Конспект урока «Schools in Great Britain and Russia» 5 класс
Конспект урока английского языка по теме
«Schools in Great Britain and Russia»
Учитель: Попова С.Е
Города Невинномысска
Ставропольского края
Класс: 5 «Б»
2014 г.
Цель урока: повторить и обобщить пройденный материал по теме
“Школьная жизнь”.
Развитие монологической и диалогической речи по теме;
Закрепление навыков в чтении текста и развитие умения работы с ним
(ответы на вопросы, пересказ и т.д.);
Закрепление навыков в аудировании коротких рассказов;
Закрепление правил английской грамматики (работа с предлогами);
Развитие интереса учащихся к школьным предметам, уважения к учителю.
Продолжать знакомство с системами образования в России и
Ход урока
Т: Good morning, dear children and our guests. Today we are having a lesson on
the topic “School”. We’ll speak about schools in Russia and Great Britain, about
your school life and teachers.
Let’s start our lesson with a phonetic exercise. Recite the poem “When the sun is
in the sky” all together. Begin, please. (Дети рассказывают стихотворение все
вместе). (Приложение) Well done!
Now let’s remember the words on the topic “School”. You should say them by
turns and the last will be the winner. (Дети называют слова по очереди.
Последний выигрывает). OK.
And now your task will be to make your own sentences with these words. For
example, A blackboard is brown. I wear a school uniform. (Дети составляют свои
Thank you for your work. I see you are ready to translate my sentences from
Russian into English:
- В портфеле много ручек и карандашей.
- В понедельник у нас 5 уроков.
- Не опаздывай!
- Мы поем на уроке музыки.
- Дети в России идут в школу в возрасте 6 лет.
- Мы часто играем на улице.
- Давай пойдем в спортзал.
Thank you very much. You are rather well.
Now let’s play the game “Put right things into the school bag”. Look at this school
bag. It is very nice. On the table you can see different things: balls, books, pens,
toys and others. You should take only the things for school, describe them and
put into the bag. For example, This is a book. This is an English book. It is orange
and white. I need it for my English lesson. (Предметы: учебник английского
языка, тетрадь, ручка, собачка, линейка, мяч, карта, краски, фотография). OK.
I see that you can choose necessary things.
But I want to talk with you about your first form. You came to school 5 years ago.
You were 6 or 7 years old. At the primary school you had different subjects. Listen
to the poem and call the names of the lessons.
You learnt such lots of things at school,
And new ones every day;
I think the names of some of them
Are very hard to say.
Writing is an easy thing.
But if you’re using ink,
Remember not to make a blot,
Dictation’s hard I think.
If people say Arithmetic
Is hard, I don’t agree:
For if you know your tables, it’s
As plain as ABC.
Geography’s about the world,
It’s interesting for me,
Because I like to hear about
The lands across the sea.
Geography is very nice,
But History is better,
And Composition teaches us
How to write a letter.
But Reading is the best of all,
For Reading’s like a key
That open many, many doors;
It opens books for me.
What are the names of the lessons? What lessons did you have in the 1st form?
(Дети отвечают на поставленные вопросы).
But now you have many subjects at your timetable. I’ll describe some lessons and
you are to name them. Be attentive!
At this lesson you read English texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play
games. (English)
At this lesson you draw and paint. You have papers and pencils, a brush and an
eraser. (Art)
At this lesson you write in your exercise-book and count. (Maths)
At this lesson you read, write, do exercises, ask and answer questions. You speak
Russian. (Russian)
At this lesson you don’t read and write. You run, jump in the Gym. (Sport)
And now let’s speak about your lessons. Will you answer my questions, please?
You may look at your timetable.
- What lessons do you have at school this year?
- What are your favourite lessons? Why?
- When do the lessons begin and finish?
- How many lessons do you have a day?
- What lessons do you have today?
I know that all of you like Sport that’s why I’d like to offer you to do exercises.
Stand up, please and do exercises with me. (Дети встают и делают зарядку).
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides,
Bend left, bend right.
Thank you very much. But now it’s time to work. Open your books at page 106
- Read the text, please. (Дети читают 2 обзаца).
- Give the name of the each part. (Дети дают названия каждой части текста).
- Find the nouns and say them in singular and in plural. (Дети находят имена
существительные, образуют единственное и множественное число).
- Find regular and irregular verbs and give their 2 forms (дети находят глаголы и
называют 1 и 2 форму).
- Look at the 3rd part and find the adjectives and say their degrees of
comparisons. (Дети находят прилагательные и образуют их степени
- Let’s look at the 4th part and answer my questions:
a) How many lessons did they have on Tuesday?
b) What did they do at Music?
c) When did Pete go to the shop?
d) What did Pete and his mother buy in the shop?
e) How did Pete spend his evening? (Ребята отвечают на вопросы учителя).
- Who would like to retell this part? (Учащиеся пересказывают часть).
But now let’s try to give English equivalents for the Russian expressions:
во вторник;
убирать комнату;
в 5 часов;
делать домашнюю работу;
лучше поздно, чем никогда;
открытки для друзей. (Дети дают английские эквиваленты русским
There are many teachers in our school. I know you like them very much. Now I’ll
give you 2 photos of your teachers. Children are to describe them without names
but you should guess what their names are. (Учащиеся описывают учителей по
фотографиям, не называя их имен. Примерные рассказы детей:
She is not tall. She is kind and polite. Her hair is short and fair. She works with
children, parents and teachers. She is a director.
She is not tall. Her hair is fair. She teaches us to write dictations and to recite
poems. Her hobby is teaching.
(Остальные дети угадывают, что это за учителя)
I also have a photo. Ask me Yes, No questions and guess what the name of this
teacher is. (Учащиеся задают общие вопросы, например, Is she tall? Is her hair
fair? Are her eyes blue? Does she teach us to run? draw? sing? и догадываются
фотографию какого педагога держит учитель).
Thank you. It was very pleasant to listen to you.
But now I’ll give you the cards with the names of the topics. And you’ll try to
prepare your dialogues. You can use your books, bags, photos and pictures. Take
necessary things, please. (Учащимся предлагается составить диалоги на
предложенные темы: “My favourite lesson”, “In the gym”, “In the library”, “My
While the children are preparing the dialogues take the cards and put the
prepositions into the right places. (Пока учащиеся готовят диалоги, остальные
работают с карточками по грамматике (Приложение)
And now act your dialogues. (Учащиеся разыгрывают диалоги). (Приложение)
Dear guests, you see we have 2 groups of pupils. They are from different schools
and countries. These children are from Ulan-bator Russian federation Embassy
sahool in Mongolia and these ones are from St.Mary school, London. Their home
task was to prepare telling about schools in Russia and Great Britain. Now tell us
about your school and schools in your country. Children! Be attentive because
after their telling you will answer their questions and write a test. Let’s start with
children from Russia. (Учащиеся из России рассказывают о своей школе и о
школах в России, задают вопросы. Приложение).
And now the children are from Great Britain. (Учащиеся из Великобритании
рассказывают о школьной жизни и задают свои вопросы остальным
And now take the cards and write the test. You should continue the sentences.
The children from Russia will write about schools in Great Britain, and the pupils
from Great Britain will do the test about schools in Russia. (Учащиеся работают с
тестами. (Приложение)
Your time is up. Give me your tests and I’d like to speak with you about
knowledge. You know that many people like to learn. They want to find out about
different countries and continents, birds and animals, languages and culture. I
think you like to learn too. Every nation has many proverbs about learning and
knowledge. English people also have some of them. Take the words, put them in
the correct order and then tell me an English proverb. (Дети составляют
пословицы из полученных слов- Knowledge is power; Live and learn). Who can
tell me their Russian equivalents? (Дети говорят эквиваленты пословиц на
русском языке - В знании сила; Век живи - век учись).
And now, please, remember other Russian proverbs about learning. (Учащиеся
называют русские пословицы о знаниях и о труде: Повторенье – мать ученья;
век живи – век учись; ученье свет, а неученье – тьма; кто хочет много знать,
тому надо мало спать; без муки нет и науки; ученье и труд все перетрут;
учиться никогда не поздно).
Dear children! We have worked a lot and I think that we deserve some rest. Let’s
sing a song for our guests. (Учащиеся поют песню “Let it be”).
Thank you very much. It was very pleasant to listen to you today. You spoke
English, write, read and acted the dialogues and your marks are rather good.
(Учитель ставит оценки за работу на уроке). And now open your dairies and
write your home task. Your home task will be to write a composition about your
school life – ex.11, p.108 (Учащиеся получают задание на дом).
The lesson is over. Goodbye.
1. School begins at the age of…
2. School year begins…
3. Schools in Russia have…
4. At the primary schools children spend…years.
5. Children go to the secondary schools at the age of…
6. Each lesson lasts…
7. My lessons begin at… and are over at…
1. Lessons usually begin at…
2. Classes are over at…
3. At the age of…children go to the infant school.
4. At the infant schools children spend much time…
5. When children are…they go to the junior schools.
6. Every day they have…lessons.
7. At…o’clock they have lunch.
Работа с предлогами:
1. James lives…Cambridge…Royal street.
2. He lives…two other boys who are students...Cambridge University.
3. …Mondays ,Tuesdays, Wednesdays ,Thursdays and Fridays they study. They have a
4. But…Saturdays and Sundays they have weekends. They usually go …the country.
5. Boys sit …the fire and cook a meal … their friends. Sometimes they stay … home.
6. James and his friends read … books or listen … music.
7. … 10 o’clock they go … bed.
Примерные диалоги учащихся:
“My favourite lesson”
- What is your favourite lesson?
- My favourite lesson is History.
- Why?
- Because I like my History teacher.
- Who is your History teacher?
- Vasily Fomich . He tells us about historical events and people.
- I like this lesson, too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
“In the gym”
- Where are you going?
- To the gym.
- Oh, let’s go together.
- OK. What game do you like to play?
- Volleyball.
- Do you often play volleyball?
- Twice a week.
- Can you play basketball?
- No, I can’t.
“In the library”
- I want to take a book.
- What book?
- I don’t know.
- What books do you like to read?
- I like to read adventure books.
- Do you like to read historical books?
- Oh, no.
- Take the book “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain.
- Thank you.
- Not at all.
“My classroom”
- Hello. Where are you going?
- To my classroom.
- What is the number of your classroom?
- Seven.
- What is it?
- It is large and light.
- How many desks are there in your classroom?
- There are 12 desks in my class.
- Do you like it?
- Yes, I do.
Примерные рассказы учащихся о школах в России с вопросами:
- In Russia school begins at the age of 6. Children leave school at the age of 17. In Russia school
year begins on the 1
of September. This day children and their parents celebrate The Day of
Knowledge. Children are happy to go to school because they meet their teachers and classmates
after summer holidays. They bring flowers for their teachers. Russian children have lessons 5 or 6
days a week. Schools in Russia often have numbers.
- At the age of 6 children in Russia go to the primary schools where they spend 4 years. Children
learn how to write, read and count. They have many lessons: Writing, Reading, Maths, Nature
Study, Art, Music, English and P.E. In the first class they spend much time outdoors, play different
games, run and jump. Their teachers read them many fairy-tales and tell a lot of stories. Then
their classes become more formal and serious. At the age of 10 children go to the secondary
school. They have many new subjects: History, Geography and others.
- I study at school no 8. My school is big. It has 3 floors. In my school there are 50 classrooms. They
are large and light. There is a hall, a gym, a canteen, a library and a computer class in my school.
Our classes begin at 8.30 and finish at 1.30. Every day we have 6 lessons. Look at our timetable.
We have Russian, Literature, History, English, P.E., and Biology. This year we have new subjects:
Computing and Labour Training. Each lesson lasts 40 minutes. Between lessons we have breaks,
during them we go to the canteen and eat, play games and talk with our friends. This year we
have a school uniform.
1. When does school begin in Russia?
2. When do children leave school?
3. What holiday do the people celebrate on the 1
of September?
4. What lessons do the children have at the primary school?
5. How much time do the children spend at the secondary school?
6. What lessons do the children have at the secondary school?
Примерные рассказы учащихся о школах в Великобритании с вопросами:
- In Great Britain school begins at the age of 5. Many boys and girls usually leave school at the age
of 16. In England the school year begins in September, but school never begins on Monday. The
English think Monday is not a good day to start school. Schools in England have names not
numbers, for example Green Hill School, Cedar Grove School, St.Mary School. English children
have classes 5 days a week: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Their lessons
begin at 9 and are over at 4.
- At the age of 5 primary school children go to infant schools where they spend 2 years. They spend
much time outdoors. They play different games; run and jump .Children sing songs, dance and
play a lot. They look at the pictures, draw pictures. They learn how to get on with other children.
Their classes are informal but they learn how to read, count and write a little too. Children often
sit on the carpet on the floor and listen to their teacher. They often look after the animals they
have at school- hamsters, rabbits or hares.
- I want to tell you about my St.Mary School. It is a junior school. When children are 7 they go there
where they spend 4 years till they are 11. In junior classes we sit in rows and follow a regular
timetable. Look at our timetable. We have English, Maths, History, Nature Study, Geography, Art,
Music, Swimming, P.E. and Religion. Every day we have 5 lessons. At 1 o’clock we have lunch-
meat, pudding, juice, an apple or a cake. We spend a lot of time outdoors. We often visit
different museums and other famous and interesting places. We don’t have a school uniform.
1. When do British children go to school?
2. When does the school year begin?
3. How many years do the children spend at the primary school?
4. What lessons do the children have at the junior school?
5. Do schools in England have names?
6. What do the children do in the infant schools?
7. What do the primary children do after classes?
Стихотворение “When The Sun Is In The Sky”
I get up and open my eyes,
I wash, put on my dress and a pair
Of shoes and all the things I wear.
Then walking off to school I go
To learn the things that I must know.