Конспект урока "Helping Around the House: Laying the Table. Table Manners" 6 класс

Тасенюк О.В.,
учитель английского языка СП №3 ГБОУ СОШ 2077
Разработка урока для 6 класса по УМК М. З. Биболетовой Enjoy English
Тема: “Helping Around the House: Laying the Table. Table Manners”.
Цели: Обобщение изученного материала по теме Helping Around the
Развитие познавательных интересов обучающихся Table Manners”.
Тип: урок комплексного применения знаний и умений
1. Активизировать изученный лексический материал по теме Helping Around
the House
2. Расширить словарный запас в ходе работы над подтемой: “Table Manners
3. Совершенствовать навык изучающего чтения обучающихся
4. Совершенствовать навык устной речевой деятельности обучающихся
5. Решать контекстные и ситуационные задачи
6. Закрепить грамматические навыки использования should/ shouldnt (даём
советы) и повелительного наклонения (составление инструкций)
1. Развивать умение обучающихся осуществлять монологическое высказывание
2. Развивать навыки работы в малых группах и в парах с последующим back -
3. Развивать у обучающихся стабильный интерес к изучению английского языка
4. Учить самостоятельно решать проблемы на основе изученного материала
5. Формировать умение делать выводы и обобщения по основным проблемам
1. Воспитывать у обучающихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка
2. Расширять кругозор обучающихся
3. Воспитывать коммуникативную иноязычную культуру
4. Повышать общий культурный уровень
1. Технология развития критического мышления
2. Технология развития оценочных действий
3. Технология контекстного обучения
4. Принцип здоровье сберегающего обучения
Компьютер, “Smart Board”
Дидактический материал:
1. Раздаточный материал для работы в группах (контекстные задачи,
ситуационные задачи)
2. Презентация – слайд-шоу (Microsoft Office PowerPoint)
3. Стихотворение “Manners, Manners…”
4. Аудиозапись стихотворения Helping Mother” (Enjoy English -6. mp3, 056 )
5. Аудиозапись Manners, Manners…”(Happy English.ru-7. mp3, 060).
Формы обучения
1. Коллективная
2. Интерактивная – в малых группах, в парах (выполнение дифференцированных
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент
1. Приветствие
2. Погружение. Целеполагание.
3. Сообщение о целях урока (ppt, sl.2)
II. Отработка фонетики (ppt, sl.3)
III. Активизация лексики по теме:
1. Какую работу по дому вы выполняете, чтобы помочь родителям?
2. Есть ли у вас постоянные обязанности по дому? Какие?
IV. Вы помогаете накрывать на стол. Как вы это делаете? Подумайте и скажите.
V. Пока вы это делаете, вспомним стихотворение Helping Mother сначала послушаем
его, потом вы расскажете его.
VI-VII. Выполнение ситуационных задач (2 пары). (ppt, sl. 4-5; 6-7)
Выполнение контекстных задач (2 малые группы) - back-report
VIII. Аудирование песня Manners, Manners…” c последующим прочтением в виде
стихотворения всей группой (по цепочке)
IX. Динамическая пауза (ppt, sl.8)
Х. Демонстрация: накрываем на стол (формальная и неформальный обстановка) (ppt, sl. 9-
XI. Презентация слайд шоу. «Какие манеры за столом являются хорошими, а какие
плохими». (ppt, sl.11-14)
XII. Зарядка для глаз. (ppt.sl.15)
FOLLOW UP (ppt, sl.16)
XIII. Подведение итогов урока
XIV. Рефлексия
XV. Домашнее задание
XVI. Завершение урока.
* Раздаточный материал и листинг слайд-шоу прилагается
English language teacher of SD #3 School #2077
A lesson for grade 6 (A text-book by M. Biboletova “Enjoy English”)
Development of the Lesson
I. Organizing the group
1. Greeting
2. Immersion
-Good morning boys and girls. (Good morning.)
-I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too)
-What date is it today?
-What day is it today?
-What is the weather like today?
-Who is absent today?
-Is he/she late?
-Is he/she ill?
-Have you had breakfast today?
-Who cooked it?
-Who set the table?
-Did you clear the table?
-Did you wash up? ...
-I believe that your homework is not the only thing you do at home. Do you help you parents?
-So, what do think we are going to speak about today? (PP: - About helping around the house)
-Yes, you are quite right.
3. Short information about the aims and the objectives
-Today we are going to continue our work on the topic “Helping Around the Houseand we
are going to touch upon such important subject as “Table Manners”. We are going to do some
tasks situational and contextual and make some important conclusions. We are going to read,
to recite a poem, to speak, to listen and to sing. We will work in pairs, in groups, and all
together. (ppt, sl.2)
-So, let’s begin. First of all, Phonetic Drilling. Look at the board and say after me.
II. Phonetic Drilling (ppt, sl.3) - Thank you.
-It's time to remember the ways you can help your parents at home.
1) - So, what chore can you do to help your parents at home?
(Students tell the class about their chore) P1, P2, P3 …
2) - Thank you. You really help a lot. Maybe some of you have even some definite duties,
don’t you?
(Those students who have duties tell the class about them) P1, P2, P3 …
IV. -Thank you. ….. Girls, you’ve said that you help your mother lay the table. How do you do
it? Think a little and be ready to tell us.
V. While you do it, we’ll remember the poem first listen to it and then recite it …………
(Students listen to the poem)
- OK. Any volunteers? You are welcome. PP …. (Students recite the poem)
-Thank you so much.
- So, girls, are you ready? Now it’s your turn to tell us how YOU do it.
(2 girls tell how they help set the table) PP
VI-VII. -Thank you. Now I’d like to ask you to form two pairs and all the rest will divide
into two groups. So, make pairs and groups.
a) the 1
pair situational task /Hand out 1 (True/False)/
b) the 2
pair - situational task /Hand out 2 (Matching)/
c) the 1
group contextual task / Hand out 3 (Giving advice)/
d) the 2
group contextual task / Hand out 4 (Giving instructions)/
-Please, start working. Let me know as soon as you are ready. (Students carry out the tasks)
-Well, the pairs, we are ready to listen to you. Look at the board, be attentive. Maybe someone
will have different ideas. (ppt, sl. 4-5; 6-7)
-Pair 1, your back-report, please. …
-Thank you.
-Pair 1, your back-report, please. …
- Well done!
-Thank you very much. Before listening to the back-reporters of our groups, I’d like to give you
the text of the poem “Manners, Manners…”.
-Group 1, your back-report, please. … Thank you.
-Now you, Group 2. It’s your turn. …
VIII.-Thank you so much. Let’s have a rest: listen to the song “Manners, Manners…”, you
have the text of it so you are welcome to sing. After that we are going to read it in a form of a
poem aloud. 2 lines for each. (Students listen + sing. Than read it out)
IX. DYNAMIC PAUSE (ppt, sl.8) -Thank you. You have been sitting for a long time. Let’s
have a dynamic break and do some exercises
-You are real athletes!
Х. We are going to talk about setting the table, the way we should do it in different situation.
And we will give some comments. Look at the Smart board.
Setting the Table (ppt, sl. 9-10). Formal and Informal. (Students look at the slides, give
their comments, make conclusions about the difference between formal and informal setting).
-Thank you. You are very smart.
XI. -I’ve prepared a sort of presentation for you. Strictly speaking it’s not a presentation, but
just a slide-show. Look, decide and say what is “good” and what is “bad”. (ppt, sl.11-14)
(Students carry out the task, answering from their places).
-Thank you. Now I’m sure you will remember how we must not behave when we are at table.
I don’t want your eyes to be tired or overstrained so I suggest you to have a relaxing break and
do a few exercises for eyes.
(Students do exercises for eyes)
-That’s enough. Thank you.
FOLLOW UP (ppt, sl.16)
XIII. Summing up
-We’ve done a lot of work today. We’ve done everything I want you to do: worked on the topic
“Helping Around the House”, touched upon Table Manners. You carried out situational and
contextual tasks and made some important conclusions. You read, recited a poem, spoke. You
worked in pairs, in groups, and all together.
-I believe you’ve worked well. I’m really pleased. Your marks are good and excellent.
XIV. Reflection
-So, our lesson is nearly over. Did you like our today lesson? What new have you learned?
(Students share their ideas)
XV. Home Task
-About your hometask. You’re going to have holiday. You’ve worked a lot lately. So, have a
rest. No hometask.
XVI. Ending of the lesson
-That’s all for today. Thank you for your work. Next time we’ll speak about food and meals. See
you later. Be careful, watch yourselves.
Helping Around the House:
Laying the Table. Table Manners.
A Lesson by Olga Tasenyuk
Grade 6-A.3
Moscow, 2013