Внеклассное мероприятие "Golden Autumn!"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
" Golden Autumn!"
Задачи праздника:
Образовательные задачи:
1. Обеспечение в ходе подготовки к празднику и во время его проведения повторение
лексики по темам «Буквы английского алфавита», «Овощи - Фрукты», «Цвета».
2. Формирование умение понимать на слух речь учителя и одноклассников
Воспитательные задачи:
1. Воспитание чувства этических норм поведения (правила поведения в зрительном
зале, уважение к выступающему однокласснику на сцене).
2. Формирование нравственных качеств личности (отзывчивости, доброты)
Развивающие задачи:
1. Развитие логического мышления, памяти, внимания, речи, познавательных
интересов и творческих способностей учеников.
2. Развитие эмоций учащихся, создание на празднике эмоциональные ситуации
радости, удивления.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор,
Ход мероприятия
Ведущий: -Good morning, dear boys and girls! Good morning, dear guests! I am glad to see
you in our school. We have the most beautiful season of the year. It’s autumn, so welcome to our
holiday " Golden Autumn!"
Do you like this season? (ответы детей).
Yes….It’s a very nice season. And what do you know about autumn?
Look at the blackboard! What do you see? (a tree). It has 8 orange leaves. Every leaf has a
question for you. Let’s begin!!!!
Маленькая викторина «Осенние листочки»
На доске картинка «листопад»
Ведущий: What is it? ………yes…. Autumn comes. It brings different colours: yellow, red,
green, dark green
Autumn is here; autumn is here!
The little grey squirrels tell us
Autumn is here;
Autumn is here; autumn is here!
The golden leaves tell us that.
Под музыку входит осень
Ведущий: Who are you?
Autumn: I am Autumn.
Good morning, my friends!
Glad to see you here!
I hear a beautiful poem about me. Лестно видеть вас тут, дорогие друзья. Я спешу для того,
чтобы приоткрыть дверь в свой удивительный праздник
Do you like my dress?
Do you like my parks and gardens?
Ведущий: Hello, Autumn! It is very good that you are here!
Autumn: Look, my apples like honey!
Everybody makes some jam.
I brought you flour
You will make a pie!
You can see my honey
And my autumn weather!
Do you like my rain?
All pupils: No, no!
Autumn: There are a lot of poems about me. Do you know them?
Autumn: What colour are leaves on my dress?...... My colourful leaves come with me
Танец «Листья»
Ведущий: Dear Autumn, probably you have a present-tasks for pupils!
Autumn: Yes, of course! I have a crossword for you. But you have to guess my riddles. Let’s
Ведущий: You have to know vegetables and the English letters
Разгадывание кроссворда
Ведущий: And what word have we? ….HARVEST
Autumn is the time for harvest. How rich it is today!
Autumn: My harvest is very fine!
Look! You see a carrot, a potato, a white cabbage, a red tomato, a green cucumber!
Выходят дети в шапочках, на которых изображены овощи: морковь, горошек,
помидоры, свекла, картофель, лук, капуста, огурец.
Here you are, my dear Pea!
The Pea:
I am so pretty,
You know me.
I am green sweet fellow
And can treat you!
And what about you any Beet!
The Beet:
Can I say a word?
You may use me for
Soup and for salad.
Nobody is so tasty like me!
The Cabbage:
People use me for the soup
And for tasty cabbage pies!
And especially the hares,
Young and old like my leaves.
The Cucumber:
If you eat a cucumber,
So green and sweet.
You will be very pleased.
The Carrot:
If you want to be so strong and clever,
Eat my carrot vitamins!
Drink my juice!
The Tomato:
Don’t you know that my juice
Is the most pleasant and tasty.
What vegetable we need for every dish?
The Onion: Onion, of course!
You are right1
I am very useful for people!
The Potato:
I am Potato, so modest!
Nothing can anybody say,
That all of you need
The Potato me!
Everybody is right!
But, do you hear? Somebody is knocking!
Входит доктор
Autumn: Oh, this is a doctor!
Hello! Glad to see you!
The Doctor: Hello! Glad to see you?
What are you talking about?
The Vegetables: Who is the most important for children?
Who is the tastiest!
The Doctor:
If you want to be strong and healthy
You should love all the vegetables!
And I can’t decide who is the most useful and tastiest!
All of you are very important!
Thank you, my dear Doctor!
Песня «Овощи»
Children! Do you know my sons?
What are their names?
All pupils: September, October, November!
Autumn: You are right! What can you say about them?
A pupil:
When I see the yellow, red leaves,
I know: it is September!
When I see the flying away birds,
I know: it is September1
When I go to school again:
It is September!
A pupil:
When I see the falling leaves,
I know: it is October!
When there are no vegetables on the fields,
I know; it is October!
And when they say the bear fell asleep,
I know: it is October!
A pupil:
It becomes colder,
It often rains
Everything is dull,
I know: it is November!
Ведущий: So our holiday is over! But we have the presents for our guests! Choose a present for
Thank you for your attention!