Конспект урока "Advantages and disadvantages of different professions" 11 класс
Тема: Достоинства и недостатки профессий.
План-конспект урока по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
Преподаватель: Бондарик С.В.
1 курс
Тип урока: комбинированный (урок комплексного применения знаний, умений, навыков;
изучения нового лексического материала)
Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в рамках обозначенной темы
Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся будут готовы
высказаться по заданной теме
✓ учить школьников полноценно пользоваться английским языком во всех видах речевой
деятельности в разных сферах его применения;
✓ содействовать расширению лексического запаса
✓ способствовать овладению учащимися основными способами мыслительной деятельности
(сравнение, анализ, обобщение);
➢ способствовать развитию языковых способностей
➢ учиться применять полученные знания на практике;
➢ учиться работать в команде
✓ способствовать развитию познавательной активности;
✓ способствовать уважительному отношению к людям разных профессий;
Методы: коммуникативный, интерактивный, проблемный, игровой
Оборудование урока: учебник Юхнель 11 класс, раздаточный материал
Формы организации учебно-познавательной деятельности: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная,
План занятия.
1) Вводная часть. 1.Организационный момент. – 5 мин.
2. постановка целей и задач. Актуализация опорных знаний.- 5 мин.
3. Фонетическая разминка.10 мин.
4. Речевая разминка.10 мин.
2) Основная часть.
5. Введение новых лексических единиц. – 15мин.
6. Первичное закрепление и отработка новой лексики;- 10 мин.
7. Закрепление и систематизация. Обучение устной речи; -25 мин.
3) Заключительная часть.
8. Выдача и пояснение домашнего задания.- 3 мин.
9.Рефлексия.- 2 мин.
10. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление и комментарий отметок.- 5мин
Ход урока. 1. Организационный момент. Warm- up
Good morning! Glad to see you.
Is everybody present?
First I’d like to give you your marks for the test.
The best works are… The main mistakes are…
Unfortunately not everybody was a success. What may be important for future success?
(This will motivate students and help them start thinking in English.)
2. Постановка целей занятия. Активизация опорных знаний.
What do people need to be a success?
What qualities are important?
What professions are the most popular? What are your parents?
Are there any good and bad things about their jobs? So today we’ll speak about advantages and
disadvantages of different professions.
3. Фонетическая разминка.
Now let’s look at some words and word combinations which are very useful for the topic:
Working conditions work long hours well (badly) paid
Hazards load skills
Salary strength and weakness experience
Ability to deal with clients to gain qualification
WORK can be creative, challenging, relevant, hard, easy,clean, dirty, rewarding,(un)skilled …
4. Речевая разминка.
5. Введение и отработка новой лексики.
What factors may be important for someone’s future career?
Write down the date and our topic.
Fill in the chart (group the words) in your ex.-books. Do it in pairs or small groups. There’s a list
of vocabulary below.
Guess the meaning or use dictionaries if you need:
Initiative, Ability to seize opportunities, Leadership skills, Ability to organize your time,
Education, Creative writing, Travelling, Art, IT, The Internet, Fashion, Communication,
Voluntary work, Management, Ability to analyze, Sciences, Family, Financial backing,
Experience of other cultures, Ability to cooperate, Supportive family, Well-rounded education,
Financial security, Ability to use one’s knowledge in a practical way, Influential acquaintances
(friends), Environment, Reading, Moral values, Persistence, Popularity among colleagues,
Positive image, Ambition, Ability to make useful contacts, Intuition, Attractive appearance,
Ability to solve problems, Motivation, Natural talent, Enthusiasm, Sense of humour, Tolerance,
Being goal-oriented, Creativity, Flexibility, Responsibility, Financial reward, Social position,
Sports activities, Willingness to compromise, Qualifications, Promotion, Charisma, Competitive
spirit, Career, Independence.
6. Закрепление и отработка новой лексики.
Well done. Now I want you to think of your future career. Could you make your own lists.
Try to use the vocabulary of the lesson.
And now exchange the lists with your partners and guess what his or her future career might
What are advantages or his or her future job?
7. Закрепление и систематизация. Обучение устной речи. (монологической и
Now look at the blackboard.
There are 2 pictures of Mr. X and Mrs. X and they are a success in their professions. This
group thinks of Mr X’s profession and describe his background, interests, priorities, skills and
personal characteristics. The students of the second group do the same with Mrs X.
After the groups are ready they exchange the picture sheets. Give them some minutes to
analyze, discuss in groups and guess the professions.
( Ask them to explain the answers. Encourage if they have several answers and give extra
ideas – the idea of the exercise is not only to practice the vocabulary but also to enjoy speaking
to each other and to the teacher.)
Think of advantages and disadvantages of their jobs (in groups)
You know the British are very polite. And you try to do the same when express your idea.
Use the introductory phrases: I think… In my opinion… To my mind….
8. Homework.
Learn the words form the chart.
Choose 2 professions and describe their advantages and disadvantages. (Use the phrases:
I think… In my opinion… To my mind…)
9. Reflection.
What was interesting at the lesson?
What do you think about your work during the lesson? What mark do you think you
should be given?
10. Summary: giving marks.
Pupil’s sheet
1) Fill in the chart (group the words) in your ex.-books. Do it in pairs or small groups.
There’s a list of vocabulary below.
Guess their meanings or use dictionaries if you need:
Initiative, Ability to seize opportunities, Leadership skills, Ability to organize your time,
Education, Creative writing, Travelling, Art, IT, The Internet, Fashion, Communication,
Voluntary work, Management, Ability to analyze, Sciences, Family, Financial backing,
Experience of other cultures, Ability to cooperate, Supportive family, Well-rounded education,
Financial security, Ability to use one’s knowledge in a practical way, Influential acquaintances
(friends), Environment, Reading, Moral values, Persistence, Popularity among colleagues,
Positive image, Ambition, Ability to make useful contacts, Intuition, Attractive appearance,
Ability to solve problems, Motivation, Natural talent, Enthusiasm, Sense of humour, Tolerance,
Being goal-oriented, Creativity, Flexibility, Responsibility, Financial reward, Social position,
Sports activities, Willingness to compromise, Qualifications, Promotion, Charisma, Competitive
spirit, Career, Independence.
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