Конспект урока "Autumn holidays in Great Britain and the USA" 4 класс

Конспект урока английского языка.
Учитель Агапитова Ирина Николаевна.
Гимназия №278. г. Санкт-Петербург
Тема урока: «Autumn holidays in Great Britain and the USA»
Цель урока: расширение лексического запаса в рамках темы «Holidays»с
использованием электронных образовательных ресурсов.
Задачи урока:
образовательные: активизировать изученную ранее лексику и ввести
новую лексику по теме; развивать навыки чтения и аудирования;
развивать фонетические навыки; развивать фонематический слух;
развивающие: развивать внимание, память, логическое мышление и
наблюдательность; развивать социокультурную компетенцию;
активизировать познавательную деятельность обучающихся за счет
современных средств визуализации и интерактивных заданий; вовлечь
их в самостоятельную познавательную деятельность; стимулировать
интерес обучающихся к изучению языка, формировать основы
исследовательской деятельности(поиск и обобщение информации,
представление результатов исследования);
воспитательные: формировать уважительное отношение к культуре,
праздникам, традициям и обычаям других народов.
Используемые педагогические технологии: информационно-
коммуникационные технологии; элементы здоровьесберегающих
Использование ИКТ на уроке позволяет осуществлять индивидуализацию
обучения: работая на компьютере, обучающийся может выбрать
оптимальный для себя темп работы, он не боится делать ошибки, т. к. имеет
возможность вернуться и исправить их. Время, указанное в конспекте для
выполнения интерактивных заданий, является усредненным и может
варьироваться для каждого ребенка. Контроль над выполнением заданий
осуществляется самим обучающимся, что также снимает психологическую
нагрузку и способствует созданию комфортной атмосферы на уроке.
Оборудование: И.Н.Верещагина, Т.А. Притыкина «Английский язык», доска,
проектор, экран, компьютеры, электронный образовательный ресурс
«Английский язык. Начальная школа. Уроки. Игры Песни .» ООО «Кирилл и
Мефодий», Москва, 2010
Учитель: Агапитова Ирина Николаевна.
Ход урока:
Этап урока
Деятельность учителя
5 min
Good morning, my friends! Nice
to meet you!
How are you?
Take your seats and get ready for
the lesson.
Who is on duty today?
Lets talk about the seasons.
Look at the screen and answer my
questions, please.
How many seasons are there in a
What are they?
Lets talk about autumn in Russia
and in Great Britain.
How many autumn months are
there in Russia?
What are they?
What about Great Britain? How
many autumn months are there in
Great Britain?
What are they?
As you see there are three autumn
months in Russia and two autumn
months in Great Britain.
O.K. Listen to me and try to tell
me what the topic of our lesson is.
On that day we put on our best
clothes, cook a lot of tasty things,
invite our friends and relatives and
give them presents. What am I
talking about?
Right you are. Today we are
going to talk about holidays.
There are common holidays all
Good morning! Nice to meet
you, too.
I am fine, thanks.
A duty report.
Students answer the
Winter, spring, summer,
There are three autumn
months in Russia.
They are September, October
and November.
There are two autumn
months in Great Britain.
They are September and
October .
over the world: New Year,
Christmas and Easter . There are
special holidays in different
countries. Today we are going to
talk about autumn holidays.
What autumn holidays do you
know in Russia?
What do you do on that day?
What else can you tell us about
autumn holidays in Russia?
How do you celebrate it?
Very well.
Students answer the
For example:
On the first of September
we celebrate the First School
We come back to school
after summer holidays, meet
our friends and teachers.
On the fifth of October we
celebrate Teacher’s Day.
We congratulate our teachers
and give them flowers.
2 min
First of all, let’s train our tongues.
Let’s train the sound[θ]. Repeat
after me: three, think, thought,
thank, thanksgiving.
Open your vocabularies and read
the tongue twister.
Students repeat the words
after the teacher:
Three, think, thought, thank,
Thanksgiving Day.
Students read the tongue
I thought a thought. But the
thought I thought wasn’t the
thought I thought I thought.
the homework
3 min
Look at the screen, listen to the
song «The circle game» and sing it
Students sing the song:
Now the autumn’s coming.
Its so charming
With the harvest time
And golden leaves.
Now the autumn’s coming.
It’s so charming
With « trick and treat»
And bare trees.
And the seasons.
They go round and round.
And the painted ponies
They go up and down.
We are captive on a carousel
of time.
Well done. Thank you.
We can’t return.
We can only look behind
From where we came.
And go round and round
In the circle game.
4.Work on the
(1 computer-1
8 min
In this lesson we are going to learn
more about autumn holidays in
Great Britain and the USA and
especially about Thanksgiving
Day. At the end of our lesson I’d
like you to answer the questions
on the cards . I’m going to give
you some interesting computer
tasks. If you do the tasks you’ll be
able to answer the questions on
your cards.
Now take your seats at the
computers. Find the topic
«Autumn holidays».
Find task №5. Get to know the
dates of autumn holidays.
Find task №8. Read the story
about Thanksgiving Day and
match the text with the pictures.
Check your answers.
Students do the tasks on the
computers and check their
2 min
It’s time to have a rest. Will you
stand up? Who wants to recite the
poem and show the exercises?
One student recites the poem
and shows the exercises:
Hands up! Clap! Сlap! Clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips! Jump! Jump!
Run! Go! Swim! Stand up!
6. Work on the
Introduction of
13 min
O.K Take your seats at the
computers and go on.
Find task № 11. Listen and
translate new words.
Find task№12. Match the words
and the pictures. Check your
Students do the tasks on the
computers and check their
Now open your textbooks, page
99, ex.9, find and read some
information about Thanksgiving
Day. Who wants to read?
Very well.
The text can help you to answer
the questions. Please, check your
answers on your cards.
Have you done all the tasks?
Well done!
Take the cards and answer the
1. What holidays do Americans
celebrate in autumn?
2. When do they celebrate
Thanksgiving Day?
3. Why do they celebrate
Thanksgiving Day?
4. How do they celebrate
Thanksgiving Day?
5. What do Americans have for
Thanksgiving Day dinner?
6. What is the main meal of
7. Do you like this holiday?
8. Why do you like it?
9. Is there a similar holiday in
One student reads the text.
Students answer the
Americans celebrate Labour
Day, Halloween and
Thanksgiving Day in
They celebrate Thanksgiving
Day on the last Thursday of
They give thanks to God for
all they have.
They come together and
have traditional American
Americans have mashed
potatoes, cranberry sauce,
roast turkey with staffing,
sweet potatoes, squash,
whipped cream, gravy,
pumpkin pie. for
Thanksgiving Day dinner?
The main meal of dinner is
roast turkey with staffing.
Yes, I do.
Families come together for
that day and decorate their
houses with autumn’s fruit
and flowers.
No, there isn’t.
Very well. Now let’s check how
you have learnt some new words.
Look at the screen and read some
new words.
O.K. Let’s do task №12 together.
Please, match the words and the
Well done!
So Thanksgiving Day is a
beautiful and tasty holiday, isn’t
But a lot of families in
Russia grow fruit and
vegetables in their gardens.
In autumn they have a good
crop .They come together
and have tasty dinner.
Students read the words:
mashed potatoes, cranberry
sauce, roast turkey with
staffing, sweet potatoes,
squash, whipped cream,
gravy, pumpkin pie.
Students do task 12 with
their teacher.
7.Results of
the lesson,
2 min
That’s all for today. I hope you
have learnt more about autumn
holidays in Great Britain and the
How well do you think you know
the English you have learnt at our
Put a tick (V)l in the table .
O.K. Open your record books and
write down your homework:
Reader, Lesson 13, read the text
about Halloween and do exercises
after it.
Your marks for the lesson are the
Thank you for your work. The
lesson is over.
Goodbye, students.
Students fill the table«Self-
Students write down their
homework and put the
Description of
Level reached
I can understand:
-teachers questions,
-students’ opinions
about holidays
I can read:
-new words,
-texts about holidays
I can talk:
about seasons and