Конспект урока "Healthy eating" 6 класс

Lesson Plan
Class: 6
Theme: Healthy eating
Goals: 1. Обобщение материала по теме Healthy eating.
2. Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи, навыков чтения и
3. Формирование УУД:
- Личностные УУД: самостоятельность, самоорганизация, ценностное отношение к
совместной познавательной деятельности.
- Регулятивные УУД: целеполагание, прогнозирование.
- Коммуникативные УУД: учебное сотрудничество; построение речевых высказываний;
умение слушать и слышать.
- Познавательные УУД: расширение кругозора учащихся по теме “Здоровое питание”.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, пк, презентация, видеозапись, карточки с текстом,
раздаточный матриал
Lesson stages
1. Warming-up.
Poem “Robin, Robin”.
Students read the poem and try to guess the topic of the lesson. Then teacher erases words and
lines from the poem and children have to remember them. 3 m.
2. Speaking skills. Pair work. 5 m.
Students discuss their eating habits (from presentation). Than one student tells the class about
his/her partners eating habits. (using Present Simple Tense).
3. Checking homework. 5 m.
S.B. p.38 text., ex. 2,3 (Starlight 6). Teacher checks new vocabulary and exercises.
4. Listening skills. (Video “What should I eat today?”) 8 m.
Students watch a video and complete a table. (presentation)
5. Reading skills. 5 m.
Students read the text and answer the questions. (texts on cards)
6. Vocabulary skills. 5 m. Interactive game from Way Ahead
Students come to the blackboard and put the words into the right group.
7. Speaking skills. Group work. 10 m.
Students are going to be healthy food eating experts. Students discuss the theme in groups and
present some advice to the class.
group makes a “Healthy Eating Guide”.
2d group makes a “Healthy Diet Menu”
8. Reflexion. Homework 4 m.
9. Students tell what they learnt about healthy eating.
Did you know that foods can be broken into 4 groups?
The first group is GRAINS. It contains cereals, bread, rice and pasta. When you eat food
from this group, it gives your body energy to work and play.
The second group is VEGETABLES and FRUIT. This group has a lot of vitamins and
minerals.Your body needs plenty of these to stay healthy. Vitamins and minerals help your body
fight sickness. Besides some fruit and vegetables gives you energy for the whole day (e.g.
bananas, potatoes etc).
The third group is DAIRY PRODUCTS. It means milk, yourgut, cheese, cottage cheese etc.
This group gives your body an important mineral called calcium. Your bones and teeth need
calcium to stay healthy.
And the fourth group is MEAT, FISH and EGGS. These foods have protein. Protein helps
your body grow and be strong. It also keeps your body working well.
Did you know that foods can be broken into 4 groups?
The first group is GRAINS. It contains cereals, bread, rice and pasta. When you eat food
from this group, it gives your body energy to work and play.
The second group is VEGETABLES and FRUITS. This group has a lot of vitamins and
minerals.Your body needs plenty of these to stay healthy. Vitamins and minerals help your body
fight sickness. Besides some fruit and vegetables gives you energy for the whole day (e.g.
bananas, potatoes etc).
The third group is DAIRY PRODUCTS. It means milk, yourgut, cheese, cottage cheese etc.
This group gives your body an important mineral called calcium. Your bones and teeth need
calcium to stay healthy.
And the fourth group is MEAT, FISH and EGGS. These foods have protein. Protein helps
your body grow and be strong. It also keeps your body working well.