Out of the lesson activity "English speaking countries"

Out of the lesson activity
on the theme:
“ English speaking countries”
Done by: Pryakhina Y.V.
The theme: “ English speaking countries”
The aim: To revise the knowledge of the theme “English speaking countries”.
To enrich pupils’ knowledge in all spheres of country-study.
To develop their thinking abilities and speaking in English.
To enhance their respect for people of other nationalities.
To develop their pride of their native country.
The aids: Interactive board, geographical maps, flags, popular sights of the cities, pictures of famous
The plan of the lesson: 1. Presentation of English-speaking countries:
a) The United Kingdom of great Britain and Nothern Ireland.
b) The United States of America
c) Canada
d) Australia
2. General knowledge questions about English-speaking countries.
3. The sights of their cities (pictures).
4. English proverbs.
5. Famous dates from their histories.
6. Idioms.
7. Their famous people.
8. Riddles.
9. Their famous holidays.
The procedure of the lesson: I. Organization moment.
II. Presentation.
There are 4 teams representing 4 English-speaking countries, they are the
UK, the USA, Canada and Australia (each team has a map, a flag and some objects or clothers, showing that
they are from the country which they represent). Each team must present its country.
III. General knowledge questions.
Each country has 3 questions ranking from simple to difficult.
A) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.
1. Name 4 parts of the UK with their capitals and symbols.
2. Who was Levi Strauss?
3. Speak about Royal family, about Queen Elizabeth II.
B) The United States of America.
1. Speak about the history of the American flag. How is it called?
2. Who were the founders of America?
3. Name at least 5 American presidents.
C) Australia.
1. Who discovered Australia and when?
2. What kind of Australian animal resembles a teddy-bear?
3. Why is Australia called “ an upside down world?”
D) Canada
1. What is the national emblem of Canada?
2. What territories does Canada consist of?
3. What famous waterfall is there in Canada?
III. The 3-rd round is picture questions.
T: You will be shown some sights of the cities or interesting places.
You must guess what kind of place it is and speak about it. You must
give full information about the picture.
The sights of cities:
1. New-York
2. Big Ben
3. Trafalgar square
4. Buckingham Palace
5. The Tower
6. St. Paul’s Cathedral
IV. The 4-th round is Proverbs.
T: You will be given only one part of the Proverb, you should find the
Other part of it. Then you must give Kazakh equivalent of the proverb.
1. Bad news………..(travel fast).
2. If you rut after two hares…….(you’ll catch none).
3. Easily earned money is…… (quickly spent).
4. All for one ….. (one for all).
5. Knowledge is…… (power).
6. The right thing….. (in the right place).
7. Never put off till tomorrow…. (what you can do today).
8. Everything is good….. ( in its season).
V. the 5-th round is famous dates from the history of the countries.
T: We’ll check how well you know the history of your countries. You will be
shown dates or numbers, you should tell us about them.
Famous dates in the history:
1. 1770 James Cook discovered Australia.
2. 1776 Independence day of the USA.
3. 6/2 Australia has 6 states and 2 territories.
4. 1884 France gave the Statue of Liberty to America as a present,
as the symbol of friendship.
5. 1949 The Commonwealth of Nations was formed.
6. 1066 The Romans came to England from France Normandy and
invaded it.
7. 1620 The first colonies came to America from England on board
The ship “Mayflower”
8. 1861-1865 There was a civil war in America.
9. 13/50 The USA has 13 stripes and 50 stars on the flag.
10. 56 mln. The UK has 56 mln. people.
VI. The 6-th round is Idioms.
T: You know that the idiom is a phrase which means something different
from the meaning of separate words that are part of it.
You will be given idioms, you must give their definitions in English or in Kazakh.
1. a fat cat somebody rich and powerful.
2. like cat and dog fighting badly.
3. to give a black look to look angrily.
4.on thin ice in unsafe or risky position.
5.up in the air undecided, uncertain.
6.walking on air very happy.
VII. The 7-th round is famous people.
T: There are many famous people in English-speaking countries. You will be shown
pictures of popular people you must guess who they are and tell us all that you know
about them.
Famous people:
1. Christopher Columbus
2. William Shakespeare
3. Robin Hood
4. Queen Elizabeth II
5. George Washington
6. Walt Disney
7. James Cook
8. The Beatles
VIII. the 8- round is Riddles.
T: There are many riddles in every language. English language also has riddles.
Your task is to solve the riddle.
1. What goes through a door but never goes in or comes out? ( wind )
2. What is it that doesn’t ask questions but must be answered? (a telephone)
3. I go at night and all day long. And yet I never go away. (a clock)
4. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water.
What am I? ( a map)
5. What falls on the water but never gets wet? (shadow)
6. What is it that man cannot live without? ( a name)
7. They look at one another all the time but never meet? ( a ceiling and a floor)
8. We are four brothers live under one roof. ( a table)
9. Why can’t the world ever come to an end? ( because it is round)
10. What star is not seen in the sky? ( a film star)
IX. The last round. Is Holidays.
T: Every country has its own national holidays. You will be given pictures
of holidays, you should name them and tell us what you know about these holidays, how people celebrate
them and what they do on that holiday.
1. Christmas 4.St. Valentine’s day.
2. Thanksgiving day