Конспект урока "Helping people" 5 класс

Тема урока: Helping people.
Цель урока: совершенствование речевых умений и навыков в рамках языковой темы
«Мы должны помогать людям вокруг нас»
Задачи урока:
Расширять лингвистический и общий кругозор учащихся на основе практического
владения знаниями по теме;
Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи;
Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Помощь учащихся школы»;
Развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения основной информации;
Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Present Perfect Tense»;
Развитие коммуникативных навыков (презентация проектов);
Повышение мотивации к получению знаний по английскому языку.
Развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся;
Развивать чувство красивого посредством поэзии и прослушивания музыкальных
Воспитывать чувство любви, уважения, толерантности к членам своей семьи и другим
Воспитывать стремление изменить мир к лучшему.
Мультимедийный проектор.
Иллюстрации по теме.
Плакат «Helping people», бумажные ладошки и цветы.
Аудиозапись № 08, упражнение 1.1 стр. 54. (Кузовлев В.П. и др.: «Английский язык.
Электронное приложение ABBYY Lingvo с аудиокурсом к учебнику английского языка для
6 класса «English 6» общеобразовательных учреждений – М.: Просвещение, 2014г.)
Аудиозапись песни «How are you
Мультфильм «If you're happy» (для физкультминутки).
Музыкальное сопровождение.
Мультфильм «Our Duty Towards The Family».
Презентация учащихся по теме «Помощь по дому».
Таблица «Present Perfect Tense».
Дополнительный дидактический материал (карточки с заданиями).
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
Hello. ! I am glad to see you! It’s very nice to see your smiling faces. How are you? Feeling friendly? I hope you
are. Let’s sing the song «How are you? ».You are good singers.
(Исполнение песни «How are you? »). (Приложение №1).
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
I'm hungry,
I'm tired,
I'm cold,
I'm sad
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
I'm happy
I'm great
I'm good
I'm OK
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
2. Сообщение темы урока
I think we’ll have an unusual class today. We are going to speak about you and me, our families and friends, the
world we live in. It’s the wonderful world we live. For thousands of years the Earth has given support to all forms
of the life. And we must give a hand our planet and people around us. Can you guess the topic of our lesson?
(Плакат «Helping people») (Приложение №2). Look at the letters. Some of them are missing. HLPNG PPL. The
topic of our lesson is HELPING PEOPLE. The question we’ll try to answer at the end of the lesson is “What have we
done to help people around?
3. Фонетическая разминка.
Firstly, we begin with pronunciation. Listen to me and repeat it after me.
[ɔu]-local, sew, lonely
[eɪ]- rake, neighbour, neighbourhood
[ɪ]- pick, litter, tricks
[ɪ:]- clean, leaves, graffiti
[w]- sweep, water, wash
4. Речевая разминка.
I think being children we take the first lessons of help in our families. That’s why I want you to tell some words
about them. Firstly, let’s make up the words using letters. (Запись на доске).
1. Игра «Собери слово»
E, h, p, l (help)
C, e, l, a, n (clean)
A, s, w, h (wash)
R, w, t, e, a (water)
O, o, k, c (cook)
E, w, s (sew)
P, c, k, i (pick)
E, e, s, w, p (sweep)
U, y, b (buy)
E, r, a, k (rake)
That’s right.
2. Игра «Назови словосочетание»
Look at the blackboard. You see two columns of the words. Match them to make up word expressions. (Карточки со
Well done! I see that you know a lot of household activities.
5. Повторение раннее изученного материала
Работа с иллюстрациями, таблица «Present Perfect Tense»
Do you help your parents? - Yes, I do.
Have you helped your parents this week?
What tense is it? (Present Perfect Tense). (Приложение 3).
How can we form Present Perfect Tense?
By the way, what groups can we divide verbs? What are they? (Regular and irregular verbs)
How do we form the third form of regular verbs? (We add the ending ed) Yes, we add the ending ed.
What about the third form of irregular verbs? (We must learn it.)
Let’s play the game «Lotto», fill in the table and work in pairs. (Карточки с заданиями). (Приложение 4).
Are you ready to answer? We have the magic red envelope. Open it and you find out the correct table, compare it
with your writings. Now use these phrases to make up sentences to describe the pictures. Use the Present Perfect. Be
careful with your grammar, please. Do you have any mistakes?
What have you done or haven’t done to help your parents today? (Иллюстрации по теме). Thats good.
Does your mother say you: «Are you a good helper? »
Декламация стихотворения «Helping mother»
Now let’s remember our poem «Helping mother». Who wants to declare it?
Help your mother set the table
With a knife and fork and spoon;
Help your mother set the table
Every afternoon.
Help your mother clear the table,
Take the knife, and fork and spoon.
Help your mother clear the table
Morning, night and noon.
to wash
the bed
to go
the dishes
to clean
the flowers
to cook
the dog
to water
the pet
to walk
the room
to feed
the shopping
to make
the meal
Просмотр фрагмента мультфильма“Our Duty Towards The Family”.
I see, you have a lot of household chores. Now we are going to watch a cartoon Our Duty towards the Family” and
do the task. Be attentive now. (Приложение №5).Do you like it? That’s correct.
Драматизация диалогов
How do you help your parents? Your classmates have prepared thе dialogues for you. Let’s dramatize thе dialogues.
Dialogue 1
-Ann, come and help me, please.
- Oh, Daddy, I can’t do that, I’m busy.
- And what are you doing? I wonder?
- I’m doing my homework. (Музыка)
- Ann, shall you give me a hand? Take out the rubbish, please.
- I don’t have time. I’m doing my homework. (Музыка)
- Ann, can you help me now?
- I can help you later. (Музыка)
- Ann
- What do you want, Daddy? Can’t you see I’m busy? (Музыка)
- But, we are going to have tea.
- Oh, I’m tired. Daddy, let’s have tea.
- I have already eaten the cake and have drunk tea. (Музыка)
Dialogue 2
- Hello, Mummy!
- Hello, dear!
- Mum, shall I help you and wash the dishes?
- Thank you, but I’ve already washed them. (Музыка)
- Can I sweep the floor?
- Oh, it’s all right, thank you. I’ve already done it. (Музыка)
- Mum, shall I clean the room?
- What’s the matter?
- I just want to be a good son.
- Oh, but I haven’t seen the result of the test yet. You have done it this week. Give me your diary, please? (Музыка)
- I have given it to Alex. He wants to scare his parents. (Музыка)
(Приложение №6). You are very talented actors!
Thank you, pupils. As you see, you sometimes like to help your families. You aren’t lazy and you love your parents.
Listen to the disc very attentively and then answer the question: What have the girls done to help their mum today?
(They have washed the dishes and swept the floor.) (Приложение 7).
Презентация учащихся по теме «Помощь по дому»
Do you like helping about the house? We have two video projects about our household chores. Let’s watch them.
Please speak louder. Your answer is brilliant. Your answer is good. (Приложение №8). I see HELP lives in your
families. Your parents do everything possible to make you happy.
Please, children, stand up and have a rest. Do the actions with the music. (Приложение №9).
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.(CLAP,CLAP)
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.(CLAP,CLAP)
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.(CLAP,CLAP)
If you are happy and you know it stamp your feet. (STAMP, STAMP)
If you are happy and you know it stamp your feet. (STAMP, STAMP)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it stamp your feet. (STAMP, STAMP)
If you're happy and you know it shout "Hurray!"(SHOUT HURRAY! SHOUT HURRAY!)
If you're happy and you know it shout "Hurray!"(SHOUT HURRAY! SHOUT HURRAY!)
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it shout "Hurray!"(SHOUT HURRAY! SHOUT HURRAY!)
Thank you. You are very active.
Игра «Добавь глагол»
It is important to help people in the neighbourhood, too. How can children help them? Add one verb before the
nouns. (Запись на доске).
(clean) houses/the floor/up the neighbourhood.
(pick up) litter/flowers/leaves
(water) flowers/trees/gardens
(rake) grass/leaves
(sweep) paths/the floor/gardens
(wash) the windows/off graffiti
That’s excellent work.
Индивидуальная работа на ноутбуке.
There are a lot of traditions of helping people in our school. Children have cleaned up the schoolyard this autumn.
What have they done? Take the laptops, please. Turn on the laptops. Press the start-up button. Press the code. Find
the file “Present Perfect’ on the screen. Let’s read the task and do it. (Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check
your answers.) You have one minute to do this. Click the start-off button. (Приложение №10).
The children have done (do) a lot of work this autumn.
They have cleaned (clean) up the schoolyard.
The girl has swept (sweep) paths.
Boys have raked (rake) leaves.
The pupil has washed (wash) off graffiti from the wall.
The children have picked (pick) up litter and leaves.
What is your score? Children, well done.
Our schoolchildren have worked in the schoolyard this spring, too. Now I am going to show you some photos. Use
these phrases to make up sentences to describe the photos. I think our children have done a lot of work this year. Be
careful with your grammar. (Приложение №11).
(Примерные рассказы учащихся)
The children have done a lot of work this spring.
They have cleaned up the schoolyard.
The girls have watered flowers.
The boys have worked on the flowerbeds.
The children have picked up litter and leaves.
One boy has taken the rubbish out.
The children have helped other people this spring.
They have cleaned up the neighbourhood.
The boy has taken the rubbish out.
The girl has watered flowers.
The boys have worked on the flowerbeds.
The girls have picked up leaves.
Right you are.
Unfortunately not all elderly people have relatives who love and care about them. A lot of children are in local
hospitals now. Imagine we have already given a concert for them. What have we shown them? Let’s do the
pantomime. Choose the card, please. Who is lucky? (Карточки со словами).
Play the violin
Play the guitar
Sing a song
Do tricks
Play the piano
You are very bright actors!
Finally, I would like to know «Are you a good helper? » we have the Questionnaire. Read questions, translate them
and tick the right questions for you. (Приложение 12).
1) Can you say when your mother's (father's) birthday is?
2) Are you always polite and kind with your parents?
3) Do you set the table?
4) Do you clean your room?
5) Do you go shopping?
6) Do you wash the dishes?
7) Do you feed your pet?
8) Do you make your bed?
9) Do you take care of your little brother (sister)?
10) Do you sometimes give presents to your parents?
8 - 10 "yes" - you are an ideal child;
6 - 8 "yes" - you are a good child;
4 - 5 "yes" you must try to be better;
less than 4 "yes" - I'm sorry for your parents."
Count your points.
Who is an ideal child? Who is a good child? I'm happy for your parents
6. Подведение итогов урока
Our lesson is coming to the end. We have spoken about a lot of important things. Now it’s time to answer the
question: What have we done to help people around? (На доске на листе ватмана прикреплено изображение
земного шара. Учитель берет в руки заранее подготовленный рисунок детской ладошки, на котором написано
“I ‘ve ….” и прикрепляет ладошку на окружность.) (Приложение 13).
You can follow my example. You are very active and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. Now you know
how to help in our neighbourhood. I put you “good” and “excellent” marks. Now, I’m going to give you your
homework. Your homework for tomorrow is exercises 2, 3 at page 40-41 at your Activity book.
My friends! You have red, yellow, blue flowers on your table. Look at our planet. Let’s paint it. (Приложение №14).
Interesting- put the red flowers.
Useful- put the yellow flowers.
Boring- put the blue flowers.
Dear friends! Our lesson is over. Thank you. Remember: “Helping makes you stronger”!
МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа с углубленным изучением
отдельных предметов № 28»города Курска.
Конспект открытого урока
английского языка
в 5 классе по теме:
«Helping people».
Дата проведения: 27 ноября 2014г.
Учитель: А. Ю. Карпенкова
Класс: 5А