Конспект урока "Kate’s shopping" 5 класс

Grade: 5
Teacher: Moldazhanova A.M.
The theme of the lesson: Kate’s shopping.
The form of the lesson: Traditional
The aims of the lesson:
Educational- to give the definition for countable and uncountable nouns, using
them with a, some, any; to enrich students’ vocabulary with the new words of the
theme “food”; to revise there is/there are, Is there/ Are there…?+ short answers.
Developing- to develop reading, writing, speaking skills; to develop memory,
thought, imagination, dialogue and monologue speech.
Up-bringing- to bring up the culture of communication, the interest in buying
food, cooking; to respect tastes of other people.
The equipment of the lesson- An active board, CD, CD-player, pictures of food.
The procedure of the lesson
I Organizational moment
1. Greeting
Teacher: Good morning, class!
Class: Good morning, teacher!
T.: Sit down, please.
2. Speech drill
T.: How are you?
What is the date today?
What is the day today?
What is the weather like today?
Who is absent today?
3. Phonetic drill
Look and listen to the poem, repeat after me.
What vowel sound do you hear two times?
S1, S2,S3 etc.
A candy bar
A piece of cake [ ]
A lollipop
A chocolate shake [ ]
Look at the shopping list and then write the words in English.
Sandwich bread ham butter cheese pasta eggs etc.
4. Setting the aims
T.: Today at the lesson we will talk about the food, we’ll go shopping for
some delicious things; then we’ll make salads, and we’ll have the
competition for the most disgusting recipe.
Today at the lesson we will
talk about food;
go shopping for some delicious things;
write the most disgusting recipe.
II The main part
1. Checking up the home work
T.: Your home task was to draw a picture of your dream home and
describe it using “There is a … (for singular things)” and” There are some
… (for plural things)”. So, you’re welcome!
S1, S2, S3, etc.
OK, thanks a lot!
2. Explanation of the new material
T.: Will you tell me: What does “countable noun” mean?
What does “uncountable noun” mean?
S3: It means- you can count them, but you can’t count uncountable
nouns, for example: apples, eggs- count., sugar, water-uncount.
T.: OK, you’re right!
Countable nouns can be singular: a bottle an onion
and plural: some bottles some onions
Uncountable nouns are always singular, but we use some and any with
them: There’s some water. There isn’t any bread. Is there any cheese?
We use ________ with uncountable nouns in affirmative sentences.
We use ________ with uncountable nouns in negative sentences and in
Countable nouns
Singular Plural
There is a sweet There are some
in the box. sweets in the box.
Is there a sweet Are there any
in the box? sweets in the box?
Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
No, there isnt. No, there arent.
You cant count them
Uncountable nouns
There is some lemonade in the glass.
Is there any lemonade in the glass?
Yes, there is.
No, there isnt.
There isnt any lemonade in the glass.
Now, we’ll go shopping to buy things we have in the shopping list. You
should ask the shop assistant and he will answer you.
For example: Is there any bread?
No, there isn’t.
Are there any peppers?
Yes, there are.
One of you will be the shop assistant and will give the short answers.
Let’s start playing!
S1-S2, S3-S2, S4-S2, etc.
3. Practice
a) Exercise 6 a, b page 75;
b) Exercise 8 at page 75
“Disgusting recipe”
disgusting [ ]
recipe [ ]
Think of a disgusting recipe. For example: A milkshake with ice and onions.
An omelette with sardines and mushrooms.etc.
You’ll have three minutes to think of it. Then tell the class your idea. And who will
tell the most disgusting recipe he will get the prize!
Think of a disgusting recipe.
Tell the class your idea.
For the most disgusting recipe
youll get the prize!!!
S1, S2, S3, etc.
III Concluding stage
1. Sum up
What was the theme of our lesson?
What did we do at the lesson?
What new have you learnt today at the lesson?
2. Giving marks
3. Giving the home task
To learn new words, work book p 41
4. Saying good bye
T.: Our lesson is over. Good bye, students!
Cl.: Good bye, teacher!