Конспект урока "Мы гордимся столицей нашей страны" 9 класс

Урок английского языка в 9 классе
по теме: «Мы гордимся столицей нашей страны»
учебник Биболетовой М.З. для общеобразовательных учреждений 9 класс
Цель: углубление и расширение знаний учащихся о Москве
Учебные - 1) введение и семантизация новых лексических единиц по теме;
2) совершенствование навыков аудирования;
3) активизация навыков поискового чтения;
4) совершенствование навыков монологической речи;
5) использование изученной грамматики (Active/Passive Voice) в устной речи.
Развивающие - 1) развитие мышления, внимания, памяти, языковой догадки;
2) развитие самостоятельности и креативности;
3) развитие умений взаимодействия в паре/
4) расширение кругозора (развитие лингвострановедческой компетенции).
Воспитывающие - 1) воспитывать уважение к собеседнику, умение выслушать;
2) научить ребят сотрудничеству и работе в группе.
Оснащение урока: фотографии достопримечательностей Москвы, иллюстрация к тексту
аудирования, листы для индивидуальной работы, аудиозапись Ус. 46, упр. 103, карточки с
заданиями для каждого ученика, карточки с буквами ABCD, тетрадь №1 к учебнику
Биболетовой М.З. (9 класс), компьютер, проектор, лингафонный кабинет, аудиосистема.
Оформление доски: We are proud of Moscow, the capital of our country, because
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
Good morning, girls and boys! Glad to see you. Sit down, please.
2. Вступительное слово учителя: сообщение темы урока и плана работы. T- P
Today we are going to speak about the capital of our country, Moscow. While working we are
to continue the sentence and say why we should be proud of our capital. The tasks that we’ll do
during the lessons will be of a great help. Lets get down to work.
3. Отработка тематической лексики. Фронтальная работа. P (3min)
Well start with the words that we are going to use, so you are to open your copybooks at page 18
and find exercise 1. In part 1 of the exercise we should find the odd words in each line.
1. gym 2. performance 3. playwright 4. musicals
We can use these words when we speak about the sights of Moscow. Can you name me some of
them? (Учащиеся перечисляют достопримечательности столицы, подводя итог данного этапа,
мы дополняем фразу на доске).
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow because it has a lot of sights to visit. (слайд, на слайде
в разброс даны слова предложения, учащиеся правильно расставляют слова, согласно
грамматическим правилам, у них получается данная фраза)
4. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. P
- P 5min
Lots of foreign tourists visit Moscow every year. Now we are going to listen to a Frenchman,
Philippe, who is in love with Russia. While listening you are to do some tasks. Open your books at
page 46 and find exercise 103. You are to choose one variant to continue the sentence. Besides you
are to name his favorite outings. (слайд)
На слайде несколько фотографий достопримечательностей (the Bolshoi Theatre, the
Tchaikovsky Zal, the Moscow Music Conservatory, надо выбрать нужные)
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow because it is a cultural center of Russia with lots of
theatres, cinemas and art galleries. (слайд, на слайде в разброс даны слова предложения,
учащиеся правильно расставляют слова, согласно грамматическим правилам, у них
получается данная фраза).
5. Активизация навыков поискового чтения. Проверка домашнего задания У стр 49-50, упр
The cultural life of our capital is very rich. When in Moscow a tourist can visit many places of
public entertainment. At home you read about one of them. What is it? You were to read and to
understand the text, and to do the task after the text. Have you got any questions to your homework?
Один ученик читает предложение, все поднимают карточки с буквами- вариантами
правильного на их взгляд ответа. P
- P 10min
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. c
Далее учащимся предлагается составить мини – монолог с опорой на текст по плану,
составленному по формату ЕГЭ.
Now we are going to speak about the Old Circus, the text and the plan are sure to help you.
Here is the plan: (слайд)
Give a talk about the Yury Nikulin Old Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard in Moscow.
Remember to say:
- where it is situated
- when it was opened
- what it is famous for
- some special things about it
6. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи. Составление мини – монолога по
опорному плану и дополнительной информации. P
- P
(работа в парах лингафонного кабинета) 10min
Now we are going to learn some more information about the sights of Moscow using the plan and
some additional information.
Give a talk about the sight of Moscow.
Remember to say:
- where it is situated
- name the architect(s)
- when it was opened|constructed
- what it is famous for
- some special things about it (приложение 1)
Два учащихся получают индивидуальное задание: соединить спортсмена и вид спорта
(приложение 2) P
The sportsmen of Moscow Kinds of sport
1. Илья Авербух 1. snowboarding
2. Ольга Брусникина 2. swimming
3. Сергей Брызгалов 3. chess
4. Алена Алехина 4. gymnastics
5. Даниил Дубов 5. figure skating
6. Юлия Барсукова 6. hockey
7. Илья Никулин 7. football
1. 5 2. 2 3. 7 4. 1 5. 3 6. 4 7. 6
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow as many talented sportsmen were born here. (слайд, на
слайде в разброс даны слова предложения, учащиеся правильно расставляют слова, согласно
грамматическим правилам, у них получается данная фраза).
7. Пауза. Учащиеся читают текст и пытаются догадаться, что это за песня
(«Подмосковные вечера»), затем слушают песню, при желании поют.(приложение № 3)3min
7. Использование изученной грамматики (Active/Passive Voice) в устной речи.
Работа в группах. (приложение 4) P
Lomonosov Moscow State University 1 is the oldest and largest BE
university in Russia. It 2 was founded in 1755. The first lectures FIND
3 were held on April 26. HOLD
Since 1953, most of the faculties 4 have been situated in Moscow's SITUATE
southwest. The main building 5 was designed by architect DESIGN
Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev.
The university 6 was renamed in honor of its founder, RENAME
Mikhail Lomonosov, in 1940. It 7 was the tallest educational BE
building in the world in 1990.
Now the central tower 8 is 240 m tall, BE
36 stories high. The university 9 employs more than EMPLOY
4,000 academics. Its current rector 10 is Victor Sadovnichiy. BE
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow as education in its universities is of high value. (слайд,
на слайде в разброс даны слова предложения, учащиеся правильно расставляют слова,
согласно грамматическим правилам, у них получается данная фраза).
8. (при наличии времени) Расширение кругозора учащихся. Викторина о транспорте Москвы.
1. There are … international airports in Moscow. (слайд)
a) 6 +b) 4 c)2 d) 5
2. The majority of foreign visitors arrive in … airport.
a) Vnukovo b) Domodedovo +c) Sheremetyevo d) Ostafievo
3. The first Moscow Metro station was opened in …
a) 1972 b) 1947 +c) 1935 d) 1966
4. million passengers use the Metro daily.
+a) 10 b) 2 c) 23 d) 11
5. … trolleybuses and … trams carry people daily.
a) 2,000/1,250 b)1,210/1,210 c) 1,678/2,045 +d) 1,500/920
6. Moscow Monorail System, the first in Russia, was built in …
a) 1998 +b) 2001 c) 2008 d) 2004
7. Monorail line has … stations located at intervals of 700-800m.
a) 15 +b) 12 c) 32 d) 9
8. … were spent by the city of Moscow on the monorail construction.
+a) $240 mln b) $360mln c) $158mln d) $333mln
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow as it has an extensive transit network. (слайд, на
слайде в разброс даны слова предложения, учащиеся правильно расставляют слова, согласно
грамматическим правилам, у них получается данная фраза).
9. Инструктаж домашнего задания, запись домашнего задания в дневник.
At home you are to do exercise 2 at page 18 in your copybooks. Слова в предложениях
перепутаны, вам необходимо расставить их согласно правилам английской грамматики. В
предложениях глаголы стоят в пассивном залоге.
Подведение итогов, оценивание работы учащихся на уроке. Учащиеся кратко подводят итог
того, что они нового узнали на уроке, Учитель оценивает работу каждого ученика,
комментировано выставляя отметки; благодарит учащихся за работу и прощается с ними.
The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Goodbye.
The sportsmen of Moscow
1. Илья Авербух
2. Ольга Брусникина
3. Сергей Брызгалов
4. Алена Алехина
5. Даниил Дубов
6. Юлия Барсукова
7. Илья Никулин
Подмосковные вечера
Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,
Всё здесь замерло до утра.
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги
Подмосковные вечера.
Речка движется и не движется,
Вся из лунного серебра.
Песня слышится и не слышится
В эти тихие вечера.
Что ж ты, милая, смотришь искоса,
Низко голову наклоня?
Трудно высказать и не высказать
Всё, что на сердце у меня.
А рассвет уже всё заметнее.
Так, пожалуйста, будь добра.
Не забудь и ты эти летние
Подмосковные вечера.
Приложение №2
Kinds of sport
1. snowboarding
2. swimming
3. chess
4. gymnastics
5. figure skating
6. hockey
7. football
Приложение № 4
Moscow Suburb Nights
(Music by Soloviov-Sedoy)
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Приложение № 1
- where it is situated
- when it was opened|constructed
- name the architect(s)(if known)
- what it is famous for
- some special things about it
1. the Cathedral of St. Vasily the Blessed
the southern end of Red Square; 1561; architects Postnik and Barma; its multicolored appearance,
9 domes, marks the geometric center of Moscow; UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2 the Kremlin
the Moskva River; 1482; one of the greatest architectural complexes in the world, the official
residence of the President of Russia ; UNESCO World Heritage Site.
3. the State Tretyakov Gallery
1892; Pavel Vasnetsov; a world-famous museum, a unique collection of Russian art; 62 rooms,
more than 170,000 works by Russian.
Приложение № 3
Lomonosov Moscow State University 1 the oldest and largest BE
university in Russia. It 2 in 1755. The first lectures FIND
3 on April 26. HOLD
Since 1953, most of the faculties 4 in Moscow's SITUATE
southwest. The main building 5 by architect DESIGN
Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev.
The university 6 in honor of its founder, RENAME
Mikhail Lomonosov, in 1940. It 7 the tallest educational HAVE
building in the world. The central tower 8 240 m tall, BE
36 stories high. The university 9 more than EMPLOY
4,000 academics. Its current rector 10 Victor Sadovnichiy. BE
Лексика Тpage 18 exercise 1.
1.gym 2. performance 3. playwright 4. musicals
достопримечательности столицы
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow because it has a lot of sights to visit.
Аудирование page 46 exercise 103. (слайд)
Выбрать места, где был Филлип. (the Bolshoi Theatre, the Tchaikovsky Zal, the
Moscow Music Conservatory)
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow because it is a cultural center of Russia
with lots of theatres, cinemas and art galleries.
домашнее задание У стр 49-50, упр 109,110.
Один ученик читает предложение, все поднимают карточки с буквами-
вариантами. 1.c 2. b 3. d 4.b 5.c
мини – монолог с опорой на текст по плану the Old Circus(слайд)
- where it is situated
- when it was opened
- what it is famous for
- some special things about it
мини – монолога по опорному плану и дополнительной информации
(в парах лингафонного кабинета)
индивидуальное задание: соединить спортсмена и вид спорта
1. 5 2. 2 3. 7 4. 1 5. 3 6. 4 7. 6
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow as many talented sportsmen were born
Lomonosov Moscow State University 1 is the oldest and largest BE
university in Russia. It 2 was founded in 1755. The first lectures FIND
3 were held on April 26. HOLD
Since 1953, most of the faculties 4 have been situated in Moscow's SITUATE
southwest. The main building 5 was designed by architect DESIGN
Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev.
The university 6 was renamed in honor of its founder, RENAME
Mikhail Lomonosov, in 1940. It 7 was the tallest educational BE
building in the world in 1990.
Now the central tower 8 is 240 m tall, BE
36 stories high. The university 9 employs more than EMPLOY
4,000 academics. Its current rector 10 is Victor Sadovnichiy. BE
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow as education in its universities is of high value
Викторина о транспорте Москвы.
1. There are … international airports in Moscow. (слайд)
a) 6 +b) 4 c)2 d) 5
2. The majority of foreign visitors arrive in … airport.
a) Vnukovo b) Domodedovo +c) Sheremetyevo d) Ostafievo
3. The first Moscow Metro station was opened in …
a) 1972 b) 1947 +c) 1935 d) 1966
4. million passengers use the Metro daily.
+a) 10 b) 2 c) 23 d) 11
5. … trolleybuses and … trams carry people daily.
a) 2,000/1,250 b)1,210/1,210 c) 1,678/2,045 +d) 1,500/920
6. Moscow Monorail System, the first in Russia, was built in …
a) 1998 +b) 2001 c) 2008 d) 2004
7. Monorail line has … stations located at intervals of 700-800m.
a) 15 +b) 12 c) 32 d) 9
8. … were spent by the city of Moscow on the monorail construction.
+a) $240 mln b) $360mln c) $158mln d) $333mln
So we can say that we are proud of Moscow as it has an extensive transit network.
9. Инструктаж домашнего задания, запись домашнего задания в дневник.
At home you are to do exercise 2 at page 18 in your copybooks
Match the sportsmen and the kind of sports
The sportsmen of Moscow Kinds of sport
1. Илья Авербух 1. snowboarding
2. Ольга Брусникина 2. swimming
3. Сергей Брызгалов 3. chess
4. Алена Алехина 4. gymnastics
5. Даниил Дубов 5. figure skating
6. Юлия Барсукова 6. hockey
7. Илья Никулин 7. football
Match the sportsmen and the kind of sports
The sportsmen of Moscow Kinds of sport
1. Илья Авербух 1. snowboarding
2. Ольга Брусникина 2. swimming
3. Сергей Брызгалов 3. chess
4. Алена Алехина 4. gymnastics
5. Даниил Дубов 5. figure skating
6. Юлия Барсукова 6. hockey
7. Илья Никулин 7. Football
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow SuburbNights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm riling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Speak about the sight of Moscow using the plan
- where it is situated
- when it was opened|constructed
- name the architect(s) (if known)
- what it is famous for
- some special things about it
1. the Cathedral of St. Vasily the Blessed
the southern end of Red Square; 1561; architects Postnik and Barma; its multicoloured appearance,
9 domes, marks the geometric center of Moscow; UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2 the Kremlin
the Moskva River; 1482; one of the greatest architectural complexes in the world, the official
residence of the President of Russia ; UNESCO World Heritage Site.
3. the State Tretyakov Gallery
1892; Pavel Vasnetsov; a world-famous museum, a unique collection of Russian art; 62 rooms,
more than 170,000 works by Russian.
Lomonosov Moscow State University 1 the oldest and largest BE
university in Russia. It 2 in 1755. The first lectures FIND
3 on April 26. HOLD
Since 1953, most of the faculties 4 in Moscow's SITUATE
southwest. The main building 5 by architect DESIGN
Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev.
The university 6 in honor of its founder, RENAME
Mikhail Lomonosov, in 1940. It 7 the tallest educational HAVE
building in the world. The central tower 8 240 m tall, BE
36 stories high. The university 9 more than EMPLOY
4,000 academics. Its current rector 10 Victor Sadovnichiy. BE
вович Авербу
х (встречается форма написания отчестваИзясла
) (18 декабря 1973, Москва)
советский и российскийфигурист (танцы на льду). Заслуженный мастер спорта России. Награждёнорденом Дружбы (2003)
. В
настоящее время предприниматель, продюсерсобственного ледового шоу, хореограф в фигурном катании.
О́ льга Алекса
ндровна Брусни
кина (род. 9 ноября 1978 года в Москве,СССР) известная российская спортсменка, заслуженный
мастер спорта посинхронному плаванию. Трёхкратная олимпийская чемпионка (Сидней-2000 дуэт и группа, Афины-2004 группа),
многократная чемпионка мира и Европы. В дуэте долгие годы выступала с Марией Киселёвой.
Алёна Андреевна Алёхина (род. 19 июня 1988 года
) российскаясноубордистка (дисциплины биг-эйр, слоупстайл, хаф-пайп).
Обладательница Кубка Европы в дисциплине хаф-пайп (сезоны 2011/2012 и 2012/2013)
. Семикратная чемпионка России. Состоит
в сборной России по сноуборду в сезоне 2012/2013
. Мастер спорта международного класса. Входит в международную
команду Roxy
Ю́ лия Влади
мировна Барсуко
ва (31 декабря 1978, Москва) заслуженный мастер спорта по художественной гимнастике (1999).
Даниил Дмитриевич Дубов (18 апреля 1996, Москва) российский шахматист,гроссмейстер (2011)
. Международный мастер c 2010
года. Неоднократный призёр юношеских первенств России и Европы. Член юношеской сборной России. Победитель турнира "Юные
звёзды мира" в Киришах в 2009 году. В 2009 году в составе сборной России выиграл юношескую Олимпиаду до 16 лет. В 2012 году
занял 2-е место в Высшей лиге чемпионата России по шахматам в Тюмени, заслужил право играть в Суперфинале.
мирович Нику
лин (12 марта 1982, Москва, РСФСР, СССР) российский хоккеист, защитник. Трёхкратный чемпион
мира (2008, 2009, 2012) в составе сборной России. В настоящее время является игроком казанского «Ак Барса», выступающего
в КХЛ.
The church is also called the Cathedral of St. Vasily the Blessed (Russian: Собор Василия Блаженного),
the geometric center of Moscow At the southern end of Red Square, framed by the massive facades of the Kremlin and GUM department store, stands the
icon of Russia: St Basil’s Cathedral. This crazy confusion of colours, patterns and shapes is the culmination of a style that is unique to Russian architecture.
Before St Basil’s, this style of tent roofs and onion domes had been used to design wooden churches. In 1552 Ivan the Terrible captured the Tatar stronghold of
Kazan on the feast of Intercession. He commissioned this landmark church, officially the Intercession Cathedral, to commemorate the victory. From 1555 to
1561 architects Postnik and Barma created this masterpiece that would become the ultimate symbol of Russia. The cathedral’s apparent anarchy of shapes
hides a comprehensible plan of nine main chapels: the tall, tent-roofed one in the centre; four big, octagonal-towered ones, topped with the four biggest domes;
and four smaller ones in between. Legend has it that Ivan had the architects blinded so they could never build anything comparable. This is a myth, however, as
records show that they were employed a quarter of a century later (and four years after Ivan’s death) to add an additional chapel to the structure. The misnomer
St Basil’s actually refers only to this extra northeastern chapel. It was built over the grave of the barefoot holy fool Vasily (Basil) the Blessed, who predicted
Ivan’s damnation. Vasily, who died while Kazan was under siege, was buried beside the church that St Basil’s soon replaced. He was later canonised. Only in
the 1670s were the domes patterned, giving St Basil’s its multicoloured appearance. Between 1772 and 1784 the cathedral received a metal roof and a
whitewashing; its domes were gold-leafed in keeping with the fashion of the time. Although Napoleon ordered it to be destroyed in 1812, his troops did not have
enough time to complete the task. In 1817 the cathedral returned to its present colourful appearance, the cemetery was closed and the houses and moat
surrounding the cathedral were removed. The interior is open to visitors. Besides a small exhibition on the cathedral itself, it contains lovely frescoed walls and
loads of nooks and crannies to explore. A collective ticket (adult/student R230/90) with the State History Museum is available. Out front of St Basil’s is
the statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, one a butcher and the other a prince, who together raised and led the army that ejected occupying Poles
from the Kremlin in 1612. Up the slope is the round, walled Place of Skulls, where Peter the Great executed the Streltsy.
Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/russia/moscow/sights/architecture/st-basil-cathedral#ixzz2iNeK1uXK
The building is shaped as a flame of a bonfire rising into the sky,
a design that has no analogues in Russian architecture. Dmitry
Shvidkovsky, in his book Russian Architecture and the West, states that "it is like no other Russian building. Nothing similar can be found in
the entire millennium of Byzantine tradition from the fifth to fifteenth century ... a strangeness that astonishes by its unexpectedness,
complexity and dazzling interleaving of the manifold details of its design."
The cathedral foreshadowed the climax of Russian national
architecture in the 17th century.
As part of the program of state atheism, the church was confiscated from the Russian Orthodox community as part of the Soviet Union's anti-
theist campaigns and has operated as a division of the State Historical Museum since 1928.
It was completely and forcefully secularized in
and, as of 2012, remains a federal property of the Russian Federation. The church has been part of the Moscow Kremlin and Red
Square UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990.
It is often mislabelled as the Kremlin owing to its location on Red Square in immediate
proximity of the Kremlin.
The Moscow Kremlin is a must-see for visitors to Moscow and one of the best things to do in the Russian capital city. Once inside, you can
visit Cathedral Square, whose historic cathedrals were worshiped in by the tsars and their families. Also on display are the Tsar Bell and
Tsar Cannon, two immobile monuments to the grandeur of Russia past. Don’t forget the Amory Museum, either, which holds precious relics
of Imperial stature, such as gold-gilt carriages and silver-threaded royal garments
The exotic boyar castle on a little lane in Zamoskvorechie contains the main branch of the State Tretyakov Gallery, housing the world’s best collection of
Russian icons and an outstanding collection of other prerevolutionary Russian art. Show up early to beat the queues.
The building was designed by Viktor Vasnetsov between 1900 and 1905. The gallery started as the private collection of the 19th-century industrialist brothers
Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov. Pavel was a patron of the Peredvizhniki, or Wanderers, a group of 19th-century painters who broke away from the conservative
Academy of Arts and started depicting common people and social problems. Nowadays, these are among Russia’s most celebrated painters, and the Tretyakov
boasts some of the most exquisite examples of their work. Within the museum grounds is the Church of St Nicholas in Tolmachi (noon-4pm Tue-Sun), where
Pavel Tretyakov regularly attended services. It was transferred to this site and restored in 1997, and now functions as an exhibit hall and working church. The
exquisite five-tiered iconostasis dates back to the 17th century. The centrepiece is the revered 12th-century Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, protector of all
Russia, which was transferred here from the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin. The Tretyakov’s 62 rooms are numbered and progress in chronological order
from rooms 1 to 54, followed by eight rooms containing icons and jewellery. In rooms 20 to 30, the art of the most prominent Peredvizhniki artists occupies its
own space. Look for Repin’s realist work, including the tragic Ivan the Terrible and his Son Ivan, in rooms 29 and 30. A selection of Levitan’s landscapes is in
room 37. Vrubel’s masterpieces, includingDemon Seated (1890), are in rooms 32 and 33. Icons are found on the ground floor in rooms 56 to 62. Rublyov’s Holy
Trinity (1420s) from Sergiev Posad, widely regarded as Russia’s greatest icon, is in room 60. The entrance to the gallery is through a lovely courtyard; the
Engineer’s Building (Lavrushinsky per 12) next door is reserved for special exhibits.