol of Astana.
T:What will we speak about today?
S: About Astana.
T: What is Astana?
S: It is the capital of Kazakhstan.
T: What do you know about Astana and what kind of sightseeing are there in this city ?
2. Brain storming.
T: Good! And now please , look at the diagram and complete it. ( Учащиеся составляют диаграмму).
II.Pre-reading activity. ( Демонстрация слайдов в сопровождении музыки).
III.Reading activity.
T: Listen and read the text, please!
Astana is the new capital of Kazakhstan. The former names of Astana were Akmola, Tselinograd and Akmolinsk.
The city was originally founded as a fortress in 1824 and named Akmolinsk. It was Renamed to Tselinograd in 1961.
Now it is one of the political and cultural centres of Kazakhstan. It is situated in Eurasian continent. In 1992 the
city was returned its former name Akmola, but in 1998 it became Astana. It has a highly developed industry,
agriculture, which produce meat and milk, cattle-breeding and poultry. It is also an economic center. Thousands of
people from different parts of the former USSR came to build this city and stayed to live here. Within ten years a
lot of institutes, schools, museums, cinemas, wonderful palaces, fashionable hotels, many supermarkets and
different institutions were built in the city. It is a financial center in Eurasian continent, because there are many nets
of banks here. Astana is one of the most beautiful cities in Asia. You can see quite a lot of splendid sightseeing in
the city. They are: magnificent buildings of the House of Parliament, the Government building, the beautiful Saltanat
Saraiy, the Residence of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministries House, Supreme Court, Astana
International Airport, Railway Station, hotel “Everest”, Baiterek and other buildings. Baiterek is the symbol of Astana
All these sights attract the attention of Astana citizens and the tourists. Astana is becoming the international,
business and cultural center of not only Kazakhstan, but of the Eurasian continent as a whole. We are proud of our
new and modern capital.
IV. Post-reading activity.
a. T: Read the sentences and mark true or false. (T or F).
1. Astana was founded in 1998.
2. Thousands of people from America came to build this city and stayed to live here.
3. It is a financial center in Eurasian continent, because there are many nets of banks here
4. Astana is one of the most beautiful towns in Asia
5. There are many sightseeing in Astana.
6. Astana is becoming the international, business and cultural center of not only Kazakhstan,
about of the Eurasian continent as a whole.
b. Read and complete the sentences.
1. Astana is……………………………………………………………..
2. The former names of Astana were……………………………………..
3. It is situated in ………………………………………………………
4. It has a highly developed ……………………………………………
5. You can see……………………………………………………………..
6. Astana is becoming …………………………………………………….
V. Reflection.
T: Relax! Close your eyes! Imagine you are in Astana.
(Звучит спокойная музыка, учитель читает текст про Астану под музыку).
T: Open your eyes, please! Answer my questions?
- Would do you like to visit Astana?
- What sightseeing of Astana do you want to see most of all? Why? Etc.
VI.The end of the lesson.
Homework: Write down a composition” My native town”. Conclusion.