Презентация "Manners, Manners" 7 класс

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Manners, Manners “Happy English.ru” 7 класс К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман Unit 6, Lesson 6 Listen & Read

Ex.3, p 130

napkin - салфетка

lap - колени

pass -передавать

straight - прямо

never, ever - никогда-никогда

elbows close to your sides – локти прижаты к бокам

They are all that matters. – это все, что имеет значение

to bite - кусать

to chew -жевать

stew - жаркое

rude - грубый

Manners, Manners

The fork goes on the left,

The knife goes on the right,

And never, ever try to eat

Without your fork and knife.

Spoons are for soup,

Forks for cakes and stew.

But never, ever try to bite

More food than you can chew.



They are all that matters.

Sit as straight as you could,

Elbows close to your sides.


They are all that matters.

Never play with your food,

And you will be all right.

Manners, Manners

If something is too far,

You pass it to your mates.

But never, ever try to take

From other people’s plates.

To talk at table is polite,

And not to talk is rude.

And never, ever try to talk

When your mouth is full of food.



They are all that matters.

Sit as straight as you could,

Elbows close to your sides.


They are all that matters.

Never play with your food,

And you will be all right.

Manners, Manners

At table every time

You have to watch yourself,

And never, ever start

Without a napkin on your lap.



They are all that matters.

Sit as straight as you could,

Elbows close to your sides.


They are all that matters.

Never play with your food,

And you will be all right.

Bad Manners


Let’s Talk About Manners

Митюгина Татьяна Геннадьевна

учитель английского языка

МОУ Кокинская СОШ Брянской области

Использованные ресурсы:

  • УМК “Happy English.ru” 7 класс К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман
  • «Титул» 2004г.

  • British table manners
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_manners#British_table_manners

  • Видео http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unXKYK0uRJ8&feature=related
  • Картинки http://images.yandex.ru
  • http://vechnostb.narod.ru/Animashki.html