Контрольная работа по английскому языку 10 класс 1 полугодие

Административная контрольная для 10 класса
работа за 1 полугодие
1 вариант
1. Match the words and their definitions.
1) A row
2) Provoke
3) Talk through
4) argument
a) a noisy argument or fight between two or more people
b) an angry disagreement between two or more people
c) to discuss a plan or situation in a detailed way
d) to deliberately try to make someone angry
2. Translate the words into Russian
Angry, avoid, blazing, get into, fake, provoke, cope with, to quarrel with, to make fun of, to
find a solution.
3. Choose the correct preposition and fill in the gaps with the ing form.
1) Thank you for/to … (help) me with my biology report.
2) Are you interested in/for … (take) part in the conference?
3) How about/for … (talk) move calmly?
4) Did he apologise about/for … (be) so rude?
5) This film is worth -/at … (avoid) conflicts.
4. Put the verbs in the correct form (negative or positive)
1) If you had read this book, you … (enjoy) it.
2) If I had called Ann, I … (learn) the school news.
3) If she … (pass) her exams, she would not have gone to university last year.
Административная контрольная для 10 класса
работа за 1 полугодие
2 вариант
1. Match the words and their definitions.
1) Conflict
2) Fake
3) Cope with
4) Talk through
a) false
b) a disagreement between people or groups
c) to discuss a plan or situation in a detailed way
d) a deal successfully with a difficult situation or job
2. Translate the words into Russian
Be in, heated, to be angry, to be embarrassed, come into, relationships, row, all the options,
to listen to others, anger.
3. Choose the correct preposition and fill in the gaps with the ing form.
1) My favourite show is on TV tomorrow. I’m looking forward at/to … (see) it.
2) I’m thinking of/after … (look) for a new job.
3) I’m not used at/to … (discuss) my problems with my parents.
4) She is very good on/at … (avoid) conflicts.
5) You can’t stop him of/from … (go) there if he wants.
4. Put the verbs in the correct form (negative or positive)
1) He … (make) o many mistakes in the exam if he had not been so tired.
2) If I … (get) up earlier, I would have caught the train.
3) If I would have done the shopping yesterday if I … (be) so busy at school.