Конспект урока "We like all kinds of animals" 6 класс

МОУ «Нижне- Наратбашская средняя
общеобразовательная школа Буинского района РТ»
Открытый урок по английскому языку, проведенный в
рамках районного семинара учителей иностранных
Подготовила и провела
учитель английского языка
второй квалификационной категории
Бикчанатева Алия Рифкатовна
Декабрь -2009
Задачи урока:
1. Учебные: активизировать употребление лексики по теме, совершенствовать речевые умения, навыки
чтения, навыки прослушивания и работы над прослушанным текстом, ввести новые лексические единицы,
обозначающие действия животных.
2. Развивающие: развивать способность к умозаключению, развивать умение сравнивать и обобщать,
способствовать развитию творческой деятельности обучающихся.
3. Воспитательные: формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к животным, ко всем живым
существам, привить к ним любовь.
4. Социокультурная задача: привлечение интереса к проблемам животного мира.
Методический инструментарий
-самостоятельная работа;
Оснащение урока: проектор, экран, компьютер, раздаточный материал, иллюстрации по теме (см. Презентацию),
Описание технологий
Формирование критического
Обучение анализировать информацию (выделять главную мысль, умение
сопоставлять полученную информацию с ранее известной), обучение
обобщать информацию.
При стадии процесса обучения: вызов, осмысление, рефлексия.
Разноуровневое обучение
Дифференцированные задания; дополнительные опоры для
слабоуспевающих учеников.
коммуникационные технологии
Демонстрационный показ слайдов.
Игровые ситуации на уроке; нетрадиционные задания.
План урока:
1. Оргмомент.
2. Актуализация темы урока.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
4. Развитие устной речи
5. Объяснение домашнего задания.
6. Развитие монологической речи
7. Работа с учебным текстом
8. Аудирование
9. Подведение итогов урока.
Teacher: Good morning dear friends!
I’m very glad to see you again. How is your life? How are you? Anything special
with you? Iglad to hear it. OK. If you are ready let’s start our class. Who is on
duty today?
Teacher: Dear boys and girls! Today we’ll have a very interesting lesson. I hope everybody
will enjoy it. The theme of the class is “We like all kinds of animals”. We
continue speaking about our younger brothers and visit some places where animals
live, discuss their problems and do some exciting activities. Do you like the idea?
Teacher: First why not to warm up our tongues. There are some English proverbs about
animals. Repeat after me and try to find their Russian equivalents.
When the cat is away the mice will play.
One swallow doesn’t make a summer.
One chick keeps a hen busy.
You can take the horse to the water but you can’t make him drink.
Кот за двери - мыши в пляс.
Одна ласточка весны не делает.
И один цыпленок доставляет наседке много хлопот.
Насильно мил не будешь.
And now a role play Babies”. You have to imitate the sounds of animals (3 times)
The hen has a chicken, what does it say?
Cheep, …, … all through the day.
The duck has a duckling, what does it say?
Quack, …, … all through the day.
The sheep has a lambkin, what does it say?
Baa , …, … all through the day.
The pig has a piglet, what does it say?
Squeal , …, … all through the day.
The cat has a kitten , what does it say?
Mew, …, … all through the day.
The dog has a puppy, what does it say?
Bow-wow, … all through the day.
It’s high time to start our lesson.
Teacher: Let’s begin our class with watching a film. But there is a task for you. Watch the
video with great attention and try to guess what the film is about.
Video ”Kazan zoo” (slide #___)
Do you know what the film is about?
Have you ever been to Kazan zoo?
When did you go there?
Did you like going there?
What animals did you see there?
Whom did you go to the zoo?
I strongly agree that to see and meet animals is great fun. We feel happy. There are
a lot of animals in the world: mammals, birds, insects, reptiles. Big and small,
black and white and colorful, kind and scary, wild and dangerous.
We meet animals everywhere: at the zoo, in the forest and in the jungle, in the
rivers and in the oceans. But there is one more place where our friends live
together. Look at the map of the UK and find West Midland area. The West
Midlands is an official region of England, covering the western half of the area
traditionally known as the Midlands. (slide #__)
There is a safari park in the West Midlands. Watch the video and try to guess
what a safari park is.
Video “West Midlands safari park” (slide # ___)
1. What is a safari park? (A safari park is a place where animals live in the wild.
Another name for it is wild animals’ park.)
2. What is the difference between the zoo and the wild animals’ park?
(At the zoo animals live in the cages, but in the parks they live in the wild. The
space for living is much larger here. And there are more trees and grass as fact.
And here the conditions are closer to the wild nature than at the zoo.)
3. Do animals living at the zoo differ from animals living in the wild?
(Animals of the zoo are cruel and unhappy, because they can’t do
everything they want they even can’t run and jump. In the parks animals are friendly and happy,
because they are independent. They can do everything they want. They feel much better there,
because the conditions are similar to natural.)
4. Where do animals have more spaces for living?
(Of course, in the wild parks)
5. Why do people keep animals at the zoo and in wild animals’ park?
(People keep animals in the zoo because it is a business. A lot of people
come to the zoo to see exotic and wild animals. I think people who really want to help and
protect animals keep them in wild animals’ parks because their animals feel more
To introduce the animals to people, learn and understand more about the lives of animals, to
save endangered animals, get closer to them and have a good view of different animals, to
protect them from killing)
Let’s summaries what we have spoken about. (slide# _____)
But there is one more place in the cities where people go to see and have a good view of
different animals. Do you know what place it is? Yeah, you are absolutely right it’s a circus.
Please have a look at these pictures. Do you agree that circus is a good place for animals to
live? Why not? They have parties; give a performance to people every day. Children are
happy to see them. How do animals feel themselves? As for me I don’t like animal shows in
circuses. We said that animals in zoos are unhappier than in parks. And I strongly believe
that in circuses their living conditions are much worse than in zoos.
Let’s open your textbooks on page 111 and find Ex25. Read the task and phrases and word
combinations which are given below. This exercise will be your home task for next lesson.
Please try to compare the living conditions of animals in circus.
Dear boys and girls! You know that people keep animals not only at zoo and the
parks but at their homes too. They say that a house is not a home without a pet.
At last lesson you’ve got a task to make mini-projects about your favorite pet.
Think it’ll be very interesting if you share your stories about your pet. So who
will we begin with?
(Выступление учащихся Мини – проекты «Мое домашнее животное»)
Now we’ll work in groups. There are rules for pet keepers. First read the text in groups,
then discuss and choose 5 top important rules what every person should know and follow.
1. You should take care of your pet.
2. You should love and feed your animal.
3. You should be a real friend of the animal.
4. You should read books and watch TV programs about animals.
5. You should take your pet to the vet if it is ill.
6. You should play with your animal.
7. You should sing songs for you pet.
8. You should give all sweet things you like: sweets, ice-cream, cakes and jam.
9. You should arrange a party for your pet.
Who will introduce the rules from your group?
TEACHER: And now my friends, we are going to listen to the song. Do you like to listen to
songs? That’s fine. What is your favorite song? What about? The title of the song is “The
elephant song”. Can you guess what the song is about?
(about elephants, about Africa)
You’ll hear some new words in the song. Let’s write them down into your vocabulary notes.
To scratch at fleas ловить блох
To sniff at trees сопеть у дерева
To bark at the mailman - лаять на почтальона
To purr - мурлыкать
To chase mice- гнаться, охотиться за мышами
To curl up on the windowsill- скрутиться клубком на подоконнике
To say “Cock-a-doodle-doo- кукарекать
To reach into beehives- захватить ульи
To catch a fly- поймать муху
To stamp - топать копытами
A trunk- хобот
A maze- лабиринт
A lily pad- лист кувшинки
Gotta = have to- должен, вынужден
Look at the animals and say what they are doing.
(Презентация новой лексики на примере животных: собаки, кошки, обезьянки,
лягушки, слона, петуха, мыши)
Let’s repeat the words after me once more.
Now try to make up sentences answering the question:
What animals do these actions?
A cat likes to purr and curl on the windowsill.
Our cock says Cock-a-doodle-doo every morning.
Funny monkeys like to scratch at fleas.
Why not to have a rest?! It’s a good idea, isn’t it? I suggest do unusual morning
exercises today. We’ll make it very useful for us. Let’s try to imitate the actions that these
new verbs mean and remember them in action. I gave the name “So different animals” to
our new poem:
So different animals
They swing through the trees
They scratch at fleas
They stamp through the jungle
And sniff at trees.
They bark at the mailman
They chase the mice
They jump up high
to catch the flies.
They reach into beehives
Say Cock-a -dodle- doo
They curl up on the windowsill
And purr and purr.
OK. Good job! Now let’s listen to the song.
TASK 1. Did you like the song and characters of the song? Let’s try to describe the song and
the heroes of the song.
The characters are …….
The song is…..
TASK 2. What domestic and wild animals does a singer sing about? Tick off them in the list.
funny, colorful, great, merry, sad,
fantastic, wonderful, boring, dull,
happy, friendly, cruel, naughty,
TASK 3. There are two new nouns you don’t know. Let’s have a try and find the synonyms of
the next words.
A camel
A mouse
A rooster
A bear
A monkey
A cock
A sportsman
A mailman
A postman
A businessman
TASK 4. Listen to the song once more and while listening fill in the gaps.
Elephants. I like elephants.
Elephants. I like elephants.
I like how they swing through t_____ (trees).
Monkeys. I like monkeys.
I like how they s____. in the ocean (swim)
Fish. I like fish.
I like how they scratch at fleas and sniff at trees and bark at the
Gotta like dogs.
Curled up on the windowsill purring, and chasing m____ (mice)
Cats. I like cats.
I like how they say, Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Roosters. I like roosters.
I like how they reach into beehives for the h______ (honey)
Bears. I like bears.
I like how they j______ (jump) up high to catch a fly and sit on a lilypad
Gotta like frogs.
Running through a maze for some ch_______ (cheese)
Mice. I like mice.
I like how they say, Hee, Haw! Hee, Haw!
I like how they stamp through the jungle with their b___ (big) gray trunks
Elephants. I like elephants.
(trees, swim, mailman, mice, honey, jump, cheese, big)
TEACHER: I can’t understand, what is wrong with the song? The singer doesn’t exactly know
about animals. He jumbled all the facts. He says elephants like to swing through trees. It’s
funny isn’t it? Let’s correct the mistakes, because we know everything about animals for sure.
Try to put the jumbled lines of the song in order to make it true. The first group will change the
first part of the song, and the second group will correct the second one.
I like elephants
I like monkeys.
I like fish.
Gotta like dogs
I like cats.
I like roosters
I like bears
Gotta like frogs.
I like mice.
OUR lesson is coming to the end. I think it’s just time to make conclusion of the lesson. Today
we had a very interesting and productive lesson. We summed up our knowledge about the
places where animals live, learned new song and new words meaning different animals’ actions.
You were very active and worked hard. So your marks for the lesson: 5 for….., 4 for….
You have already got your homework. Do you have any questions about homework? If there
are no questions, you may be free. The lesson is over. Good bye!