Конспект урока «English Houses» 6 класс

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №70 г. Липецка
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 6 классе
«English Houses »
учитель английского языка
Семичева Алла Петровна
Тема « English Houses »
УМК М.З.Биболетовой для 5-6 класса.
Тип урока: урок формирования лексических навыков
Уровень изучения дисциплины: базовый.
Время урока: 45 минут.
Методы обучения: словесный, практический, наглядный.
Форма обучения: групповая, фронтальная.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, материалы для аудирования (mp3-формат), презентация к
уроку, видеоролик, раздаточный материал.
Задачи урока:
Учебная: введение и активизация новой лексики, совершенствование навыков аудирования и
Личностные УУД: формировать положительное отношение к процессу познания, развивать навыки
сотрудничества в разных ситуациях.
Регулятивные УУД: планировать свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей.
Познавательные УУД: успешно осуществлять актуализацию новых лексических единиц, основываясь
на учебную ситуацию и личный опыт; выстраивать логическую цепочку рассуждений для дальнейшего
выполнения соответствующих действий.
Коммуникативные УУД: слушать аудиозапись, учителя и друг друга для восприятия и
воспроизведения необходимой информации, адекватного участия в дискуссии по заданной ситуации;
План урока
1.Организационный этап (подготовка учащихся к работе на уроке; мотивация на успех учебной
деятельности, создание благоприятной атмосферы на занятии)
2. Постановка цели урока (определение совместно с учащимися что, для чего и каким образом они
будут делать на уроке)
3. Введение и отработка новой лексики. Просмотр видеоролика
4. Активизация навыков аудирования
5. Физминутка
6. Проектная работа
7. Рефлексия (подведение итогов урока, определение соответствия полученного результата
поставленным в начале занятия целям)
8. Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению
Ход урока
Деятельность учащихся
этап (подготовка
учащихся к работе
на уроке;
мотивация на успех
атмосферы на
Stand up!
Good afternoon, dear children!
I’m glad to see you!
How are you?
What daу is it today?
What date is it today?
What is the weather like today?
What do you like to do in such
Today we have an unusual lesson.
There are a lot of guests at our lesson. I
want you to work hard and be very
attentive. Let’s begin our work.
Good afternoon,
We are glad to see you too.
We are fine, thank you
Называют число и день
Говорят о погоде,
Постановка цели
совместно с
учащимися что, для
чего и каким
образом они будут
делать на уроке)
Look at the screen. What can you see
there?( слайд 2)
What houses can you see?
Where are these houses situated?
How can you guess?
What are we going to speak about?
You are absolutely right. The theme of
our lesson is “English houses”
( слайд 3) 99слайд
Let’s build a Tree of Expectations.
Take your cards and write down what
you want to know today?
Different houses.
A large house. A small house. A new
house. An old house. An unusual
They are situated in England
I can see Big Ben, the Houses of
Parliament, Buckingham Palace.
We are going to speak about English
На доске изображение яблони.
Учащиеся на яблоках пишут свои
To learn new words, to know the types
of English houses, to speak about
English houses
Введение и
отработка новой
Let’s watch a video film and get some
information about English houses.
We’ll start with the words that we are
going to use at our lesson.
1. Look at the screen and learn how
to pronounce the new words. Say
after me. ( слайд 4)
Work in groups. Do Task2
Match houses with their description
and with an appropriate picture.
( слайд 5)
Look at the screen and check if you
were correct.( слайд 6)
3.Translate the words into Russian.
a detached house отдельно
стоящий дом; особняк, самый
(просмотр видеоролика)
Приложение. Task 1
A detached house. A semi-detached
house. A terraced house. A block of
flats. A cottage. A houseboat. A palace.
A castle.
1a detached house 2a semi-detached
3 a terraced house 4 a block of flats
5a cottage
6 a houseboat
7 a palace
a) a country house
b)two houses which share one wall
c) several houses joined together
d) an independently standing house
дорогой вид домов в Англии;
a terraced house (AmE row house)
одинаковые 2-х или 3-х этажные
дома, имеющие общую стену,
соединенные в один длинный ряд;
a semi - detached house (AmE
duplex) два дома, расположенные
под одной крышей;
a block of flats (AmE apartment)
многоэтажные дома.
a cottage один из самых
распространенных видов
загородных домов в Англии;
a boathouse-дом- лодка
a palace- дворец
You see a big variety of English
houses. «My house is my castle» - is
the motto of every Englishman.
e) a large building that is divided into
f) large house that is the official home
of a king, queen, or other person of
high social rank...
g) a boat that people use as their home,
often kept in one place on a river or
Keys:1-d 2-b 3-c 4-e 5-ab 6-g 7-f
Let’s listen to the dialogue and find
out where the man lives. SB ex. 44 p.
136( books closed( слайд 7)
Before listening, let’s learn the new
neighbourhood ['neibəhud] –
residential area [ˏrezi'denʃəl 'eəriə] –
район частных домов
a restaurant ['restrƆ:ŋ] – ресторан
at the back сзади
at the front спереди
After-listening: What part of London
does Mr Philpott live? Is his house far
from Regent’s park?
T: Look at the pictures. ( слайд 8)
Guess, which of the houses Mr
Philpott lives in?
Why do you think so?
T: Listen to the text and compare your
description with what Mr Philpott
says about his house.
Answer my questions:
1. Does Mr.Philpott live in a big
Task 3
He lives not far from the centre of
London. He lives in the area called
Bloomsbury. He lives near Regent’s
Работа с таблицей. Task 4
2. How many rooms has he got?
3. Has his family got a garden?
4. What kind of neighbourhood is it&
Let’s have a rest, children! Stand up!
Обучение чтению
с извлечение
( слайд 9)
Some days ago I got a letter from my
pen friend. She lives in London and
in her letter she writes about English
houses. I am sure you want to get some
more information about houses in
England. Let’s read a short extract
from her letter
Answer the questions:
1. Do English people live in flats
or in their own houses?
2. How many floors are there in
the traditional English house?
3. What rooms are there on the
ground floor?
4. What rooms are there on the
first floor?
5. Where do they often spend
6. What makes the room
7. What proverbs about homes do
you know?
Task 5
Many English people live in flats but
some people live in their own houses.
There are two floors in the traditional
English house the ground floor and the
first floor. The bedrooms and a
bathroom or bathrooms are upstairs on
the first floor. The sitting room, the
dining room, the kitchen and the hall
are downstairs on the ground floor.
The sitting room is the largest room in
the house. There is always a sofa, some
chairs and armchairs in it. There is
often a carpet on the floor. It makes the
room comfortable. English people
usually have a fire in the sitting room.
They often spend evenings in armchairs
near the fire. They read books, watch
television, listen to music or sit around
and speak. People in England like their
homes and say, "There is no place like
home" and "East or west home is best".
In her letter my friend asks me to
describe houses in Russia. I want to
send some posters to her. Will you help
me to make them?
Now you work in groups.
Look at the posters and say what kind
of houses your classmates live in.
( слайд 10)
It’s time to compare houses in England
and in Russia
Учащиеся изготавливают постеры,
используя фотографии своих домов.
Task 6
Many students live in the…
Some students live in the…
Few students live in the…
Most people in ….live in ….
Some people in… live in…
(подведение итогов
урока, определение
Our lesson is coming to the end. Do
you like our lesson? Let’s return to our
поставленным в
начале занятия
Tree of Expectation.
What did we do at the lesson?
You have got a lot of new information
about houses in our country and in
Great Britain Thank you for your work
and discussion during the lesson. You
were active and worked quickly and
hard. Your marks are…
Информация о
инструктаж по его
Draw a house of your dream and
describe it.
Read new words
A detached house
A semi-detached house
A terraced house
A block of flats
A cottage
A houseboat
A palace
A castle
Task 2
1 Match houses with their description and with an appropriate picture
1 a detached house 2 a semi-detached house 3 a terraced house 4 a block of flats 5 a cottage
6 a houseboat 7 a palace
a) a country house
b) two houses which share one wall
c) several houses joined together
d) an independently standing house
e) a large building that is divided into flats
f) a large house that is the official home of a king, queen, or other person of high social rank...
g) a boat that people use as their home, often kept in one place on a river or canal.
Task 3
A)Let’s listen to the dialogue and find out where the man lives.
Before listening, let’s learn the new words
neighbourhood ['neibəhud] – соседство
residential area [ˏrezi'denʃəl 'eəriə] – район частных домов
a restaurant ['restrƆ:ŋ] – ресторан
at the back сзади
at the front спереди
What part of London does Mr Philpott live?
Task 4 Guess, which of the houses Mr Philpott lives in? Why do you think so?
Mr Philpott lives in the… house because ….
It is a very nice house.
there are many rooms in it
He has a garden.
It is not far from the centre of
London. This house is very pretty.
It’s a big house. 2 families live in
this house
Mr.Philpott has a kitchen, a
bathroom, a bedroom.
Listen to the text and compare your description with what Mr Philpott says about his house
Answer my questions:
1. Does Mr.Philpott live in a big house?
2. How many rooms has he got?
3. Has his family got a garden?
Task 5
Read the text and answer the questions
Many English people live in flats but some people live in their own houses. There are two floors in the
traditional English house the ground floor and the first floor. The bedrooms and a bathroom or bathrooms are
upstairs on the first floor. The sitting room, the dining room, the kitchen and the hall are downstairs on the
ground floor.
The sitting room is the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There
is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. English people usually have a fire in the sitting
room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. They read books, watch television, listen to music
or sit around and speak. People in England like their homes and say, "There is no place like home" and "East or
west home is best".
ground floor - первый этаж
first floor- второй этаж
Answer the questions:
8. Do English people live in flats or in their own houses?
9. How many floors are there in the traditional English house?
10. What rooms are there on the ground floor?
11. What rooms are there on the first floor?
12. Where do they often spend evenings?
13. What makes the room comfortable?
14. What proverbs about homes do you know?
Task 6
Look at the posters and say what kind of houses your classmates live in.
Many students live in the…
Some students live in the…
Few students live in the…
Most people in ….live in ….
Some people inlive in
Литература и средства обучения
Учебно-методическое обеспечение
1 Учебник (Student’s Book): Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English учебник английского языка для 5-6 классов
общеобразовательных учреждений / М.З. Биболетова, Н. В. Добрынина, Н,Н, Трубанева. Обнинск:
Титул, 2009
2 Рабочая тетрадь (Activity Book): Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English . Рабочая тетрадь по английскому
языку для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных школ / М.З. Биболетова, Н. В. Добрынина, Н.Н. Трубанева.
Обнинск: Титул. 2009.
3. Книга для учителя (Teacher’s Book): Биболетова М.З. Книга для учителя к учебнику Enjoy English
для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных школ – Обнинск: Титул. 2010.
4 CD к учебнику английского языка для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений «Enjoy English
». Обнинск: Титул, 2010
Дополнительная литература
ерещагинаИ.Н,.Аанасьева О.В..Учебник английского языка для 4 класса с углубленным изучением языка..М:
Интернет поддержка
http://onlineenglish.ru/fbrit/15 britain.html
images. yandex. ru фото английских домов