План-конспект урока "What am I like?" 7 класс
План-конспект урока по английскому языку
7-й класс (3-й год обучения)
Тема урока: What am I like?
Цель: научиться описывать личность
Практическая: формирование и развитие ключевых компетентностей
учащихся в различных видах речевой деятельности,
Развивающая: развивать навыки полного понимания прочитанного, развивать
навыки детального аудирования (полное понимание содержания и смысла),
развитие навыков говорения о себе, развивать разные виды запоминания
новой лексики, развитие творческих способностей учащихся
Воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся культуру общения, принятую в
современном мире, положительное отношение к иностранному языку,
Образовательная: учить учащихся осознавать суть языковых явлений, через
которые можно воспринимать действительность,
Оснащение урока:
Диск, медали сделанные из цветной бумаги, ксерокопии, бумажные листы.
Активная новая лексика: adventurous, artistic, bubbly, caring, chatty, confident,
doodle, dreamy, fun-loving, hairdo, hard-working, home-loving, outgoing,
romantic, selfish, shy, unselfish.
Ход урока.
I. Начало урока.
1) Подготовка к восприятию иноязычного материала. Приветствие.
Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! How are you today? I’m glad that
you are well.
2) Сообщение темы и целей урока. Введение в иноязычную
We are going to learn a lot of new words today which will help you to talk about
people. We will learn the new words in different ways.
3) Warming up. Учебный разговор по высказыванию на доске.
Write the title What helps to guess new words? on the blackboard
II. Основная часть.
1) Ask pupils to look at the elves? Read the words in the first list and guess the
meaning. Practise saying the words and elicit what helped the pupils guess.
(The pictures.) Write this answer on the board.
2) Ask pupils to read and guess the meaning of the words in the second list.
Check the answers and practice saying them. Elicit what helped them to
guess. (Knowing the meaning of parts of the words.) Add this answer to the
first one on the board.
3) Pupils read and guess the meaning of the words in the third list. Check the
answers and practise saying the words. Elicit what helped pupils to guess.
(The words are like Russian words, e.g. artistic – артистический.) Write the
answer on the board: Like the Russian words.
4) Pupils read the words in the fourth list and revise the meaning of the words
known from Grade 6 and 7.
5) Draw pupils’ attention to the list on the blackboard and ask them to
summarise what can help them understand words they don’t know.
6) Tell pupils to work in pairs and ask each other the adjectives either by
pointing to the pictures or by asking What’s the English for…?
7) I write eight adjectives in a column on the board. Ask pupils to come to the
board one by one and tick the adjectives that describe them. Interpret the
results. If there many ticks next to an adjective, say: In general, we
are…Sometimes we are…We are never…
2a.Individual, pairs. To revise vocabulary about appearance.
Ask pupils to draw a face and focus on its details by answering the questions.
Ask pupils to look at their partners’ drawing and comment on it by answering
the questions (It is happy.)
2b.Individual, class. To practise talking about a person’s character.
2с.Individual, class. To practise listening for detail.
Ask pupils to check the answers in pairs first and then check with the whole
class. Play the recording.
Answer key
1A 2B 3D 4C 5E 6F 7G 8J 9G 10I 11L 12K
3.Individual, groups. To elicit personal response.
Divide pupils in groups of four groups. Ask them to interpret the pictures they
drew in Ex.2a.
4.Individual, class. To practise the new words and reinforce positive
feelings about yourself and other pupils in class.
I make myself a medal saying Patient Teacher, take it out and, show it to pupils
and say that I decided to award myself a medal because other people never see
how patient I am. I pin the medal on my clothes and suggest pupils make medals
and award them to everyone in class.
5a.Class. To develop critical thinking.
Discuss the results of the test. Elicit opinion.
III. Окончание урока.
1) Объяснение домашнего задания:
Explain the task from ex.5a.
2) Подведение итогов урока.
T: Thank you very much for your work and enthusiasm. Most of you were at
the top of the class. Some of you were rather quiet today. You are to be more
active in the lesson. You can’t learn to speak English by sitting and listening to
the other pupils. Forget about being shy and nervous. It’s far better to make a
few mistakes than to say nothing. Your marks today are….
Thank you for cooperation.
3) Прощание с учащимися.
"A failure is not always a
mistake, it may simply be the
best one can do under the
circumstances. The real mistake
is to stop trying."
B.F. Skinner
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