Конспект урока "My favourite animal" 4 класс

Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 4
Тема урока: «My favorite animal»
Тип урока: урок развития речевых умений учащихся
Цель (прогнозируемый результат): предполагается, что к окончанию урока
учащиеся смогут рассказать о любимом животном
- активизировать языковой материал по теме «Животные» и грамматический
материал по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных» в устной речи;
- создать условия для активного речевого взаимодействия;
- способствовать развитию умений использовать в устной речи информацию,
полученную при чтении;
- способствовать формированию умений планировать свое коммуникативное
Задачи для учащихся:
- учиться высказывать свою точку зрения на английском языке;
- учиться применять полученные знания на практике.
Методы: коммуникативный
Оборудование урока: компьютер, интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор,
раздаточный материал
Ход урока
1. Организационно – мотивационный этап.
Good morning, children. We have known a lot of about animals. We can compare
them, we‘ve known domestic and wild animals. So, today we will revise everything. And
try to write about our favorite animals.
2. Актуализации знаний.
Warm-up. Let’s read this poem. And find the name of animals.
I can go to the zoo
I can see a kangaroo
I can feed a hare
I can draw a bear.
So, do you know that there are domestic and wild animals?
Is a kangaroo a domestic animal?
Is a hare a wild animal?
Is a bear a domestic or wild animal?
Let’s speak about domestic and wild animals.
Find domestic and wild animals. What animal is the biggest (smallest, strongest, fastest)?
A tiger, a monkey, a lion, a zebra, a snake, a crocodile, an elephant, a giraffe, a horse, a
cow, a rabbit, a cat, a dog, a sheep, a hen, a cockerel, a bear, a fox, a wolf, a hare.
The domestic animals are…
The wild animals are …
…is the biggest (smallest, strongest, fastest).
Where do these animals live?
on a farm in Africa at home in the forest
Let’s compare these animals (Checking homework).
Break. I can …..
What can animals do?
3.Творческое применение и добывание знаний в новой ситуации.
Divide into 3 groups.
Read the text. Guess what animal it is.
It lives in Africa. It has got four legs and a long neck (шея). It can run well. It likes
to eat green leaves (листья). It’s a funny and beautiful animal. You can see it in
the zoo.
It is a…
Read the text. Guess what animal it is.
It is the biggest animal in the forest. It has got short brown fur and small tail
(хвост). It can run and climb trees. It likes fish and honey. It sleeps in winter. It is
a smart and strong animal.
It is a…
Read the text. Guess what animal it is.
It lives on a farm. It has for legs and a long tail (хвост). It likes green grass and
flowers. It can run, but it’s lazy. It gives milk. It’s a nice and funny animal.
It is a…
Prove your ideas about these animals.
Use these texts when you will write about your favorite animals.
4.Информация о домашнем задании (инструктаж)
5.Итоги урока, рефлексия.
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)_____________
It is _________________
It can________________well.
It likes to
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)_____________
It is__________________
It can________________well.
It likes to
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)___________
It is_________________
It can_____________well.
It likes to eat___________
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)_____________
It is__________________
It can________________well.
It likes to
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)_____________
It is__________________
It can________________well.
It likes to
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)___________
It is__________________
It can_____________well.
It likes to eat___________
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)_____________
It is__________________
It can________________well.
It likes to
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)_____________
It is__________________
It can________________well.
It likes to
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)___________
It is__________________
It can_____________well.
It likes to eat___________
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)_____________
It is__________________
It can________________well.
It likes to
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)_____________
It is__________________
It can________________well.
It likes to
My favourite animal
It lives in (on)___________
It is__________________
It can_____________well.
It likes to eat___________
A snake
A zebra
A giraffe