Входная диагностическая работа по Английскому языку 9 класс

Входная диагностическая работа по Английскому языку
Для учащихся 9 классов
Работа состоит из 3 частей.
Раздел 1(задание на аудирование- 20 баллов) содержит 5 заданий на
соотнесение говорящих с их утверждениями.
Раздел 2(задание по чтению-14 баллов) содержит задание на понимание
основного содержания прочитанных текстов.
Раздел 3(задание по грамматике и лексике-18 баллов) включает в себя
задания, предполагающие краткий ответ. При выполнении этих заданий
нужно самостоятельно записать ответ в соответствующем месте работы.
Общее время проведения работы 45 минут.
Всего 52 балла
Для всех заданий ответы записываются в отведённом для этого месте,
заносится в таблицу.
В случае записи неверного ответа зачеркните его и запишите рядом новый.
При выполнении заданий Вы можете пользоваться черновиком.
Баллы, полученные Вами за выполненные задания, суммируются.
Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее
количество баллов.
Желаем успеха!
Критерии оценивания:
«5» - 45-52 баллов (87% - 100%)
«4» - 34 44 баллов (66% -86%)
«3» - 22 33 баллов (42% - 65%)
«2» - 0 - 21 баллов (0% - 41%)
Variant 1
1. Listening
Listen to the people talk about travelling on a radio program and then match
the speakers (1-5) to statements (A-E).
A. The speaker does some research before visiting
a place.
B. The speaker prefers more active holidays.
C. The speaker does not like to visit the same
place twice.
D. The speaker only visits places he/she knows
very well.
E. The speaker prefers travelling alone.
Speaker 1______
Speaker 2______
Speaker 3______
Speaker 4______
Speaker 5______
2. Reading
Match the paragraphs (A-G) to the headings (1-8). There is one extra heading:
A. Russia, also officially known as the Russian Federation, is the largest country in
the world. Its territory is 17,075,400 square kilometers. According to scientists, the
country’s territory would almost cover the surface of the planet Pluto. It is the only
country which is washed by 3 oceans and 12 seas. Russia is considered to be a
European country, but two-thirds of the country are in Asia. However, most of the
population lives in the European part of Russia.
B. Siberian Lake Baikal is the largest pool of fresh water on the planet. All the 12
major rivers of the world (the Volga, the Don, the Yenisei, the Ob, the Ganges, the
Amazon, etc.) would need to flow almost a year to fill a pool equal to the volume
of Lake Baikal. Another impressive fact is that even if all the rest of the planet’s
fresh water supply were to disappear, there would be enough fresh water left in
Lake Baikal to supply the people of the earth for up to 50 years.
C. Russia is the country with the largest forest reserves in the world. 45% of its
territory is covered in green forests. The forests are located in the European north
of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East. Forests play an important role in the
life and welfare of people. Russian forests are the biggest ‘lungs’ of the Earth.
They produce oxygen and clean the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and other
D. There are more than five thousand languages in the world. Russian is one of the
five major world languages. 280 million people around the world speak Russian
and it is one of the most widely spoken native languages in Europe. The United
Nations uses Russian as one of the official languages of the organization. It is also
used in international commerce, politics, academic and cultural life.
E. For its collection of books, the Russian State Library is considered to be the
biggest in Europe and one of the largest in the world. The Russian State Library
was founded in 1862, in Moscow. The library has over 275 km of shelves with
more than 43 million items, including books, journals and magazines, art
publications, music scores and sound records, maps and other things. There are
items in 247 languages of the world.
F. Russia is known all over the world for its space programmes. In 1957 the Soviet
Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite in the world. Four years later,
in 1961, human space flight was accomplished. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin
was the first man to journey into space. He orbited the Earth and landed the same
day. There are other impressive space achievements of the country like the first
long space flight, the first woman cosmonaut in space, and the first spacewalk.
G. One of the most popular souvenirs tourists buy in Russia is the Matryoshka. It
is a doll made of wood and painted with colourful ornaments. Although the
Matryoshka is called a doll, it is actually a set of dolls of different sizes placed
inside one another. A traditional Russian Matryoshka has big black eyes, red
healthy cheeks and a friendly smile. She wears a national Russian costume, and
often has some flowers or a basket of fruit in her hands.
1. A huge diamond of water
2. A famous Russian toy
3. Named after a famous scientist
4. Getting higher than the sky
5. The fresh air producer
6. Famous for its size
7. A great source of knowledge
8. Spoken all over the world
3.Vocabulary and Grammar
Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
Michael could not imagine his life without computers. His parents
1________(BUY) him his first computer at the age of seven. It took
2_________(HE) several days to learn how to use it. His mum said that the
younger people were much 3____________(FAST) than adults at learning
computer skills. That was probably true most 4________(CHILD) in Michael’s
class were very competent computer users. Michael was really surprised to find
out that the first personal computer 5_________(INVENT)in the 70’s of the last
“And how did you chat or send your e-mails without computers?” he asked his
She smiled: “We 6_________(NOT/SEND) each other e-mails. And there were no
She also said that it 7_________(BE) fun to communicate face-to-face, to play out-of-
doors and to visit friends’ homes.
“But if there 8_________(BE) no computers, I wouldn’t be able to communicate with
my friends who live far away from me,” Michael replied.
“True. Technological progress is a great thing,” his mother said “And I think people
9_________(CREATE) even more amazing communication devices in the near
Variant 2
1. Listening
Listen to the people talk about travelling on a radio program and then match
the speakers (1-5) to statements (A-E).
A. The speaker does some research before visiting
a place.
B. The speaker prefers more active holidays.
C. The speaker does not like to visit the same
place twice.
D. The speaker only visits places he/she knows
very well.
E. The speaker prefers travelling alone.
Speaker 1______
Speaker 2______
Speaker 3______
Speaker 4______
Speaker 5______
2. Reading
Match the paragraphs (A-G) to the headings (1-8). There is one extra heading:
A. The age between 14 and 17 is often considered to be one of the best periods in a
person’s life. Grown-ups remember it with excitement and happiness. The wish they
were teenagers again. However, most teenagers won’t agree with this point of view
if they were asked. They're sure that they are facing a lot of difficult problems and
that's quite true.
B. Smoking has become one of the most important problems for modern teenagers.
About 40 percent of teenagers are attracted by the bright cigarette advertisement. It
seems they just don't realize the harm it does to their health, because advertisements
show smoking as something positive. They really believe that smoking will make
them look like they're cool and grown-up.
C. In fact, teenagers have got a lot of work. They're busy with their studies,
household chores, some of them have jobs. They can’t even find a moment to
entertain themselves at times. It’s a more serious problem especially for those who
are responsible and want to be successful students and good children.
D. The problem number one for most young people is between fathers and sons. All
young people want to be independent, they want their parents to listen to their
opinion. As for parents, they want to control their children’s lives. At the same time
some parents can’t find a common language with their kids and simply don’t pay
enough attention to them.
E. They say that all teenagers want to have a lot of money to dress well, to go to
theatres, to visit foreign countries, to eat what they want and to buy books. But how
can they do all these things? They have to get some money and it’s possible to do it.
Some teenagers wash cars, others sell newspapers, help elderly people and babysit.
F. School ages are also very difficult. Children are always stressed because of their
marks at school. It seems to teenagers that they do a lot of homework, but mothers
and fathers are never satisfied. They want their children to have the highest marks at
school. Teenagers do their best, but adults are never happy. They always want more.
G. There are many organizations which unite young people. Teenagers get together
because of common interests and beliefs. Members of every organisations have their
own attitudes to the world. There are some informal clubs, for example: emos,
hippies, punks, and so on. However, some teenagers choose to join more serious
groups like Greenpeace.
1. Generation gap
2. Attractive but unhealthy
3. Youth movements and societies
4. Always busy
5. Conflicts with friends
6. Parents’ ambitions
7. Are teenagers happy?
8. They want to earn and spend
3.Vocabulary and Grammar
Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the
1__________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly
remember my 2__________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and
uncle. They lived nearby and I often 3__________________(GO) to stay with
them in my summer holidays. On the day of 4__________________(WE) trip the
weather was fine. There 5__________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun
was bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it
was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different
now. Stonehenge 6__________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was.
As a result, now people 7__________________(ALLOW) to walk around the
monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I had an
opportunity to get inside the circle again but 8____________ (fortunate) it is not
possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe
scientists 9__________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.
Variant 1
Speaker 1 C
Speaker 2 B
Speaker 3 A
Speaker 4 D
Speaker 5 E
3.Vocabulary and Grammar
2- him
4- children
5-was invented
6-didn’t send
9-will create
Variant 2
Speaker 1 C
Speaker 2 B
Speaker 3 A
Speaker 4 D
Speaker 5 E
2 Reading
3.Vocabulary and Grammar
1-the most interesting
2- first
6-has become
7-are allowed
9-will solve