Проверочная работа "Моя страна с первого взгляда"

Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение «Ленинская СОШ»
Проверочная работа (тест)
по английскому языку для обучающихся 8-го класса
к учебнику В.П.Кузовлева «Английский язык» (5-11
классы) к первому разделу «Моя страна с первого
Составила: учитель английского языка
Томонова Наталья Геннадьевна
П.Прямицыно Октябрьского района Курской области – 2013-2014 уч.год
Form-8 Test 1 U1 Good luck!
Task 1. Translate
1. symbol
2. typical
3. emblem
4. rose
5. landscape
6. variety
7. home counties
8. opportunity
9. no doubt
10. separate
Task 2 Fill in the active words
1. John Bull is the … of typical Englishman.
2. The different parts of the UK have their own...
3. The emblem of England is …
Task 3 Fill in the necessary words: queueing, hypocritical, practical, kind,
official, relaxed
1. For centuries the British have been known as…and snobbish.
2. …in Britain is as eating pizza in Italy.
3. The Scots are more … than the English.
4. British people are … to foreigners.
5. English is the … language of the UK.
6. The Russians are hospitable and not… They don`t worry about money.
Task 4 Open the brackets
1. She (be born) before the war (begin)
2. We (see) him before we (make) friends with him.
3. The French (to consider) to be the most fashionable.
4. The English (to suppose) to be sociable.
5. For centuries the British (to be known) as hypocritical and snobbish.
Task 5 Translate
1. Великобритания состоит из графств.
2. Французов считают самыми модными людьми.
3. Я горжусь, что живу в России.
4. Погода в Британии обычно прохладная, часто идут дожди.
5. Британцев считают заядлыми курильщиками.
6. Столица Шотландии Эдинбург.
Form-8 Test 1 U1 Good luck!
Task 1. Translate
1. image
2. helpful
3. make up
4. language
5. the rest of the world
6. expect
7. surprise
8. recognize
9. achievement
10. composition
Task 2 Fill in the active words
1. People think that Englishmen are… because they smoke a lot.
2. The emblem of Scotland is …
3. In Northern Ireland few people speak… Gaelic.
Task 3 Fill in the necessary words: queueing, hypocritical, practical, kind,
official, relaxed
1. For centuries the British have been known as…and snobbish.
2. …in Britain is as eating pizza in Italy.
3. The Scots are more … than the English.
4. British people are … to foreigners.
5. English is the … language of the UK.
6. The Russians are hospitable and not… They don`t worry about money.
Task 4 Open the brackets
1.She (be born) before the war (begin)
2.We (see) him before we (make) friends with him.
3.The French (to consider) to be the most fashionable.
4.The English (to suppose) to be sociable.
5.For centuries the British (to be known) as hypocritical and snobbish.
Task 5 Translate
1.Великобритания состоит из графств
2.Французов считают самыми модными людьми.
3.Я горжусь, что живу в России.
4.Погода в Британии обычно прохладная, часто идут дожди.
5.Британцев считают заядлыми курильщиками.
6.Лондон столица Англии.
Form-8 Test1 U1 Good luck!
Task 1. Translate
1. coffee drinkers
2. prudent
3. overseas people
4. dirty
5. to be proud of
6. though
7. introduction
8. to picture
9. tradition
10. have a good sense of humour
Task 2 Fill in the active words
1. The flag of the UK is known as …
2. The emblem of Wales is…
3. The English can speak in …
Task 3 Fill in the necessary words: queueing, hypocritical, practical, kind,
official, relaxed
1.For centuries the British have been known as…and snobbish.
2. …in Britain is as eating pizza in Italy.
3.The Scots are more … than the English.
4.British people are … to foreigners.
5.English is the … language of the UK.
6.The Russians are hospitable and not… They don`t worry about money.
Task 4 Open the brackets
1.She (be born) before the war (begin)
2.We (see) him before we (make) friends with him.
3.The French (to consider) to be the most fashionable.
4.The English (to suppose) to be sociable.
5.For centuries the British (to be known) as hypocritical and snobbish.
Task 5 Translate
1.Великобритания состоит из графств
2.Французов считают самыми модными людьми.
3.Я горжусь, что живу в России.
4.Погода в Британии обычно прохладная, часто идут дожди.
5.Британцев считают заядлыми курильщиками.
6. Британия состоит из четырёх частей.
Form-8 Test1 U1 Good luck!
Task 1. Translate
1. heavy smoker
2. regional accent
3. a people
4. violence
5. truth
6. emotional
7. peoples
8. conclusion
9. skyscraper
10. divide
Task 2 Fill in the active words
1. The UK consists of … parts.
2. The emblem of Ireland is …
3. The UK is represented by two animals,…and…
Task 3 Fill in the necessary words: queueing, hypocritical, practical, kind,
official, relaxed
1.For centuries the British have been known as…and snobbish.
2.…in Britain is as eating pizza in Italy.
3.The Scots are more … than the English.
4.British people are … to foreigners.
5.English is the … language of the UK.
5.The Russians are hospitable and not… They don`t worry about money.
Task 4 Open the brackets
1.She (be born) before the war (begin)
2.We (see) him before we (make) friends with him.
3.The French (to consider) to be the most fashionable.
4.The English (to suppose) to be sociable.
5.For centuries the British (to be known) as hypocritical and snobbish.
Task 5 Translate
1.Великобритания состоит из графств
2.Французов считают самыми модными людьми.
3.Я горжусь, что живу в России.
4.Погода в Британии обычно прохладная, часто идут дожди.
5.Британцев считают заядлыми курильщиками.
6.Эмблема Уэльса – нарцисс.
Form-8 Test1 U1 Good luck!
Task 1. Translate
1. population
2. associate
3. a state
4. custom
5. for example
6. believe
7. patriotic
8. hospitable
9. consider
10. to be good to foreigners
Task 2 Fill in the active words
1.John Bull is the … of typical Englishman.
2.The different parts of the UK have their own...
3.The emblem of England is …
Task 3 Fill in the necessary words: queueing, hypocritical, practical, kind,
official, relaxed
1.For centuries the British have been known as…and snobbish.
2.…in Britain is as eating pizza in Italy.
3.The Scots are more … than the English.
4.British people are … to foreigners.
5.English is the … language of the UK.
6.The Russians are hospitable and not… They don`t worry about money.
Task 4 Open the brackets
1.She (be born) before the war (begin)
2.We (see) him before we (make) friends with him.
3.The French (to consider) to be the most fashionable.
4.The English (to suppose) to be sociable.
5.For centuries the British (to be known) as hypocritical and snobbish.
Task 5 Translate
1.Великобритания состоит из графств.
2.Французов считают самыми модными людьми.
3.Я горжусь, что живу в России.
4.Погода в Британии обычно прохладная, часто идут дожди.
5.Британцев считают заядлыми курильщиками.
6.Дождь идёт как из ведра.
Form-8 Test1 U1 Good luck!
Task 1. Translate
1. hardworking
2. traffic jam
3. like
4. report
5. suppose
6. great
7. queue
8. bilingual
9. public signs
10. east
Task 2 Fill in the active words
1. People think that Englishmen are… because they smoke a lot.
2. The emblem of Scotland is …
3. In Northern Ireland few people speak… Gaelic.
Task 3 Fill in the necessary words: queueing, hypocritical, practical, kind,
official, relaxed
1.For centuries the British have been known as…and snobbish.
2.…in Britain is as eating pizza in Italy.
3.The Scots are more … than the English.
4.British people are … to foreigners.
5.English is the … language of the UK.
6.The Russians are hospitable and not… They don`t worry about money.
Task 4 Open the brackets
1.She (be born) before the war (begin)
2.We (see) him before we (make) friends with him.
3.The French (to consider) to be the most fashionable.
4.The English (to suppose) to be sociable.
5.For centuries the British (to be known) as hypocritical and snobbish.
Task 5 Translate
1.Великобритания состоит из графств
2.Французов считают самыми модными людьми.
3.Я горжусь, что живу в России.
4.Погода в Британии обычно прохладная, часто идут дожди.
5.Британцев считают заядлыми курильщиками.
6. В Лондоне много достопримечательностей.
Form-8 Test1 U1 Good luck!
Task 1. Translate
1. north
2. west
3. country
4. particular region
5. honest
6. polite
7. to be situated
8. reserved
9. stereotype
10. nearly
Task 2 Fill in the active words
1. The flag of the UK is known as …
2. The emblem of Wales is…
3. The English can speak in …
Task 3 Fill in the necessary words: queueing, hypocritical, practical, kind,
official, relaxed
1.For centuries the British have been known as…and snobbish.
2.…in Britain is as eating pizza in Italy.
3.The Scots are more … than the English.
4.British people are … to foreigners.
5.English is the … language of the UK.
6.The Russians are hospitable and not… They don`t worry about money.
Task 4 Open the brackets
1.She (be born) before the war (begin)
2.We (see) him before we (make) friends with him.
3.The French (to consider) to be the most fashionable.
4.The English (to suppose) to be sociable.
5.For centuries the British (to be known) as hypocritical and snobbish.
Task 5 Translate
1.Великобритания состоит из графств
2.Французов считают самыми модными людьми.
3.Я горжусь, что живу в России.
4. Погода в Британии обычно прохладная, часто идут дожди.
5.Британцев считают заядлыми курильщиками.
6. Мой дом – моя крепость.
Form-8 Test1 U1 Good luck!
Task 1. Translate
1. a state
2. patriotic
3. tradition
4. violence
5. helpful
6. home counties
7. population
8. associate
9. to be situated
10. bilingual
Task 2 Fill in the active words
1. The UK consists of … parts.
2. The emblem of Ireland is …
3. The UK is represented by two animals,…and…
Task 3 Fill in the necessary words: queueing, hypocritical, practical, kind,
official, relaxed
1.For centuries the British have been known as…and snobbish.
2.…in Britain is as eating pizza in Italy.
3.The Scots are more … than the English.
4.British people are … to foreigners.
5.English is the … language of the UK.
6.The Russians are hospitable and not… They don`t worry about money.
Task 4 Open the brackets
1.She (be born) before the war (begin)
2.We (see) him before we (make) friends with him.
3.The French (to consider) to be the most fashionable.
4.The English (to suppose) to be sociable.
5.For centuries the British (to be known) as hypocritical and snobbish.
Task 5 Translate
1.Великобритания состоит из графств
2.Французов считают самыми модными людьми.
3.Я горжусь, что живу в России.
4.Погода в Британии обычно прохладная, часто идут дожди.
5.Британцев считают заядлыми курильщиками.
6. История нашей страны очень интересная.