Контрольная работа "Неправильные глаголы"

Don’t write on the sheets На листочках не пишем
Вариант 1
1 Впишите пропущенные формы глагола.
1) Be ……………. …………….
2)……………. ……………. found
3)……………. flew …………….
4) Write ……………. …………….
5)……………. sat …………….
6) Tell ……………. …………….
7)……………. ……………. worn
8)……………. thought …………….
9)……………. ……………. made
10)……………. smelt …………….
2 Исправь ошибки и перепиши правильно.
1) Du-done-did есть, иметь
2) Knew-knaw-knawn - учить
3) Meik-meid-mede - делать
4) Anderstend-undirstud-understud - принимать
5) Laid-ley-leid- лгать
3 Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. She … born in April 1995.
a) were b) is c) was
2. My parents and Iabroad last summer.
a) go b) went c) gone
3. I … my granny many years ago, in my childhood
a) seen b) saw c) see
4. Natalie usually … dinner at two o’clock every day.
a) have b) has c) had
5. Yesterday I … to the theater
a) go b) went c) gone
6. The guests … “good-bye” and left the house yesterday.
a) say b) said c) tell
7. I many rules at school last year.
a) learn b) learned c) are learned
8. He … every five days.
a) swim b) swam c) swims
9. My little sister … pets every few weeks.
a) buy b) bought c) is buying
10. My family … early yesterday.
a) ate b) eat c) eaten
4 Поставьте данный в скобках глагол в правильную
форму, переведите предложения.
1. Last summer I ...(have) a nice trip. I ...(be) in the village with my friend
Melissa. My friend and I ... (catch) a butterfly, …(drink) orange juice and
(eat) a lot of ice-cream.
2. Yesterday I …(быть) at the swimming poll. I …(плавать) almost two hours.
3. When I usually … (идти) to school, I …(see) my friend Olga. Olga (быть)
born on the second of April. She …(рассказать) me that she likes to
Don’t write on the sheets На листочках не пишем
Вариант 2
1 Впишите пропущенные формы глагола.
1) Pay ……………. …………….
2)……………. broke …………….
3)……………. ……………. gone
4) Swim ……………. …………….
5)……………. put …………….
6)……………. ……………. given
7) Cut …………. …………….
8)……………. hurt …………….
9)……………. ……………. Drawn
10)……………. ……………. forgotten
2 Исправь ошибки и перепиши правильно.
1) Wear-wor-wourn - одеваться
2) Chuse-chouse-chusen - выбирать
3) Bring- braucht-braucht - приносить
4) Spiik-spoky-spokin - болтать
5) Shown shou-shown демонстрировать
3 Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. Two of my sister … born in May 1992.
a) were b) is c) was
2. I to school yesterday, but today I am ill.
a) go b) went c) gone
3. I … this film last week.
a) seen b) saw c) see
4. My family usually a picnic every year.
a) have b) has c) had
5. I will … shopping tomorrow.
a) go b) went c) gone
6. Yesterday Teddy ...that it will be rainy today.
a) say b) said c) tell
7. I … this rule last year.
a) learn b) learned c) are learned
8. My family and I every five days.
a) swim b) swam c) swims
9. I … a present for my little sister yesterday .
a) buy b) bought c) is buying
10. Every morning at 8 o’clock I … sandwiches.
a) ate b) eat c) eaten
4 Поставьте данный в скобках глагол в правильную
форму, переведите предложения.
1. Every morning I …(получать) up at 7 o’clock. Then I wash my face and
clean my teeth. At 7.30 a.m. I …(иметь) breakfast. After breakfast I
…(одевать) my clothes. I …(петь) my favorite song while wearing.
2. I must to …(buy) a cake today. Because my elder sister …(have) a birthday
party this evening. I …(hear) from my parents that she would like to
(have) a new computer game.
3. I …(видеть) Tom three days ago. I …(идти) from the shop and
(встречать) him on the street. He asked me to …(посылать) a post-card
to our grandmother. She would …(иметь) a birthday next week.