Конспект урока "Television" 6 класс

Открытый урок Английского языка в 6 классе по теме: «Television».
(УМК «Enjoy English-3» Биболетовой М.З. и другие)
Место урока в цикле рабочий урок закрепления изученного материала.
Форма урока стандартная с элементами ролевых игр, применение
здоровьесберегающих технологий (валеологическая пауза, смена деятельности).
Задачи: Обучающие
Активизировать лексику по теме «Телевидение, виды телепередач».
Формировать навыки устной речи по теме: «Виды ТВ- программ, выбор
Обучение и проверка сформированности монологической речи по теме,
умения выражать свои предпочтения и неприязнь.
Развитие умений поискового чтения текста.
Развитие способности к анализу изученной
информации, классификации типов передач, умения
выражать и анализировать свое мнение относительно
различных видов программ, фильмов.
Развитие памяти.
Развитие мотивации к изучаемой теме.
-- Формирование уважения к мнению других людей; умения вести беседу,
диалог, соблюдать речевой этикет.
Цели урока: Практическая – совершенствование навыков говорения в
монологической и диалогической речи
Воспитательная – создание условий для формирования у учащихся
культуры поведения в коллективе, толерантного отношения к иноязычной
Развивающая – способствовать развитию у учащихся мышления,
памяти, воображения, умения работать в парах, в коллективе.
Образовательная – способствовать расширению лингвистического
кругозора при работе над темой.
Оборудование урока:
Проектор, компьютер, раздаточный материал
1. Организационный этап урока:
Teacher: “Good morning! What date is it today?Today we’re going to speak about
TV and TV programmes , we’ll talk about your favourite channels and programmes,
films, about your TV habits. I hope you’ll take an active part in the lesson.
2. Основной этап урока:
а) фонетическая зарядка:
First, let's drill some sounds and words which will help you today. What sound is this?
-[ei]. ( отработка звука в режиме учитель-класс-ученик -1, 2, 3.
Say the words with this sound after me: lazy, gain, weight, radiation, famous, makes,
( отработка слов в режиме: учитель-класс-ученик-1,2,3).
-[ai] buy, time, like, dislike.
-[æ] damage, travel, badly.
-[t] wasting, take part, relatives
в) речевая зарядка:
I’m going to ask you some general questions on TV, your TV habits. In Britain
about 95% of homes have a TV. Children aged between 11-16 watch TV 3
hours a day. What about you?
- Do you like watching TV?
- When do you usually watch TV?
- How long do you watch TV?
- Do you watch it alone?
- Do you like watching sport programmes? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
- Do you like watching game shows?
- Do you like watching science fiction?
- Do you like watching comedies?
- Do you like watching soaps?
- Do you like watching children's programmes?
- Do you like watching news?
- Do you like watching documentaries?
- What TV programme do you like watching? I like watching …
- What programmes does your mother like?
- What programme do you like and why? I like … because it makes me
happy / merry / clever / serious / kind / music-minded / romantic/ cool/
intelligent / strong.
- What TV programme do you dislike watching and what makes you dislike
it? I dislike watching … because it makes me nervous / primitive / lazy /
dull / rude / mad / cruel / sorry.
d) Проверка домашнего задания.
Let's check up your homework.
There are three groups in our class. Each group took part in research. They asked
students of our school which TV programmes they watched most often. Please, tell
us about the results of your work. ( представитель каждой группы у доски
представляет диаграмму и рассказывает о полученных результатах)
e) Совершенствование навыка говорения в монологической речи:
Teacher:. Now, I suggest you to do your own advertisement, because some people
think that watching the box is for lazy people.
Some of you will be advertisement-makers, others people who don't like watching the
You, advertisement-makers try to persuade them, why it is important to watch the box.
- When you watch TV you rest.
- When you watch TV you receive information.
- When you watch TV you relax.
- When you watch TV you listen to classical and modern music.
- When you watch TV you see and listen to famous people.
- When you watch TV you study foreign languages.
- When you watch TV you can take part in shows and win prizes (cars,
- When you watch TV you can buy things for the comfort of your home.
- When you watch TV you travel round the world without wasting money.
- When you watch TV you watch operas, ballets and performances.
Teacher: You know that TV-watching has not only advantages, but also
Let's watch a short film about the dangers of TV (просмотр ролика)
What can you say about disadvantages of watching TV?
Pupuls: You become lazy when you spend too much time watching TV.
- You have no time to speak to or see friends and relatives when you spend
too much time watching TV.
- You sleep badly when you spend too much time watching TV.
- You damage your eyes when you spend too much time watching TV.
- There is too much radiation in the room when you spend too much time
watching TV.
- You are too lazy to go to the theatre and cinema when you spend too much
time watching TV.
- You have no time to do your homework and to help your parents around the
when you spend too much time watching TV.
- You are too lazy to read books and do homework when you spend too much
watching TV.
g) Валеологическая пауза.
Teacher: When you spent too much time watching TV you damage your eyes, to
avoid it, let's do some exercises:
- Закрыть глаза, сильно зажмуриться, проморгаться.
- Посмотреть налево, направо, проморгаться.
- Посмотреть на левое плечо, посмотреть на правое плечо, проморгаться.
- Посмотреть на кончик носа, посмотреть вперед, проморгаться.
- Посмотреть на близкий предмет, посмотреть на палец, проморгаться.
h)Развитие умения поискового чтения по диалогу
And now I’d like you to read the dialogue about choosing a film. Then you are to
do the task on papers . (чтение диалога и выполнение задания)
Now let's look through the TV schedule in ex10, p 147
i)Совершеннствование навыков говореня (умение выражать свое мнение)
Agree or disagree with the following statements. Begin your statements with:
I agree (disagree) that…
I don’t agree that…
It’s quite true that…
You are absolutely right…
I don’t think so,…
1.Television takes most of our time.
2.Cinema and theatre are not popular because of TV.
3.Thrillers and horror films are for children.
4.TV advertisements are very interesting.
5.Radio is not so popular as TV now.
6. TV is terribly bad for people’s eyes.
We’ve discussed today your favourite films and programmes. Now I’d like you
to repeat some grammar and lexicon. Test “On TV” (раздаточный материал).
Test: «On TV»
Choose the correct answer :
1) How often do you watch TV ?
a. For two hours.
b. Almost every day.
c. With Helen.
2) Where do you usually watch films ?
a. At 12:00.
b. At the cinema.
c. Without parents
3) What kind of films do you like ?
a. Yes, I do.
b. I like science-fiction.
4) How many hours a day do you watch TV ?
a. In my living-room.
b. About two hours.
c. I watch the news.
d. On Tuesday.
5) Will you go to the cinema next week ?
a. Yes, I’ ll.
b. I prefer dramas.
c. For an hour.
6) What are you doing ?
a. I have watched TV.
b. I will watch TV.
c. I’m watching TV now.
3.Заключительный этап урока:
Оценка работы на уроке. Рефлексия Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов
I’m satisfied with your work at the lesson. I’m pleased with the answers. Thank
you for your participation. Your hometask for the next lesson is to write your own
TV schedule for tomorrow