Конспект урока "Одежда. Мода" 9 класс

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 9 классе по
теме:"Одежда. Мода".
Подготовила учитель английского языка Демина С.В.
Цель урока: формирование обобщенных знаний по теме: "Одежда. Мода" и оперирование ими.
-- образовательный компонент цели: расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся;
-- развивающий компонент цели: развитие языковых способностей учащихся, готовности к
-- воспитательный компонент цели: создание условий для формирования у учащихся уважения и
интереса к стране изучаемого языка, поддержание интереса к учению;
-- практический компонент цели: формирование и совершенствование практических навыков
владения лексикой, расширение словарного запаса учащихся по теме "Покупки. Мода" путем
привлечения дополнительного материала, развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух, чтения,
монологической и диалогической речи, а также письма.
-- презентация по теме "Одежда. Мода";
-- раздаточный материал по данной теме (диалог).
Ход урока
Организационный этап:
Teacher: Hello, children! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let' start our lesson.
Определение темы урока:
Teacher: At first look at the blackboard. You see some words there. (cлайд № 1)
( "Clothes make the man")
Read these words and translate them, please. Very well. And now how do you think what is
the topic of our lesson today?
Pupil: I think it is "Clothes".
Teacher: Very well. You are right. Our topic today is "Clothes and fashion".
Этап актуализации знаний:
Teacher: Now let's repeat our words and expressions. Look at the blackboard and read them. (слайд
Your next task is: I'll pronounce a word or an expression in English and you should translate it into
Russian. Let's begin.
Pupils do this task.
Very well. And now I'll pronounce them in Russian and you'll translate them into English.
Pupils do this task.
Teacher: Well. Now the next task. I'll give you a dialogue. You should read it and be ready to answer
some questions. This dialogue is about clothes and fashion. Misha, Rob, Mark, Emily are talking about it.
Read, please.
Pupils read the dialogue.
Teacher: OK. And now answer these questions, please. (слайд 3)
1. Who likes to wear expensive clothes?
2. Who doesn't like to pay a lot of money for clothes?
3. Who doesn't care about clothes?
4. Who likes to buy things in the sales?
5. Who wears only expensive clothes?
6. Who doesn't buy expensive clothes?
Pupils lift their hands and answer the questions.
Teacher: Well. And now read this dialogue again for detail and be ready to read it aloud and translate.
Pupils read the dialogue in turn by role and translate it aloud.
Teacher: Well done. Now look at the blackboard and do this task:
Find out the meaning of the words and expressions: (слайд №4)
-- a bargain;
-- discount stores;
-- to be a status thing;
-- to buy things in the sales.
Pupils lift their hands and translate them.
Teacher: And now found the synonyms for: (слайд №5)
-- unusual, extravagant;
-- practical;
-- fashionable and elegant;
-- to be in fashion.
Pupils lift their hands and answer.
Teacher: Very well. And now find the opposite of: (слайд №6)
-- to go out of fashion;
-- casual clothes;
-- I don't like to stand out;
-- " Never judge a book by its cover."
Pupils lift their hands and answer.
Teacher: OK. Good. Now look at the blackboard again. You see the factors that are important for
teenagers when they buy clothes. Which of them were mentioned in the dialogue? (слайд 7)
-- price;
-- comfort;
-- fashion in your class (group);
-- fashion magazines;
-- adverts on TV;
-- parents' advice
-- friends' advice;
--other people's style;
-- individuality;
-- status
Pupils lift their hands and answer.
Teacher: Well done. And the next task. Match the words with their definitions. (слайд №8)
1. Something you buy really cheaply.
2. Somebody who thinks that he is better than other people.
3. Something unusual.
4. Something that' OK for the situation.
5. When shops reduce their prices.
6. Comfortable clothes that you wear in informal situations.
7. Expensive and elegant clothes.
a) snob;
b) bargain;
c) suitable;
d) original;
e) in the sales;
f) casual clothes;
g) fancy clothes
Pupils lift their hands and answer.
Teacher: Well done. Now the next task. You see on the blackboard some sentences. you should fill in the
gaps with the words "last" or "latest". Write your sentences in your copy books. I'll check them later.
(слайд №9)
1. When did you see him ...?
2. I couldn't hear the ... news.
3. I didn't forget our... conversation.
4. This dress is the ... fashion.
5. Have you read the ... book by Marinina?
6. It was the ... train for today. There won't be any more trains until tomorrow.
Pupils do the task and give their copy books to the teacher.
Teacher: Good. Now let's listen to a song. Our heroes Rob, Mark and Emily are singing about clothes.
Pupils listen to the song.
Teacher: Children, look at the blackboard now. These are our heroes. Now match each part of the song
with the singer. (слайд №10)
Pupils lift their hands and answer.
Teacher: In this song you've heard many different adjectives describing clothes. Let's repeat them.
Match the adjectives with their translations. (слайд №11)
1. glamorous; а) поношенный;
2. colourful; б) расклешенный;
3. tight; в) цветной, пестрый;
4. flared; г) мешковатый;
5. baggy; д) стильный;
6. waterproof; е) роскошный;
7. worn; ё) водоотталкивающий;
8. stylish ж) облегающий
Pupils lift their hands and answer.
Teacher: Well! And now translate these sentences, please. (слайд №12)
1. Я не люблю выделяться.
2. Я покупаю вещи на распродажах.
3. Эта рубашка очень дорогая, но немодная.
4. Это платье - крик моды.
5. Мне нет дела до моды, я ношу удобные вещи.
6. Его одежда и модная, и практичная.
7. Эти туфли красивые, но непрактичные.
8. Что сейчас модно? - Яркие пуловеры и клеши.
9. Последний поезд только что ушел.
Pupils translate the sentences aloud in turn.
Teacher: You've heard many different opinions about clothes and fashion. What do you think about it?
Give your opinions using the expressions at the blackboard. (слайд №13)
It's a waste of time.
It's a lot of fun.
I'd recommend it to anybody.
I'm a shopaholic.
I can shop till I drop.
I'm sorry for people who...
It's not really my thing.
It's my favourite pastime.
It cheers me up.
It bores me to death.
Pupils give their opinions in turn.
Домашнее задание и подведение итогов:
Teacher: Our lesson is finishing. Let's talk about your homework. I'd like you to write a composition
about your favourite clothes and your attitude to fashion using the words and expressions that you've
learnt at this lesson.
You've worked very well today. Your marks are good and excellent. The lesson is over. Bye!
(слайд № 14)