Конспект урока "The Numan Impact on our Planet" 10 класс

Конспект урока английского языка по теме
ФИО учителя: Послова Ирина Павловна, учитель английского языка
Школа: ГБОУ Школа №1394
Дата: 6.05.2016
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 10 В
Тема урока: " The Human Impact on the Plane
Тип урока: урок-ознакомление.
УМК: «Английский с удовольствием» (10 класс) Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.
Е., Снежко Н. Д.
Цель урока:
Ознакомление учащихся ис новой темой и введение новых лексических
1. практические
1.закрепление лексического навыка по данной теме,
2. развитие умения догадываться о значении слов по смыслу,
2. развивающие:
1. развитие оберегающего отношения к природе,
2. развитие критического мышления,
3. Развитие памяти, механизма догадки и антиципации
3. воспитательные:
создать условия для формирования любознательности и уважения к
Технологии, используемые на уроке:
1. Коллективные формы работы( групповые, пары сменного состава, индивидуальные)
2. ИКТ-технологии.
Оборудование урока: мультимедийный проектор, 1 презентация (выполненная учителем), , фотографии
с изображением национальных парков и географических карт, УМК: «Английский с удовольствием» (10
класс) Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е. Е., Снежко Н. Д.
1) Организационный момент:
T: Good morning, my dear 10thВ! Im glad to see you! Today we are talking about our impact on the
Earth. Could you, please, list different human activities.
St: Name activities.
T: Now look at the project board, please, The human impact on this planet has been huge in a relatively short
period of time. These pictures are not about data, but about better picturing this impact through visual examples.
1 A surfer riding through debris (1 слайд)
There is potentially more plastic than fish in the oceans right now..
T: What can be the sources of this rubbish?
St; Their opinions/
T: 2. Deforestation in British Columbia, Canada (2 слайд)
Deforestation is a major problem, and we now have only half as many forests as we did in 1950
T: How can we decrease the deforestation level?
St: Their opinions
T: 3. Animal agriculture (3 слайд)
Animal agriculture, as a whole, requires tremendous amounts of resources and is a leader in environmental degradation,
responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions (more than all transportation combined). Clearing land for animal
agriculture, and the food it requires, accounts for 91% of amazon deforestation.
T: What are the ways to help preserve our soil?
St: Their opinions
T: 4. Kowloon City in Hong Kong (4 слайд)
Hong Kong is still one of the most densely populated cities on Earth with 6,650 people per square kilometer. When
Kowloon City still stood, it housed 33,000 people in a single city block.
5. Crop “desert” in China, no room for nature (5 слайд)
Huge swaths of China, and indeed many developed and developing countries, is covered in fields containing only one
kind of plant. of single species, far more sensitive to environmental fluctuations than a diverse ecosystem.
T: What technologies can people use to help nature?
St: Their opinions
T: 6. Deforestation in Brazil (6 слайд)
7. Plastic moves up the food chain (7 слайд)
In both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: plastic moves up. The tiny and not so tiny pieces are eaten by animals which
are themselves then eaten: it moves up the food chain.
8. Cheap fossil energy won’t last forever, and it certainly wasn’t free (8 слайд)
9. Alberta Tar Sands, where there was once a boreal forest (9 слайд)
The tar sands are one of the most dirty sources of oil, and the extraction of this oil has polluted both the water and the
land locally in Alberta. The fact that this project was OK’d by any environmental regulator is shocking, but this becomes
less shocking when you realize that Alberta literally sold their regulator posts to the oil industry.
10 The Deepwater Horizon crisis (10 слайд)
Approximately 5 million barrels of oil (almost a million cubic meters) spilled into the ocean. In response to this disaster,
BP sprayed Corexit (which is so poisonous that the US government demanded they stop) onto the oil to get it to
disappear from sight. Millions of barrels which is so poisonous that the US government demanded they stop) onto the oil
to get it to disappear from sight.
11. What was once a forest in Oregon is now a wasteland (11 слайд)
See previous points about deforestation, also keep in mind that the prices demanded for exploitation of Federal/public
lands is pennies on the dollar for the ecological costs and profit the companies make. They demand so little that the
Navajo were able to sue them for exploiting their lands and not returning even close to market price.
12. Mountain of phone chargers (12 слайд)
Negative Impacts Caused by Humans
T: So, to sum up, what are the negative impacts caused by
St: Their ideas.
T: Let’s do it together.
Soil pollution
Pesticides, waste from food processing industries, and nuclear waste generated from nuclear reactors
and weapons deplete our soil of its nutrients and make it virtually lifeless.
Water Pollution
Effluence from industries, fertilizer run off, and oils spills all damage fragile ecosystems.
Air Pollution
Burning of fuels and toxic gases produced in factories causes pollution. Air pollution infects the
environment and threatens the health of all who inhabit the earth.
Global Warming
Carbon footprint is the measure of direct or indirect CO2. Greenhouse gases like CO2 and methane
are believed to lead to global warming.
Ways People Are Affecting the Environment Positively
Only humans can think and act to make positive changes in the environment. Here are just a few of
the ways we are giving back.
Captive Breeding and Release of Endangered Animals
Extinct animals are bred in protected environs. When the numbers are sufficient, they are
reintroduced in to the wild.
Selective Removal Invasive Species
Some plants and animals deliberately or accidentally introduced into new areas often thrive there.
They wind up replacing indigenous plants and the ecosystems that have been supported by them for
thousands of years.
Protecting Native Species
Chinese giant pandas are notorious for their poor breeding rate in the wild. The Indian tiger is under
threat from illegal poaching. Slow-moving, shallow-water-dwelling manatees are also under threat.
All of these animals and others are afforded protection by declaring certain areas of their native
habitat as protected reserves. This may help increase their numbers.
Controlling Wildfires
Every year, wildfires that start spontaneously in Australia, California and other dry areas
destroy large areas of forest and the animals living in them. Human efforts often help
contain the damage to some extent.
Cleaning Waterways
Waterways get clogged up with the accumulation of natural debris and excessive plant
growth, and also by waste dumping. Periodical clearing prevents flooding of the banks and
protects many ecosystems.
Reforestation Efforts
Large areas that underwent deforestation for cultivation, grazing and for human settlements
are reforested with native plant species to restore ecological balance.
Finding Renewable Energy Sources
Bio-fuels made from plant-derived ethanol and oils are used to reduce our dependence on
fast-depleting oil reserves. Wind turbines and solar energy generators can help meet local
electricity needs and take some of the load off the power grid.
The Development of Local Food Sources
Local food systems rely upon a network of small, usually family-run farms. Supporting local
farmer's markets cuts down on individual carbon footprints and encourages the
development of a healthy local economy
Using Technology to Reduce Pollution
Technological advances are being used to help control and remediate pollution. This
includes Nanotechnology filtration systems that purify water, absorbent materials and oil-
digesting bacterial cultures to clean up oil spills, and low-sulfur fuels and efficient carbon
filters to reduce air pollution.
How You Can Help
There are three major ways you can begin lessening your own impact on the environment.
Fortunately, none of them are very difficult to do.
Water, Electricity and Gas Conservation Tips
Think of the little ways in which you can save water, electricity and gas; share your ideas
with friends and family.
Carpooling is a great way to save fuel. Whether going to work, or for shopping,
make it a group affair.
There is nothing more relaxing than a hot bath, but it uses up lots of water.
Compare the water usage by taking a shower in the tub with the drain hole closed.
Limit shower times to 7 minutes or less and you will save considerable water.
Take advantage of sunshine and save electricity.
Invest in renewable energy based technology - electric/hybrid cars, solar panels for
heating and lighting etc.
Recycle, Reduce and Reuse
Use recyclables like newspaper, metal, plastic and glass for crafts.
Repurpose household items whenever you can.
Create a compost pile in your backyard.
(20 min)
2) Речевая разминка (закрепление лексического навыка по теме )
T: We’ll work in pairs to ask each other’s opinion about the human impact. And then tell me if you were
surprised to hear your partner’s opinion.
(10 min)
6) Развитие монологической речи
T: We’ve travelled a lot today! But what do we know about our region? What measures does our
government do to save our nature?
St: Their ideas.
T: Brilliant! (слайд 12-14 с фотографиями России )
8) Актуализация монологической речи
T: Now I would like you to feel the wildlife! Let’s listen and watch beautiful wildlife. And try to predict
where these animals can be.
Join into groups (3groups) (7 min)
10) Итог урока
T: And I would like to finish our lesson with the words of Russian poet Evgeniy Evtushenko: (слайд 15)
Берегите эти земли, эти воды,
Даже малую былиночку любя.
Берегите всех зверей
внутри природы,
Убивайте лишь зверей
внутри себя.
(3 min)
11) Этап рефлексии деятельности на уроке
T: Наш урок подходит к концу. Давайте оценим его.
Что интересного /полезного было на уроке?
Что нового вы узнали?
Что (не) понравилось?
(Попросить нескольких учеников вычказаться)
(5 min)
It’s time to say good-bye”. Thank you for the lesson. Our lesson is over.
Приложение 1:
Now watch and listen to the presentation. An while you are listening, please, answer the following
1. What is the name of the National Park?
2. When was it founded?
3. Where is it situated?
4. What plant species can you see there?
5. What unique animals can you see there?
6. What is a peculiarity of the park?
7. Would you like to visit it? Why?
Приложение 2:
Watch the video about the Mount Kinabalu National Park. Choose the proper ansver:
1. Mount Kinabalu is the largest mountain in
2. There are not many species in this park.
3. There is one climatic zone.
4. All the visitors need to take 2 days to climb the
5. The accommodations are not available along
the route to the top of the mountain.
6. It is possible to see sunrises above the clouds at
the top of the mountain.
Приложение 3:
Listen to the texts of your classmates and fill in the table:
The name of
the NP
Where is the
NP situated?
When was
the NP
What is a
square of
the NP?
What fauna is
the NP
What flora is
the NP
peculiarity of
the NP