Конспект урока "My sweet Home" 7 класс

г-к Анапа Супсех СОШ№11
Открытый урок по
английскому языку
7 класс. Учитель Ванян Е.Э.
Тема: "My sweet Home".
My swet home.
повторить пройденное по данной теме,
ознакомить с культурой быта в англоязычной стране (в данном
случае - Великобритания).
Употреблять лексику по теме в 4-х видах деятельности:
аудирование, чтение, говорение, письмо.
Цели: а) воспитательные:
воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения
к культуре другой страны, своей семье
б) образовательные:
провести практику речевой деятельности, аудирование,
развивать навыки чтения, обсуждение прочитанного.
в) развивающие:
развивать пракгику речевой деятельности, аудирование,
развивать навыки чтения, обсуждение прочитанного
Тип урока: повторно-обобщающий Вид урока:
комбинированный Оборудование: 1) плакат с изображением
2) индивидуальные тексты для чтения,
3) материал на урок, в виде лексических карточек,
4) карточки с лексико-грамматическим заданиям.
Дата: 11.02.04.
План урока, 1.
Warming up.
Цель: ввести в речь, заинтересовать в обсуждение темы.
Оборудование: плакат с изображением дома, мебели.
Teacher: - Good afternoon, boys and girls.
Pupils: - Good afternoon, teacher. Teacher - Glad to see you. Take your seats, please. Let's
start our lesson. Today is the 11 of February. It is winter. And the weather in winter is
usually... Pupils - Cold. Teacher - Right. It is cold outside, but we shall speak about
something warm and svreet -About our homes. So the topic is
«My sveet Home». Do you know the difference between two words
'a house' and 'a home'. Carina, will you? Carina -
A house' means a building, but 'a home'
means our life in the
Teacher - Is she right Aperik?
Aperik - I think she is. Teacher - So
do I.
II.General Part.
Цель: достичь понимания текста, провести беседу по прослушанному
гексту, высказать своё мнение. Оборудование: картинки с изображением
различных типов домов и
заданием по аудированию.
light house
My name's... It's
near... I can go...
There are... The
rooms are...
My name's... In
summer... There
was only. We had
a... , but no...
country house
I live in a...
We haven't got...
no... I
Teacher: Well, different people live in different houses. There's a proverb "О вкусах не
спорят". Dima, will you translate it?
Dima - "Tastes differ"
Teacher Right, listen to the stories. There are 3 of them. Try to understand. Then, you'll
complete the given sentences
1. My name's Rick. We live in a light house. It's great. We live near the sea and I can go
swimming every day. There are two rooms and a kitchen in the house. The rooms are very
cosy and romantic. I'd like to live here all my life.
2. My name's Dolly, in summer we lived in the country. We lived far from school and shops.
There was only one room in it. We had electricity and gas. We had a kitchen too, but there
was no running water. It was not very convinient.
3. Hi, my name's Jack. I can't say I love living in a teepee. It's unusual. In the teepee we haven't got
any electricity, no running water, nothing. I don't like our teepee.
Контроль понимания.
Teacher-1) Let's complete these sentences. 2) Answer my q-s. 1 Where would you like to
live in summer? 2. Is it convinient to live without electricity, ninning water etc.?
Teacher - Thank you, let's go on.
Опросить: Гаглоева Арутюнян Мамиконян и по желанию при
ответе на вопросы.
HI. Reading.
Цель: достичь понимания прочитанного текста, ответить на вопросы.
Оборудование: текст на местах у каждого ученика.
Teacher Now, let's read the text about English homes. Then you'll answer
q-s. СЛОЖНОСТИ все незнакомые слова в тексте выделены и
questions- Well, now answer my q-s, please.
1. Do all English people live in flats?
2. How many floors are there in the traditional English house?
3. What rooms are usually upstairs?
4. What rooms are usually downstairs?
5. What is the largest room?
6. What do English people do in their sitting-room?
7. Do English people like their homes?
8. Do you like English homes? Why?
9. Do you like your homes? Why?
10. What is your favourite room in your house? Why do
you like it?
Опросить: 2. Щеголев 3. Авагимова 1. Томкович и по
желанию при ответе на вопросы.
IV.l. Speaking (writing)
Цель: достичь правильного написания названия мебели и составление
предложений. Оборудование: индивидуальные карточки задание на внимание. Teacher
Let's take another English family. Mk & Mrs. Thamson have a new flat. Can you help them put
everything in its right place. You can add your own variants too.
Cap, capret, fork, spoon, armchair, teaport, washing-machine, towel, plate, knife, bathroom
rug, corkscrew, ashtray, sauser, mirror, toothbrush, coffee table, soap, TVset, refrigerator,
stove, wall lamp, shower curtain.
kitchen bathroom bedroom
2. 3.
4. etc
Teacher What are there in the kitchen?
Опросить: Асланян,
Pupil 1- There are... in the kitchen.
in the bathroom, in
the bedroom.
V. Grammar.
Цель: достичь умення задавать все типы вопросов к предложениям.
Оборудование: предложения на доске.
Teacher: Now, I want you to look at the blackboard. There are 3 sentences.
The 1
sent is in Present Simple.
The 2
sent is in Present Cont.
The 3
sent is in Present Perfect.
Give the negative form and ask q-s.
By the way, how many types of q-s do we know, Aperik?
Apenk - We know 4 types of q-s.
повторить названия типов вопросов. Teacher
- Well, let's start. (+ - ?)
1. English people live in different houses.
2.1 am asking q-s now.
3. My sister has got a new flat.
На доске под каждым предложением.
+ предложение опросить:
- отрицание 1) Мамиконян
2) Томкович
3) Гаглоева
1) о&и{ вопрос .
2) What, when etc. 3) __ or
4) + , - ?
-г- , + ?
V. Grammar.
Цель: достичь умения задавать все тзпы вопросов к предложениям.
Оборудование: предложения на доске.
Teacher: Now, I want you to look at the blackboard. There are 3 sentences.
The 1
sent is in Present Simple.
The 2
sent is in Present Cont.
The 3
sent is in Present Perfect.
Give the negative form and ask q-s.
By the way, how many types of q-s do we know, Aperik?
perik- We know 4 types of q-s.
повторить названия 4х типов вопросов. Teacher - Well,
let's start. (+ - ? )
1. English people live in different houses.
2. i am asking q-s now.
3. My sister has got a new fiat.
На доске под каждым предложением.
+ предложение опросить:
-отрицание 1)Мамиконян
2) Томкович
3) Гаглоева
2) What, when etc.
3)_______ or________
4) + , - ?
+ , + ?
VI. Rounding- up.
Teacher прокомментировать участие и ответы каждого ученика-оценить. Now, I want
you to listen to a prayer. I am sure that the prayer and the God help our families and us to
be healtliy and wealthy.
(a prayer).
The bell has rung.
. The lesson is over.
You may go. Thank you. Good-bye.