Входной тест – контроль по английскому языку 3 класс УМК М.З. Биболетовой

Входной тест – контроль по английскому языку
для учеников 3 класса к УМК М.З. Биболетовой
1. Помоги Колобку написать буквы в алфавитном порядке.
S, P, N, D, I, Z, F, U, K, W
2. Выбери предложение, которое соответствует картинке.
The cat is ugly and angry.
The cat is big and sad.
The cat is fat and bad.
The cat is nice and merry.
3. Помоги Незнайке назвать цвета воздушных шариков.
a)orange, red, blue and grey.
b)orange, red, black and green.
c)orange, red, blue and green.
d)orange, red, blue and brown.
4. Помоги Карлсону отгадать загадку.
It is not big. It is nice. It is red and yellow. It is brave. It can’t swim. It can run, fly and sing. It
lives in the farm. Who is it?
a dog
a cockerel
a pig
a rabbit
5. Раздели сочетания букв на слова, и ты узнаешь, что умеет делать домашнее животное
6. Помоги Лунтику составить и записать слова из данных букв.
a)r, a, e, b, v - ....................
b)g, r, o, t, s, n - .................
c)c, u, d, k - ........................
d)c, k, l, o, c - .....................
e)n, e, v, e, s - ....................
f)b, a, c, k, l - .....................
7. Помоги попугаю Кеше заполнить таблицу, выбрав из списка слов те, которые можно
заменить на she, he, it, they.
rabbits, Kate, Nick, hen, foxes, stick, Ann, frog, pigs, Tom, bag, Pamela, Jim, pens, box, tennis,
8. Помоги Малышу выбрать правильный ответ на вопрос.
a) Yes, Nick can.
Can Nick’s cat swim? b) Yes, it is.
c) No, Nick cannot.
d)Yes, itcan.
9.Помоги Незнайке назвать школьные принадлежности.
a) a bag, a pen, a pencil-box, a pencil
b) a bag, a pencil, a pencil-box, a pen
c)a pen, a bag, a pencil-box, a pencil
d) a bag, a pencil-box, a pencil, a pen
10. Помоги Винни Пуху составить предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.
a) you, run, well, Can?
b) dog, My, brave, strong, is, and.
c) Bob, funny, likes, dogs.
d) has, a big, frog, got, green, She
Входной тест–контроль по английскому языку
для учеников 4 класса к УМК М.З. Биболетовой
1. Какая это часть речи: существительное или глагол?
Например: pig – сущ.
skip глаг.
1. sing
2. swim
3. film
4. milk
5. Ann
6. jump
2. Образуйте множественное число существительных
Например: a cake – cakes
1. a cat
2. a name
3. a pig
4. a dog
5. a film
6. a rabbit
7. a bee
8. a zebra
9. a tram
3. Какое слово пропущено? Вставьте его
1. His name … Tim.
2. My name … Nick.
3. My pig big.
4. I … Nataly.
5. His cat … black.
4. Составьте предложения из слов
Например: cat, my, little, is
My little cat is little.
1.cat, my, big, is
2.is, my, rabbit, big
3.bad, is, pig, my
4.is, dog, his, red
5.fox, is, his, big
5.Продолжите рассказ о своем домашнем питомце (5 -7 предложений)
I have a pet. It is a … . It can … …
Входная контрольная работа (5 класс)
I вариант
Задание № 1
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
1) There some chairs in the room. 3) There …three books and a pen .
2) There … an apple on the plate. 4) There … a book on the deck.
Задание № 2
Выберите правильный вариант
1) She … her friends tomorrow.
a) visits b) will visit c) visited
2) They … very much yesterday.
a) work b) will work c) worked
3) We … to the stadium every day.
a) go b) will go c) went
Задание № 3
Поставь глаголы в прошедшем времени (Past Simple)
1. Yesterday I……. to school. (go)
2. Last week I …….tennis. (play)
3. Yesterday my sister also …… to school. (go)
Задание № 4
Употребите нужный глагол am, is, are
1. He … a pupil.
2. It … a cat.
3. We … people.
4. I … a girl.
5. She … clown.
Входная контрольная работа (5 класс)
II вариант
Задание № 1
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
1) There … a pencil in the pencil box. 3) There …a carpet near the fireplace.
2) There … two chairs at the table. 4) There …an armchair in the bedroom.
Задание № 2
Выберите правильный вариант
1. She … a cake. She has a birthday yesterday.
a) bring b) will bring c) brought
2. She … the text next Saturday.
a) translate b) will translate c) translated
3. We … a teacher last night.
a) meet b) will meet c) met
Задание № 3
Поставь глаголы в прошедшем времени (Past Simple)
1. Yesterday I …….. to school.( go)
2. Last week I …..tennis. (play)
3. Yesterday my sister also ….. to school. (go)
Задание № 4
1. Употребите нужный глагол am, is, are
1. She … seller.
2. They … doctors.
3. It … a class.
4. You … my sister
5. He … your father.
Входная контрольная работа (6класс)
1. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквой “o”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:
a) phone b) know c) sorry d) zero e) no f) home g) go
2. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквой “s”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:
a) six b) miss c) bus d) house e) spoon f) stair g) busy
3. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквой “c”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:
a) cat b) coat c) country d) city e) cry f) can g) clock
4. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквой “s”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:
a) balls b) boys c) stools d) dogs e) cats f) pens g) bags
5. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквосочетанием “ed”, произносится иначе, чем в
a) finished b) worked c) asked d) wanted e) stopped f) talked g) passed
1) Выберите и вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово:
1. The person who sings songs is a…
a) doctor b) singer c) spaceman
2. The person who plays in film is an …
a) writer b) engineer c) actor
3. The person who takes part in sport competitions is a …
a) pop singer b) sportsman c) actress
2) Распределите глаголы в два столбика – правильные и неправильные:
did, went, lived, came, visited, wanted, flew, showed, bought, skated, had, danced, swam,
3) Выберите по смыслу нужное слово (many or much):
1. There is … snow in the streets.
2. How … books are there on the shelf?
4) Выберите правильную форму глагола (am, is, are):
1. I … in the seventh form.
2. What … your name?
3. The boys … English.
5) Выберите правильную форму глагола to have (have, has, had):
1. My sister … got three dogs.
2. We … English three times a week.
3. Yesterday I … 5 lessons.
6) Подберите глаголы в два столбика прошедшую форму из второго столбика:
7) Составьте предложения из данных слов:
1) a, I, goldfish, have.
2) He, two, has got, bananas.
3) uncle, My, has, a, bicycle.
4) you, many, cassettes, have got.
1) Подберите к формулам соответствующую временную форму:
1. V, Vs
2. am, is, are + Ving
a) Present Simple
b) Present Continuous
2) Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени now, every
day, at the moment, in the morning:
1. The baby is crying…
2. I get up at 7 a.m….
2. meet
3. drink
4. take
5. have
6. leave
7. do
8. go
9. eat
10. buy
3. We have breakfast …
4. They are doing homework…
3) Вставьте глаголы do, does am, is или are:
1. … you sleep well? Yes, I …
2. … your sister wash the plates? Yes, she …
3. My sister … playing chess now.
4. Mary … not drive a car.
5. Children … not doing their homework now.
6. I … watching TV at the moment.
4) Выберите правильную форму глагола:
1. She … milk every morning. (drinks, drinking, drink)
2. We ___ to the park now. (goes, are going, go)
3. The woman ___ shopping now. (goes, is going, go)
4. She often ___ her red dress. (wears, is wearing, wear)
5. Look! The cat ___ up the tree. (climbs, is climbing, climb)
6. They ___ to the theatre every Sunday. (go, goes, are going)
7. Father always ___ these newspapers. (read, reads, is reading)
8. I ___ a letter at the moment. (write, am writing, writing)
IV. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа:
Tony and Alison are friends. Tony is twelve. Alison is eleven. Tony is English. Alison is
Scottish. Alison is with her cat. The cat’s name is Lucky. Lucky is very kind. She is white and
grey. Lucky is Alison’s friend. The cat is her good friend. Tony is with his dog. His dog’s name
is Ben. He is grey. Tony’s dog is very clever. The dog is Tony’s great friends. The cat is not the
dog’s friend.
1) Tony and Alison are…
a) classmates b) friends c) pupils
2) Tony is…
a) eleven b) twelve c) ten
3) Alison is …
a) ten b) twelve c) eleven
4) Tony is from…
a) Scotland b) Wales c) England
5) Alison is from…
a) England b) Scotland c) Wales
6) Alison has … and Tony has…
a) a cat, a parrot b) a dog, a fox c) a cat, a dog
7) The cat is very…
a) clever b) kind c) angry
8) The dog is very…
a) kind b) angry c) clever
9) Alison’s good friend is …
a) Tony b) Ben c) Lucky
10) Tony’s good friend is …
a) Ben b) Lucky c) Alison
Входная контрольная работа (7 класс)
1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words
Next Sunday will be an 1)…day for our family. It will be our 2)… birthday. My brother Nick
decided to buy a present for her. Our mother is 3)… of 4)… operas, so Nick is 5)… to find a CD
with her 6)…. serial. I think she will enjoy 7)... it without annoying 8)….
Our mum has 9)…. She likes eating sweet things like pudding, pies, biscuits, cakes, rolls, jams
any time. And I want to cook a 10)…cake for her 11)…. It is not easy but I hope that I will cope
with it.
I think it is a great pleasure to make our close people happy.
a) usual
b) bad
c) unusual
a) mothers’
b) mother’s
c) mothers
a) like
b) enjoy
c) fond
a) theatre
b) show
c) soap
a) going
b) want
c) decide
a) loving
b) favourite
c) like
a) watch
b) seeing
c) watching
a) advert
b) comedy
c) programme
a) a sweet tooth
b) sweets
c) a good taste
a) taste
b) delicious
c) funny
a) herself
b) himself
c) myself
2. Choose the correct variant
1. Where are the children? They …. in the garden.
a) played b) play c) are playing
2. George …. at work last week because he ….. ill.
a) hasn’t been, was b) didn’t be, is c) wasn’t, was
3. How much ... it ….to send a letter to Canada?
a) does cost b) is cost c) do cost
4. The City Museum …… at 5 o'clock every evening.
a) closed b) has closed c) closes
5. Mozart …..from 1756 to 1791.
a) has lived b) lives c) lived
6. Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks I…. already ….. it.
a) have read b) read c) am reading
7. Put the old bread in the garden. The birds ….. it.
a) are eating b) will eat c) ate
8. It's Kate's birthday tomorrow and I …. her a present yet.
a) didn’t buy b) hasn’t bought c) haven’t bought
3. Put in the prepositions if necessary
1). His aunt liked … traveling most of all.
2). My nephew doesn’t want to give …playing tennis.
3). Mike and Tom have a lot … common.
4). It was his duty to take care … his sick mother.
5). Don’t forget to change rubles … dollars.
6). I get … early in the morning.
7). The weather is fine today. Let’s go … a walk.
4. Match the words with theirs translations.
1.Humorous a. Возможный
2.Scientific b. Успешный
3.Chemical c. Нервный
4.Cunning d. Ответственный
5.Naughty e. Опасный
6.Successful f. Хитрый
7.Nervous g. Вредный
8.Possible h. Забавный
9.Responsible i. Научный
10.Dangerous j. Химический
5. Make the parsing of the sentences, using The Present Simple, The Past Simple or the
Future Simple
1. I (go) to the cinema yesterday.
2. I (go) to the cinema tomorrow.
3. You (watch) TV every day.
4. He always (take) a bus.
5.Yesterday he (get) up at nine o'clock.
6. Ask 4 types of questions about the sentence:
My brother Nick decided to buy a present for our mother.
Входная контрольная работа (8 класс)
1.Match the words with their definitions.
Соотнеси слово с определением.
1. means
1. a person who takes part in some events
1. to win
1. to go from place to place
1. worth
1. to make up, think of or produce for the
first time
1. participant
1. to have or show different opinion
1. to travel
1. to finish an educational course
1. message
1. a method or way (of doing)
1. to invent
1. good enough for
1. to disagree
1. to think to be true
1. to graduate
1. to be the best or first in a competition
1. to believe
1. a spoken or written piece of
2.Match pairs of words that go together.
Составь словосочетания.
1. free
1. a conference
1. lucky
1. fingers
1. fashionable
1. trip
1. to get along with
1. world
1. the age of
1. haircut
1. to participate in
1. ideas
1. to share
1. participant
1. to cross
1. partners
1. civilized
1. with people
1. to communicate
1. communication
3.Change the underlined words and phrases, using the words from under the line.
Замени подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания подходящими по смыслу словами.
1. I wish you good fortune.
2. The quickest method of travelling is by plane.
3. Andrei Ivanov is the person who has won.
4. He has been to the UK two times.
5. That meeting was wrong use of time.
6. Sometimes I don’t have the same opinion as my classmates.
7. Mr. Thomson is a person who works in a science.
8. During school holidays children enjoy their state of being free.
a) winner, b) scientist, c) disagree with, d) luck, e) a waste, f) freedom, g) twice, h)
4.Insert the necessary word.
Вставь подходящее по смыслу слово.
1. Let’s go to the museum. We have a good ……...to visit it for free.
2. He was ………and got a prize.
3. Are there many ………in the competition?
4. Our team are going to travel ……….the world.
5. All people must …………one another.
6. Don’t watch TV much: it’s a ………of time.
7. Will you …………in the conference next week?
8. I am sorry for Pete: he has ……….a competition.
9. I think so too, I …………with you.
10. This game is …………….trying.
11. In my …………these questions are very difficult.
12. Sometimes ………don’t understand children.
a) respect, b) in luck, c) round, d) participants, e) waste, f) chance, g) opinion, h) take part,
i) adults, j) lost, k) agree, l) worth
5.Complete the sentences.
Закончи предложения.
1. A person who works much is …………. .
2. A person who produces new and original ideas is ……….. .
3. A person who often has guests and is happy to see them is ………… .
4. A person who is always ready to help is ……………. .
5. A thing which is not safe is ………………. .
6. A person who likes to be with others is …………… .
7. Situations that you can’t forget are …………… .
8. A story which is very funny is ………………… .
9. A thing which costs (стоит) much is ………………. .
10. Children who don’t get along with their parents are ……………… .
11. A book which is about science is ……………….. .
6.Open the brackets, using the necessary tense-form.
Раскрой скобки, используя нужную форму глагола.
1. He always (help) his brother with his homework. 2. Sam is sad: he (lose) a game. 3.
Pupils (be) in the classroom now. They (write) a test. 4. We (not, discuss) our trip
yesterday. 5. All participants (meet) the day after tomorrow. 6. You ever (have) a foreign
pen friend? 7. How many lessons you (have) every day? 8. I (be) at a conference last
Monday and (listen) to a very interesting report. 9. Now I (understand) the rule. 10. your
friend (play) in our school team?- Yes, she ……….. . 11. You ever (take) part in any
competitions?- Yes, I …………… . 12. The competition (take) place two weeks ago. I
(not, win), but it (be) worth trying. 13. When we (be) ill, we (miss) lessons. 14. Ann
always (work) hard and (have) good results. 15. At the moment he (travel) around the
world. 16. He (not, win) our school competitions very often.
7.Choose the correct answer.
Выбери правильную форму.
1. This film is worth …….
1. see
1. to see
1. seeing
1. I’d like …….to foreign
1. travel
1. to travel
1. travelling
1. He’s just finished ……..a test.
1. write
1. writing
1. to write
1. I enjoy ……….in the warm sea.
1. to swim
1. swim
1. swimming
1. You shouldn’t ……your chance.
1. miss
1. to miss
1. missing
1. Pete doesn’t mind …..homework
1. doing
1. do
1. to do
1. He is going to give up ……
1. smoke
1. smoking
1. to smoke
1. Do you mind …….in the
1. participate
1. to
1. participating
1. Would you like …….your
1. to try
1. try
1. trying
chance in our competition?
1. Stop ……….PE lessons.
1. missing
1. miss
1. to miss
1. Can you ……a computer?
1. to use
1. use
1. using
1. All players must ……..the rules
the game.
1. to know
1. knowing
1. know
8.Fill in the gaps with the adjective, changing the form of the word.
Заполни пропуски прилагательными, изменив форму слова в правой колонке.
If you like to produce new 1)___________ ideas and make 2)
______________ things with your hands, then we are waiting for you
usually, fun
If you can solve 3) _____________ problems well and like to have 4)
_____________ duties. If you can find a common language with
5)______________ people, then you are welcome to our club!
If you know a lot of 6) ___________ recipes and want to share them with
7) ________ chefs or simply cannot cook yourself, then welcome to our
club! Our food is always finger-licking good! Your food will be 8)
______________ too.
If you are 9) ______________ and 10) _______________, if you have
already practised on the piano or guitar, then let you be in our band!
create, music
9.Form a word to suit in the blank space.
Употреби требующуюся форму слова.
1. I want to be a …… . (science)
2. Your advice (совет) is always …. . (use)
3. Designer is a …………profession. (create)
4. Lomonosov is famous for his ………….work. (science)
5. Be ………….and don’t make mistakes. (care)
6. He is always ………..before tests. (nerve)
7. He is an …….tourist. (Italy)
8. Tchaikovsky was a famous Russian … . (music)
9. Who is the …….of this wonderful painting? (create)
10. My friend is a good computer …… . (use).
11. Our ………lasts since childhood. (friend)
12. This photographer’s pictures are very …….. . (impress)
Входная контрольная работа (9 класс)
1.Put the verbs in brackets in correct form.
1. Don’t ask him to help now. He …( to do) his homework.
2. I can go for a walk. I ……( to do) my homework.
3. I … (to do) my homework two hours ago.
4. When Pete …… ( to phone) mе (do) my homework.
5. I am tired. I ….. ( to do) my homework since morning.
6. I …..( to do) my homework for three hours and I …….(not\finish ) it yet.
2.Complete the sentences according to Conditional II or III.
1.If I …..(to buy) the tickets, I …..(to go) there.
2.If I….(to be) a teacher , I….(to have) holidays in summer.
3.If he….(to listen) to the radio, he….(to know) the news.
4.If she….(to have) the ball, she ……(to play) the game.
5.If they …..(to work) there , they ……(to help) us.
6. If I …..( to collect) stamps, I…..(to buy) that one.
3.Change the sentences to indirect speech.
1. Bill said………………………………..
“I do my homework in the afternoon.”
2. The teacher told Tom……………………
“Will you answer my question?”
3. Sam said……………………….
“I have seen her today”
4. Boris said……………………..
“My uncle went to Kiev yesterday”
5. Mr Harrison asked………………….
“Did you go to London last week?”
6. My teacher asked …………………………
“Where was your book?”
4.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Mind the tenses.
Before I read the story about the six Robinsons I ... 1(hear) a similar story. It was about two old
people a husband and a wife who just wanted to rest on their boat. As soon as they
... 2(start) their sea trip, a violent wind ... 3(blow) them away from the coast. They
... 4(spend) about two weeks in the open sea before they ... 5(notice) by a tourist ship. By that
time they ... 6(drink) all the fresh water they had with them. They ... 7(be glad) to be saved at
5. Put in the prepositions: up and down, under, across, behind, off, from, at.
A terrible noise was coming ... the ground. The earth was moving ... like a sea. The ground was
moving ... his feet. He ran and heard screams ... him. When he saw that a mountain seemed to fly
... him, he swam ... the river. Later he realized that the earthquake broke ... a large piece of the
6. Put in the words: feeding time, full of fun, so, fight, shared, last Sunday, watch, jumped
out, looked.
Have you ever been to the zoo at 1)______? I was there 2)______. It was 3)______ interesting to
4)_______ the animals. As usual the monkeys were 5)_____. Big birds were stretching their
wings and flying down to their food. Two dolphins 6)_____ of the water to catch their fish. Baby
lions had a 7)______ for their meat. The elephant 8)________ hungry and I 9)_______ my
orange with him.
7. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. The town … founded in 1368.
a) is b)was c)were
2. They … already … Christmas presents for all their relatives. Now they are decorating the
a) will … buy b) are going … to buy c) have … bought
3. What … your sister … at the moment?
a) is … doing b) has … done c) does … do
4. Look! She … our pudding.
a) is liking b) likes c) like
5. Next month I … in France.
a) am b) will be c) have been
8. Read an article about Antarctica. For questions 1-3, choose an answer (А, В, C, or D)
which you think fits best according to the text.
What is Antarctica?
Antarctica is a continent that is right at the southern tip of the planet. If you try to find it on a
globe, you will see that it is at the bottom.
It takes up one-tenth of the Earth’s surface and is covered with a blanket of ice that can be 1500
thick metres. The South Pole is right in the middle of Antarctica.
Antarctica is the coldest continent, as well as the driest, the highest and the windiest. Very few
people live there all year round. Scientists stay there for short periods, living in specially built
research stations.
Summer in Antarctica is between October and March. During this time there is non-stop
daylight. In winter, April to September, the opposite happens and Antarctica is dropped into six
months of constant darkness.
In Antarctica it is colder than you can possibly imagine, even in the summer! The South Pole is
the coldest part of Antarctica. The average temperature for January, the middle of the summer, is
minus 28 degrees Celsius (-28 °C).
In winter, April to September, the average temperature at the South Pole can be as cold as -89
°C. When it is that cold, a mug of boiling water thrown in the air would freeze before it hit the
ice. Sometimes the scientists have to use fridges to keep their samples* warm.
1. Antarctica is the coldest place on the Earth.
What other records does it hold?
A. driest and cloudiest
B. wettest and windiest
C. windiest and driest
D. cloudiest and highest
2. Why do most people who visit Antarctica
choose not to go there between April and
A. because it is summer in Antarctica
B. because there is non-stop daylight during
this time
C. because it is a period of constant darkness
D. because it is too dry and sunny
3. Why do the scientists have to use fridges to
keep their samples warm?
A. because it is too hot outside
B. because of wild animals
C. because of constant darkness
D. because it is too cold outside
Ключи: 9 класс
6. 1) - feeding time 2) - last Sunday 3) so 4) watch 5) - full of fun 6) - jumped out 7) fight
8) looked 9)- shared
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7. 1 b 2 с 3 – a 4 b 5 b