Конспект урока "Мир Шекспира и его «Король Лир»" 8 класс

Урок английского языка в 8 классе.
Выполнила учитель: Абибуллаева И.У
Тема урока: Мир Шекспира и его «Король Лир».
1. Усовершенствование навыков чтения , говорения, аудирования на уровне свободного
высказывания по теме.
2. Активизация и совершенствование умения использования фонетических навыков с
визуальной опорой на экране монитора ПК.
1. Развитие интереса к предмету .
2. Развить внимание, разговорную смекалку и деятельность.
3. Развить логическое мышление быструю разговорную реакцию
1. Способствовать поддержке высокого уровня мотивации в изучении английского.
2. Ознакомить детей с культурным наследием В.Шекспира.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
1. Техника безопасности в КВТ.
2. Речевая зарядка (новости прессы).
II. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
Сообщение цели, темы, задач урока.
Theme : The world of Shakespeare.
And his «King Lear».
Aims : to practice reading, spearing.
Materials needed : a portrait of Shakespeare , pictures, “a strip story, chats.
By the end of the lesson you should be able:
1. To discuss the task of Home reading
2. To express your opinion about the story you have read
3. To make conclusion about the theme
To control home reading;
To practice reading, speaking, listening;
To introduce pupil’s with the Shakespears world;
Using computers in teaching English language.
By the end of lesson you should be able.
1. To discuss task of Home Reading.
2. To express your opinion about the story you have read.
III. Актуализация опорных знаний учащихся.
1. Актуализация навыков употребления лексических единиц по теме.
Биография Шекспира.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in
Stratford-on-Avon. William’s father was a
rich man and he gave his son a good
education. He wrote the plays for the theatre
and played the main parts in them.
W. Shakespeare was born and also died on April 23. Shakespeare was probably born in 1564 in
Stratford upon-Avon. His father was a respectable shopkeeper and dealt in wool skiing, leather.
His mother, Mary Arden, was a farmer’s daughter.
William was the eldest son in the family of children. In his seventh year he was placed at the
Grammer School of his native town. The priest of
church was also (his) a school master. At
school he learned to read and spell, and was taught his «little Latin and lese Greer». He
finished his studies at the age of 13 and never went to school again.
He started his controversial career in 1582, when, at the age of 18, married Anne Hatua way,
A local girl who was eight years older than him. In 1583 Susanna, their first child was born, and
twins Hamlet and Judith followed her. He began to write his poems at that time. While he was
London, he fell in love with «the dark lady». Whom he wrote about in his sonnets.
Pupils, at that time in England the Saxon characteristics of blond hair and pale skin were
admired. «Fair equaled beautiful». Now, let’s listen to the one of his sonnets.
Shakespeare’s youth
He began to write his poems at that time. While he was in London, he fell in love with
«the dark lady» whom he wrote about in his sonnets.
2. Активизация разговорных единиц.
Many centuries ago there lived an old king of Britain. His name was Lear. He had three
daughters Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. Cordelia was his favourite child.
As Lear was very old, he decided to divide his kingdom among his three daughters. «I want the
divide to kingdom among you,» he said.
«The one who loves the most, will have the largest part».
«I love you more than anything in the world,» said Goneril.
« I love you more than my life and my freedom,» said Regan. «And what do you say,
Cordelia?» asked the King.
Cordelia raised her head. «Father,» she said, «I love you no more than a daughter can love her
King Lear was very angry. «Leave me!» he said. «I don’t want to see you ever again.» He
divided his kingdom between Regan and Goneril, and Cordelia was given nothing. After some
time she left Britain and became the wife of the French king, who 10ved her more than worlds
can tell.
King Lear decided to stay with Goneril. But Goneril, who was now rich and powerful , did not
want to have the old King near her. Lear went to Regan. But Regan said , «I am not as rich as
Goneril, and I can’t invite you to stay at my house. You had better go back to Goneril ».
Now King Lear had no home and no daughters. He was as poor as the poorest man in Britain .
One night a terrible storm broke out. It rained hard, and the moon and the stars were behind
clouds. It was cold, wet and dark in the fields.
King Lear had only two friends with him. One was his fool and the other a knight. The knight’s
name was Kent. The fool tried to help the old King, but he could only make jokes and sing
King Lear was very ill and Kent decided to sent a man to Cordelia. When Cordelia was told the
truth about her father, she came to Britain to help her father. King Lear was very happy to
see his daughter again near him. But Goneril and Regan sent out their soldiers and Lear and
Goneril fell into their hands.
Goneril and Regan hated Cordelia and they told their soldiers to kill her.
When old Lear saw her as she lay dead at his feet, his heart broke and he died.
Regain and Goneril enjoyed their victory . But there was no friendship between them. They
hated each other no less that they hated their youngest sister.
Goneril killed Regan, but soon died too.
Kent could not live without King Lear and he said he must go after his master.
3. Игра вопрос-ответ.
Teacher. Well, children. Have you read «KING LEAR» at home?
Pupils. Yes, we have.
Teacher. Now, I want to check up, what did you understand reading this play. Pupils, I shall
read the Russian sentences, you must find the translation of this sentences in the text.
1. Много лет тому назад в Британии жил старый король.- Many centuries ago
there lived an old king of Britain.
2. Так как Лир был очень старый, он решил разделить свое королевство между
двумя дочерьми.- As Lear was very old, he decided to divide his kingdom
among his three daughters.
3. Хотя Гонерил могущественна и богата, она не хотела чтобы король Лир жил
с ней.- But Goneril, who was now rich , and powerful , did not want to have old
king near her.
4. Однажды ночью началась ужасная гроза.-One night a terrible storm broke
5. Один из них был шут а другой царь.- One was his fool, and the other a knight.
6. Когда Корнелии рассказали правду о ее отце она приехала в Британиюб
чтобы ему помочь .- When Cordelia was told the truth about her father , she
came to Britain to help her father.
7. Когда старый Лир увидел что она лежит мертвая у его ног, его сердце
разорвалось и он умер.- When old Lear saw her as she laid dead at his feel his
heart broke and he died.
8. Реган и Гонерил наслаждались победой.- Goneril and Regan enjoyed their
9. Они ненавидели друг друга не меньше, чем ненавидели свою сестру.-They
hated each other , no less then they hated their youngest sister.
10. Кент не смог жить без короля Лира и сказал , что должен пойти за своим
хозяином.- Кent could not live without King Lear and he said he must go after
his master.
4. Работа в группах
A Strip Story
Cordelia was his favorite child.
The kingdom was divided only between Goneril and Regan.
His two friends , a fool and a knight could died to.
Later on Goneril killed Regan and soon died too.
Cornelia married French King and left Britain-King Lear was angry with Cornelia and she was
given nothing. Goneril and Regan hated their sister and told the soldiers to kill her.
King Lear became poor and had no home and no daughters-Many centuries ago in Britain lived
an old King Lear.
Cornelia said that she loved him no more then a daughter could love father .
When King Lear saw his died daughter Cornelia his heart broke.
Goneril and Regan did not want to have the old King near them.
King Lear decided to divide his kingdom among his daughters and give the largest part to the
one who loves him most.
When Cornelia was told about her fathers problems, she can back to England to help him.
He had three daughters- Goneril, Regan and Cordelia
IV. Итоги урока
The importance of his work
1) Shakespeare was a realist. He truthfully described the life of people , their relationship;
the playwright never idealized people.
2) He considered common people to be a driving force of history.
3) He criticized inhuman, demoralized monarchy though he didn’t see the ways of fighting
with it.
4) We find humanistic ideas in his play.
5) Shakespeare showed the processes of social development in the profound way; he was
greatly interested in the problems of man and power.