Конспект урока "Holidays of Great Britain"

Открытый урок по теме “Holidays of Great Britain
Цели: 1. Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
повторение и закрепление видовременных форм глагола; повторение и
закрепление лексики по теме “Holidays”; развитие навыков аудирования;
развитие познавательного интереса; учить анализировать, обобщать и
выделять главную идею.
2. Познакомить учащихся с праздниками и традициями страны
изучаемого языка.
3. Воспитывать уважение к культуре народа изучаемого языка.
I. Greeting
II. Warming up.
- Look at the blackboard. There are some lines on it. I’d like you to repeat
them after me, first slowly, then faster and faster.
On the board: Hurray! Hurray! We’re on our holiday.
Fantastic life, no work, all play
On our holiday
There’s lots to do and friends who say
Forget your books, that’s quite OK,
On our holiday.
- Now I am going to take some words away and you try to say the line without
them. Let’s train your memory.
III. Look at the lines once more and try to guess what we are going to
speak about. (Holidays).
- Who can give us the definition of the word Holiday? What does it mean?
- Where does it come from?
Sample answer: Holiday is a day on which people lay aside there ordinary
duties and cares. The word comes from the Anglo-Saxon ‘holing doeg’ or ‘holy
day’ (святой день). At first holidays honored some sacred (священный) events
or a holy person.
- There are also a lot of feast and festivals. What do you know about them?
Sample answer: Feast and festivals are special times of celebration. Most of
them take once a year and may last one ore more days. Many feasts and
festivals honour great leaders, saints, gods or spirits. Others celebrate a harvest,
the beginning of the season or a year, or the anniversary of a historical event.
During some feasts and festivals adults stay away from there job, and children
stay home from school. Some people celebrate happy events by decorating their
homes and streets, wearing special clothes. Many of these celebrations include
special meals, dancing parades.
- What colour do you associate with the word ‘holiday’? Why?
- Now I’d like you to classify all holidays into several groups according to
their description.
On the board: Historical
Professional Days of remembrance
Personal Public
- For example, what kind of holiday can wedding and birthday belong to?
IV. - What British holidays do you know? (New year, Mother’s day,
Thanksgiving day, Christmas, Easter, St. Valentine, April day,
- Now chose only one holiday and try to draw a picture to depict the holiday.
- Hand in your picture, please. Let’s guess what holiday on your pictures.
- Now I’d like you to choose the only word, the most suitable word to express
the main idea of each holiday. For example, for Thanksgiving day it is
On the board: Christmas - birth
Easter - resurrection
St. Valentine Day - love, devotion
Mother’s day - love, helping
April day - joke
V. At home you had to find the information about celebration of different
holidays. Now I’d like you to imagine that you are going to appear on a
radio programme. Some of you will be reporters, some of you will be
interviewers. The reporter asks the interviewer how he/she usually
celebrate the holiday. Choose only one holiday and prepare a
conversation. Work in pares.
VI. What holiday is coming soon? (Christmas)
- I offer you to listen to the song about a Christmas tree and fill in the gaps.
O _____ tree, O Christmas ____,
__faithful leaved unchanging.
Now only ___ in summer’s heat;
But also winter’s ___ and ___,
O _____ tree, O Christmas ____,
With faithful ____ unchanging.
- Open your books at page 136 and check yourself.
- It’s high time to have a rest. Let’s sing the song all together.
- By the way, what do you usually do before Christmas Day? To know what
usually British people do before Christmas Day I would like you to open
your books at page 131 and read the text. During the reading do Ex. 2, page
- Let’s check.
VII. The ne[t activity of our lesson is to revise the Present Perfect
Continuous and Past Perfect. Fresh your memories and tell me, please,
when we usually use these tenses.
a) Cards
b) Checking
VIII. Today we have spoken about holidays. We discussed almost all
holidays, but we didn’t touch one more holiday. I didn’t ask you to find
the information about it as I’d like you to know about it right now.
- Look at the screen and guess what holiday we are going to discuss
It’s Guy Fawkes Festival.
Questions: - When do people celebrate the holiday? (The 5
of November)
- What else can you say about the holiday? To get more information I’d like
you to read the text, but before let’s fill in the chart.
What do you know? What do you want to know?
IX. Reading in silence.
X. a) 2 groups - Prepare some questions about the text to the other group.
b) Retell by chain.
XI. Home task. Prepare the information about the Holidays in Kazakhstan
Урок составлен и апробирован учителем
английского языка
Кийко Е.А.