Конспект урока "Would you like to read a good book?" 8 класс

Министерство образования Ставропольского края
ГБОУ ВПО «Ставропольский государственный педагогический институт»
Психолого-педагогический факультет
Кафедра иностранных языков
Конспект урока
по предмету: Английский язык. 8 «А» класс
Тема: « Would you like to read a good book?»
Программа: Английский язык, Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю.
студентка 5 курса
группы ПН5 «А»
Духович А.А.
Свивальнева Е.В.
Макаренко Е.А.
Дата проведения:
22. 03. 2013
Тема: «A book that is worth burning is worth reading»
Цель: познакомить с новым грамматическим материалом, познакомить
учащихся с новой темой «A book that is worth burning is worth reading»
Образовательная: создание условий для ознакомления учащихся с темой «A
book that is worth burning is worth reading»
Развивающая: развитие мышления, памяти, воображения, внимания,
логики, речи.
Воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку.
I Этап. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной деятельности.
1.Организационный момент. (3 минуты).
Задача: проверить готовность учащихся к уроку.
T. Good afternoon, students! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please.
T:-Who wants to start our lesson? Please tell us about the date and the day.
P:- Today is…
T:- Who is absent today?
P:- Ira is absent.
T:- Thank you. Sit down, please.
2. Фонетическая зарядка. (4 минуты).
Задача: совершенствовать произносительные навыки учащихся, развивать
абстрактно-логическое мышление.
T.: Today we begin our lesson with a poem. What season is it now? Today we will
read the poem about March. Please, look at the blackboard. Listen to the poem and
translate it, say the poem after me. Now I’ll tell you the first line and you should
tell me the second. Read the poem all together.
Winds Of March
Winds of March, we welcome you,
There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the winter cold away.
3. Речевая разминка. (5 минут).
Задача: создать атмосферу общения на уроке через неподготовленную речь
учащихся, развивать абстрактно-логическое мышление, память.
T.: Open your books on page 122. Please, read the title of our lesson. So, what’s
you opinion about this? Do you agree?
T.: Thank you for your answers. Today we will talk about reading.
II Этап. Введение новых Л.Е. по теме. (10 мин)
Задачи: Расширение словарного запаса детей, закрепление новых Л.Е. в ходе
выполнения упражнения.
Задание 1.
T.: Open your books on p.123. ex. 3. Let’s read new words and translate them.
T.: Look at these words again, please.
T:-Let’s revise our past grammar material.
T:- Let’s make up the sentences in the Passive Voice.
T:- Look at the ex 3 at p 123.
T:- Let’s do this exercise.
III Этап. Обучение видам речевой деятельности.
5. Развитие видов речевой деятельности:
1. Чтение (10 минут).
T.: Look at the text on p.123 and let’s read it and translate.
T: …will be librarian, …..will be Rob, ……..will be Mark, ……will be Misha.
T.: Answer the following questions: on p.124, and say, is it true or false?
T: Why did people burn the books?
T: Why should we take care of old books?
2. Говорение (7 минут).
Discuss the following question: Are books worth reading? Use the words and
expressions in ex 6 on p 125.
T: I give you 2 minutes for preparing.
T: Time is over. Let’s check your answers.
3. Аудирование (10 мин)
Listen to the dialogue between the students. And try to understand the main idea.
T: What’s the main idea of this conversation?
T: Listen to the dialogue once again.. And then you should answer my question.
T: Who decided to go to the library?
T: Who invited Misha? What did he say?
T:- Let’s retell the story. Who is ready?
P:- I am.
T:- Start, please.
IV Этап. Заключительный (3 минуты).
Задача: подвести тоги урока, сообщить домашнее задание, аргументировать
1. Подведение итогов урока.
T: What was the theme of our lesson? What we were talking about?
2. Объявление домашнего задания.
Задача: сообщить домашнее задание, объяснить выполнение домашнего
T.: Your home task is ex. (A/B) at p. 125. You should write questions for these
3. Выставление оценок.
Задача: выставить и аргументировать оценки.
T: Ira, Olga, Sasha, your marks are 5. Your work was excellent. Vanya, your mark
is 4, because you worked worse than Ira. You should work better during the next
T.: The lesson is over. Good bye!
Министерство образования Ставропольского края
ГБОУ ВПО «Ставропольский государственный педагогический институт»
Психолого-педагогический факультет
Кафедра иностранных языков
Конспект урока
по предмету: Английский язык. 8 «А» класс
Тема: « A friend in need is a friend indeed. »
Программа: Английский язык, Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю.
студентка 5 курса
группы ПН5 «А»
Духович А.А.
Свивальнева Е.В.
Макаренко Е.А.
Дата проведения:
18. 03. 2013
Тема: « Would you like to read a good book?» »
Цель: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме урока.
1)Образовательная: совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки
чтения, аудирования и говорения по теме урока; актуализировать и обобщить
знания учащихся по теме урока; закрепить знания o страдательном залоге;
закрепить знания лексического материала по теме; обеспечить отработку
материала в серии языковых и речевых упражнений; закрепить навыки
чтения и восприятия речи на слух.
2)Развивающая: развивать лингвистические способности
(фонематический слух, языковая догадка, имитация); упражнять психические
функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью (мышление, произвольное
внимание, память, воображение); развивать умение анализировать,
сравнивать, классифицировать; развивать память.
3)Воспитательная: воспитывать желание общаться на английском
языке, получать при этом удовольствие, радость, воспитывать умение
слушать других;
I Этап. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной деятельности.
1.Организационный момент. (3 минуты).
Задача: проверить готовность учащихся к уроку.
T. Good afternoon, students! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please.
T:-Who wants to start our lesson? Please tell us about the date and the day.
P:- Today is…
T:- Who is absent today?
P:- Ira is absent.
T:- Thank you. Sit down, please.
2. Фонетическая зарядка. (4 минуты).
Задача: совершенствовать произносительные навыки учащихся, развивать
абстрактно-логическое мышление.
T.: Today we begin our lesson with a poem. Please, look at the blackboard. Listen
to the poem and translate it, say the poem after me. Now I’ll tell you the first line
and you should tell me the second. Read the poem all together.
3. Речевая разминка. (5 минут).
Задача: создать атмосферу общения на уроке через неподготовленную речь
учащихся, развивать абстрактно-логическое мышление, память.
Т. Look at the blackboard read a proverb and try to translate it.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
T.: Thank you for your answers. Today we will talk about friendship.
II Этап. Введение новых Л.Е. по теме. (10 мин)
Задачи: Расширение словарного запаса детей, закрепление новых Л.Е. в ходе
выполнения упражнения.
Задание 1.
T.: Open your books on p.123. ex. 3. Let’s read new words and translate them.
T.: Look at these words again, please.
Let’s revise our past grammar material.
T:- Как образуются конструкции пассивного залога?
T:- Can you write down it at the black board?
P:- Yes, I can.
Simple : To be+ V3
Progressive : To be+ being+ V3
Perfect : To be+ have been+ V3
T:- That’s right.
T:- Look at the ex 1 at p. 125. Let’s make up the sentences in the Passive Voice.
T:- Open your exercise books. Write down the date, classwork. And let’s do the
III Этап. Обучение видам речевой деятельности.
Развитие видов речевой деятельности:
1. Чтение (10 минут).
Задача: Развитие навыков чтения, произносительных навыков.
T.: Look at the text on p.123 and let’s read and translate it.
Friendless? It's a problem for me. I don't have a brother or a sister. There is no one
of my age I could have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix
with my classmates at school. But that is not the same as having a best friend who I
could share my problems and secrets with. I don't have anyone who I can have fun
with or turn to for help. Nothing can replace (заменить) a best friend. I'm bored to
tears (до слез)!
. I'll give you cards. Fill in the words from the text.
Card 1.
1. Ellen doesn't have a_______or a______.
She mixes with______.
Ellen could share her____and____with.
4. She doesn't have anyone who________.
5. _____ can_____a best friend.
6. ______to tears!
T:-Can you give the main idea of the story?
T:- And now let’s retell this story.
T:- Who is ready to start?
P:- I am.
T:- Start, please.
2. Аудирование (10 мин)
Задача: Развитие фонематического слуха, развитие умения понимать
аутентичную речь.
Listen to the story and try to understand the main idea of this story.
T: What’s the main idea of this story?
T: Listen to the story once again. And then you should answer my question.
T: Who decided to go to the camping?
T: Who invited Misha? What did he say?
T: Who wants to tell us this story?
P:- I am.
T;- Start, please.
3. Говорение.
Задача: Развитие навыков говорения( диалогическая речь).
T:- Lets work in pairs. Ask your classmates about his/her friend. Has he/she got a
loyal friend? What is his/her name? Were does he/she live? What does he/she like
to do?
T:- I give you 2 min for preparing.
T:- Let’s check your answers.
IV Этап. Заключительный (3 минуты).
Задача: подвести тоги урока, сообщить домашнее задание, аргументировать
1. Подведение итогов урока.
T: What was the theme of our lesson? What we were talking about?
2. Объявление домашнего задания.
Задача: сообщить домашнее задание, объяснить выполнение домашнего
T.: Your home task is ex. (A/B) at p. 125. You should write questions for these
3. Выставление оценок.
Задача: выставить и аргументировать оценки.
T: Ira, Olga, Sasha, your marks are 5. Your work was excellent. Vanya, your mark
is 4, because you worked worse than Ira. You should work better during the next
T.: The lesson is over. Good bye!
Т. Good morning, dear friends. I'm glad to see you at our English lesson. Look at these pictures. What
are they about?
P. They are about two friends. Учащиеся дают описание картинок .
Т. Have you got a loyal friend? What is his/her name? Ask your neighbour about his/her friend?
Учащиеся задают друг другу вопросы и отвечают на них.
2. Учащиеся читают пословицу, написанную на доске и переводят ее на русский язык.
Т. Look at the blackboard read a proverb and try to translate it.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
3. Из данных слов на доске необходимо выбрать только те, которые подходят к теме нашего урока.
Учащиеся работают в группах, определяют тему урока, выбирают слова. Одна группа отвечает,
остальные задают вопросы.
Т. Choose the words those are suitable for us. Tell the topic of the lesson. Слова: friend, pollution,
considerate, to worry about each other, protection, to cheer up, to damage, to disturb, to hurt, brainy, to
rely on, to keep each others secrets, never betray each other, to have great fun with...
4. Озвучиваются вопросы урока:
1. How many friends a person should have?
2. What means the word friendless?
3. Are you loyal friends?
II. Работа с текстами
Т. Listen to the text and read it in your textbooks.
Учащиеся прослушивают текст, следят за диктором по учебнику.
I for one have a lot of friends. They are people who I can have great fun with. When I am in trouble
they're always there to cheer me up. Let's take Jack, for example. He's the one who I can turn to when I
have problems at home. I can talk all my problems through with him. He's supportive and can keep
secrets. It's important, isn't it? And Jane? She's so brainy! I always turn to her when I have problems with
Jessica is great at working on the computer. She teaches me how to work, too. She's so kind and
considerate. We have a lot of similar interests with Mike. And besides Mike is the only one I can play
football with! Each time we all get together we have a good laugh. Sometimes we have arguments but
we make up (миримся) quickly. We are never bored.
Заданиектексту: There are some sentences to the text. If the sentence is suitable show me a red card.
And if the sentence isn't pass to the text show me a blue card.
1. Tom has got many friends.
2. Their names are Ann, John and Pete.
3. Their names are Jack, Jessica and Mike.
4. Jack is supported and he can keep secrets.
5. Jane isn't brainy.
6. Jessica is great at working on the computer.
7. Mike is not only one Ted can play football with.
8. They are never bored.
Текст № 2. Учащиеся в группах ищут необходимые слова для предложений, выписывают слова
одна из групп на доске, остальные участвуют в обсуждении.
Т. Let's take turn reading. Then we'll work in groups again. I'll give you cards. Fill in the words from the
text 3.
Friendless? It's a problem for me. I don't have a brother or a sister. There is no one of my age I could
have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix with my classmates at school. But that is
not the same as having a best friend who I could share my problems and secrets with. I don't have
anyone who I can have fun with or turn to for help. Nothing can replace (заменить) a best friend. I'm
bored to tears (до слез)!
Card 1.
1. Ellen doesn't have a_______or a______.
She mixes with______.
Ellen could share her____and____with.
4. She doesn't have anyone who________.
5. _____ can_____a best friend.
6. ______to tears!
T. Can you give the main ideas of the passage? Учащиеся зачитывают предложения.
Текст № 3. Учащиеся самостоятельно читают текст, отвечают на вопросы к нему, ответы
записываются в тетрадях и на доске.
Т. Read the 3d text quickly and answer the questions about Linda and her friend.
I have only one friend called Linda. She lives next door and we spend a lot of time together. She's great
at keeping secrets! Sometimes we argue about little things but there are a lot of other things that we like
about each other. Like me, she likes music and reading but we're both not very good at sports.
She's a person I don't need a break from. I can always rely on my friend. She cheers me up when I'm
upset. I feel that I can always turn to her if I have some problems.
A lot of friends take a lot of time. We are just two and we are happy.
1. How do Joy and her friend Linda spend their time together?
2. What does Joy like about Linda most?
3. Do you think Linda is a good friend to Joy? Why?
III. Игра. Работа в группах
Раздаются карточки № 3, необходимо дать перевод пословицам.
Card 3.
1. Friends are the thieves of times.
2. No man is useless while he has a friend.
3. A friend to everyone is a friend to nobody.
IV. Поясняется домашнее задание
Необходимо заполнить карточку «Мой друг», по желанию можно написать сочинение о своем
лучшем друге.
Card 2.
I have a friend named_____
On the whole my friend is_____and a_____person.
I have_____as a friend because_______.
I think________is a true friend because_______.
_______tells me______and helps me________.
I think that_____is my______friend.
V. Подводятся итоги урока
My Friend
Like everybody else I like to have lots of friends around me because they make life interesting and
enjoyable. My best friend is someone I met at school and we were lucky to study in the same class.
His name is Tolik and he is the same age as I am. Friends are very important in our life. I think one
cannot live without friends. The most important thing for being good friends, to my mind, is to be
ready to help one another in any situation, nevertheless how difficult it is, to support one another and
to solve all the problems together. And never mind, that the friends may have different interests and
hobbies, different likes and dislikes. They say that the friend in need is a friend indeed. I think it is
really so, My friend and I always do our best to help one another. We discuss all our troubles and try
to find the best decision in any situation. My friend is a very good, kind and clever boy.
My friend is going to become a doctor. Our future professions are different and the subjects we have
to study are different too, but we like to work together and to help one another in our study.
When we have some free time, we go for walks, read and discuss books, watch films, go to discos or
play computer games. Playing computer games is our hobby. Both of us are fond of sport. We are
football fans and we like to watch and discuss football matches on TV or to go to the stadium. I think
he is a true friend.
Fill in the words from the text 3.
Friendless? It's a problem for me. I don't have a brother or a sister. There is no one of
my age I could have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix with my
classmates at school. But that is not the same as having a best friend who I could share
my problems and secrets with. I don't have anyone who I can have fun with or turn to for
help. Nothing can replace (заменить) a best friend. I'm bored to tears (до слез)!
Card 1.
1. Ellen doesn't have a_______or a______.
She mixes with______.
Ellen could share her_________and___________with.
4. She doesn't have anyone who________.
5. _____ ________can___________a best friend.
6. _______________to tears!
Fill in the words from the text 3.
Friendless? It's a problem for me. I don't have a brother or a sister. There is no one of
my age I could have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix with my
classmates at school. But that is not the same as having a best friend who I could share
my problems and secrets with. I don't have anyone who I can have fun with or turn to for
help. Nothing can replace (заменить) a best friend. I'm bored to tears (до слез)!
Card 1.
1. Ellen doesn't have a_______or a______.
She mixes with______.
Ellen could share her_________and___________with.
4. She doesn't have anyone who________.
5. _____ ________can___________a best friend.
6. _______________to tears!
Fill in the words from the text 3.
Friendless? It's a problem for me. I don't have a brother or a sister. There is no one of
my age I could have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix with my
classmates at school. But that is not the same as having a best friend who I could share
my problems and secrets with. I don't have anyone who I can have fun with or turn to for
help. Nothing can replace (заменить) a best friend. I'm bored to tears (до слез)!
Card 1.
1. Ellen doesn't have a_______or a______.
She mixes with______.
Ellen could share her_________and___________with.
4. She doesn't have anyone who________.
5. _____ ________can___________a best friend.
6. _______________to tears!
Fill in the words from the text 3.
Friendless? It's a problem for me. I don't have a brother or a sister. There is no one of
my age I could have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix with my
classmates at school. But that is not the same as having a best friend who I could share
my problems and secrets with. I don't have anyone who I can have fun with or turn to for
help. Nothing can replace (заменить) a best friend. I'm bored to tears (до слез)!
Card 1.
1. Ellen doesn't have a_______or a______.
She mixes with______.
Ellen could share her_________and___________with.
4. She doesn't have anyone who________.
5. _____ ________can___________a best friend.
6. _______________to tears!
Fill in the words from the text 3.
Friendless? It's a problem for me. I don't have a brother or a sister. There is no one of
my age I could have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix with my
classmates at school. But that is not the same as having a best friend who I could share
my problems and secrets with. I don't have anyone who I can have fun with or turn to for
help. Nothing can replace (заменить) a best friend. I'm bored to tears (до слез)!
Card 1.
1. Ellen doesn't have a_______or a______.
She mixes with______.
Ellen could share her_________and___________with.
4. She doesn't have anyone who________.
5. _____ ________can___________a best friend.
6. _______________to tears!
Fill in the words from the text 3.
Friendless? It's a problem for me. I don't have a brother or a sister. There is no one of
my age I could have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix with my
classmates at school. But that is not the same as having a best friend who I could share
my problems and secrets with. I don't have anyone who I can have fun with or turn to for
help. Nothing can replace (заменить) a best friend. I'm bored to tears (до слез)!
Card 1.
1. Ellen doesn't have a_______or a______.
She mixes with______.
Ellen could share her_________and___________with.
4. She doesn't have anyone who________.
5. _____ ________can___________a best friend.
6. _______________to tears!
The best mirror is an old friend.
One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.
Books and friends should be few but good.
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.
The only unsinkable ship is friendSHIP.
The best mirror is an old friend.
One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.
Books and friends should be few but good.
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.
The only unsinkable ship is friendSHIP.
The best mirror is an old friend.
One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.
Books and friends should be few but good.
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.
The only unsinkable ship is friendSHIP.
Министерство образования Ставропольского края
ГБОУ ВПО «Ставропольский государственный педагогический институт»
Психолого-педагогический факультет
Кафедра иностранных языков
Конспект урока
по предмету: Английский язык. 8 «Б» класс
Тема: « »
Программа: Английский язык, Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю.
студентка 5 курса
группы ПН5 «А»
Духович А.А.
Свивальнева Е.В.
Макаренко Е.А.
Дата проведения:
20. 03. 2013
Тема: « Would you like to read a good book »
Цель: познакомить с новым грамматическим материалом, (Would like)
познакомить учащихся с новой темой «Would you like to read a good book»
Образовательная: создание условий для ознакомления учащихся с
темой,познакомить с новым грамматическим материалом по теме «Would
like)», обеспечить усвоение новых лексических единиц по теме.
Развивающая: развивать лингвистические способности (фонематический
слух, языковая догадка, имитация); упражнять психические функции,
связанные с речевой деятельностью (мышление, произвольное внимание,
память, воображение).
Воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку, привитие
любви к чтению.
I Этап. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной деятельности.
1.Организационный момент. (3 минуты).
Задача: проверить готовность учащихся к уроку.
T. Good afternoon, students! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please.
T:-Who wants to start our lesson? Please tell us about the date and the day.
P:- Today is…
T:- Who is absent today?
P:- Ira is absent.
T:- Thank you. Sit down, please.
2. Фонетическая зарядка. (4 минуты).
Задача: совершенствовать произносительные навыки учащихся, развивать
абстрактно-логическое мышление.
T.: Today we begin our lesson with a twister. Please, look at the blackboard. Listen
to the twister. Now I’ll read you the first. And now you should read it as faster
as you can. Read the twister all together:
Tie a knot, tie a knot.
Tie a tight, tight knot.
Tie a knot in the shape of a naught.
3. Речевая разминка. (2 минуты).
Задача: создать атмосферу общения на уроке через неподготовленную речь
учащихся, развивать абстрактно-логическое мышление, память.
Т. T:- Do you like reading?
T: What is your favorite book?
P:- My favorite book is….
T:-Do you know the author?
P:- yes, I do. His name is…..
T.: Thank you for your answers. Today we will talk about different ways of
choosing books and also we find out the new grammar rules.
II Этап. Объяснение нового грамматического материала . (10 мин)
Задачи: Знакомство с новым грамматическим материалом, закрепление в
ходе выполнения упражнений.
Задание 1. Сегодня мы с вами познакомимся с особенностями употребления
глагола Would.
Open your books at p. 135. There is a new grammar rule.
Задание 2. Закрепление нового грамматического материала.
T.: Open your books on p.135. ex. 1. Lets do this exercise.
2. Введение новых Л.Е.
T:- And now, pupils, look at the ex 3 at p. 131.
T:-I’ll read and then you should repeat it.
T:-Let’s read them after me.
III Этап. Обучение видам речевой деятельности.
Развитие видов речевой деятельности:
1. Чтение (10 минут).
Задача: Развитие навыков чтения, произносительных навыков.
T.: Look at the text at p.132 and let’s read and translate it.
T:- Mark the sentences below true or false.
T: And now let’s retell this store. Who is ready to start?
2. Говорение. Монологическая речь. (8 мин)
T:- Look through Ex. 2 . What are the people in the pictures offering? Accept or
refuse their offers.
T:- Let’s speak about yourself. What would you like to do?
T:-Your answer should contain about 10 sentences. You can use the words from
your books.
T:- Also you can use the expressions from the blackboard.
T:- Let’s check your answers. Who is ready to start?
3. Диалогическая речь. (8 мин)
T:- Lets play a game. One of you will be a famous actor, and other- will be a
journalist. It is an interview. Ask the actor about his favorite book and the way of
choosing book. About his or her favorite genre.
T:- I give you 3 min for preparing.
T:- Let’s check your answers. Who is ready to start?
Задача: Развитие умения понимать аутентичную речь на слух.
T:- Listen to the story and try to understand the main idea of this story.
T: What’s the main idea of this story?
T: Listen to the story once again. And then you should answer my question.
T: Which of these book have you read?
T: Who is the author?
T:- What is the book about?
T: Who wants to tell us this story?
P:- I am.
T;- Start, please.
IV Этап. Заключительный (3 минуты).
Задача: подвести тоги урока, сообщить домашнее задание, аргументировать
1. Подведение итогов урока.
T: What was the theme of our lesson? What we were talking about?
2. Объявление домашнего задания.
Задача: сообщить домашнее задание, объяснить выполнение домашнего
T.: Your home task is ex. (A) at p. 137. You should choose the correct variant and
open the brackets.
3. Выставление оценок.
Задача: выставить и аргументировать оценки.
T: Ira, Olga, Sasha, your marks are 5. Your work was excellent. Vanya, your mark
is 4, because you worked worse than Ira. You should work better during the next
T.: The lesson is over. Good bye!
I like reading
My favorite
book is….
I like it
I choose a book
Because I think
My favorite
genre is…
…….is worth
It is an interview. Ask the actor about his favorite book and the way of choosing
Questions for journalist
1. Представьтесь.
2. Поинтересуйтесь, можно ли задать несколько вопросов (some questions)
3. Спросите, любит ли он читать.
4. Если да, то какая книга его любимая. Кто автор ( the author)
5. Какой жанр он предпочитает. (to prefer). И почему. (There are: detectives,
love novels, thrillers, historical books.)
6. Поблагодарите за ответы (answers)
7. Попрощайтесь.
Answers for an actor.
1. I like reading, because…
2. My favorite book is…The auter is…
3. I prefer the…..
It is an interview. Ask the actor about his favorite book and the way of choosing
Questions for journalist
1. Представьтесь.
2. Поинтересуйтесь, можно ли задать несколько вопросов (some questions)
3. Спросите, любит ли он читать.
4. Если да, то какая книга его любимая. Кто автор ( the author)
5. Какой жанр он предпочитает. (to prefer). И почему. (There are: detectives,
love novels, thrillers, historical books.)
6. Поблагодарите за ответы (answers)
7. Попрощайтесь.
Answers for an actor.
1. I like reading, because…
2. My favorite book is…The auter is…
3. I prefer the…..
Согласие с утвердительной репликой
So+ do+ I/We/they/you
So+ does+she/he
Согласие с отрицательной репликой
Neither do
Neither does he/she
It is an interview. Ask the actor about his favorite book and the way of choosing
Questions for journalist
1. Представьтесь.
2. Поинтересуйтесь, можно ли задать несколько вопросов (some questions)
3. Спросите, любит ли он читать.
4. Если да, то какая книга его любимая. Кто автор ( the author)
5. Какой жанр он предпочитает. (to prefer). И почему. (There are: detectives,
love novels, thrillers, historical books.)
6. Поблагодарите за ответы (answers)
7. Попрощайтесь.
Answers for an actor.
1. I like reading, because…
2. My favorite book is…The auter is…
3. I prefer the…..
It is an interview. Ask the actor about his favorite book and the way of choosing
Questions for journalist
1. Представьтесь.
2. Поинтересуйтесь, можно ли задать несколько вопросов (some questions)
3. Спросите, любит ли он читать.
4. Если да, то какая книга его любимая. Кто автор ( the author)
5. Какой жанр он предпочитает. (to prefer). И почему. (There are: detectives,
love novels, thrillers, historical books.)
6. Поблагодарите за ответы (answers)
7. Попрощайтесь.
Answers for an actor.
1. I like reading, because…
2. My favorite book is…The auter is…
3. I prefer the…..