Final Grammar Test for the 5th grade

Final Grammar Test for the 5
1. Fill in at, on or in.
1. We go to school ... Mondays.
2. They have breakfast ... the morning.
3. I never go out ... Sunday evenings.
4. We eat lunch ... noon.
5. When do you visit your grandparents? - ... the weekend.
6. When do you watch TV? - ... the evening.
7. What time do you go to bed? - ... 10 o’clock.
8. My brother was born ... 1999.
9. Sue’s birthday is ... 10
10. Christmas is ... December.
2. Make the plural form of the nouns.
1. Watch-
2. Sportsman-
3. Person -
4. Child -
5. Family -
6. Piano -
7. Key -
8. Goose-
9. Loaf -
10. Potato -
11. Lady-
12. Man-
3. Put some или any
1. There are ………. magazines on the table near the TV set.
2. There isn’t ……… salt on the table.
3. She has …………toys in the corner of the room.
4. Has he got ………………homework for today?
5. Are there …………. paintings on the wall?
6. There is……………. snow in the streets.
7. There aren’t …………..lamps in the room
8. Could you pass me …………….sugar?
9. There aren’t ………………people at the bus stop.
10. Would you like ……………….tomato juice?
4. Put the verbs in the correct form.
1. He ________________________ sports now. (do)
2. I _________________________ the guitar next week. (play)
3. We __________________ this film last week. (see)
4. They __________________ the British Museum last week. (visit)
5. She ___________________ her holidays at the sea next summer. (spend)
6. He always __________________ a lot of sweets. (eat)
7. I ____________________ him at school tomorrow. (meet)
8. Listen! She ____________________ German. (speak)
9. We __________________ herbal tea yesterday. (drink)
10. They _______________ shopping with their parents yesterday. (go)
5. Ask 5 different questions to this sentence
Our teacher is reading an English book in the classroom at the moment.
6. Ask questions to the bold words.
1. Michael works on a farm.
2. Brian lives in Leeds.
3. Kevin goes out with friends in the evening.
4. Lucy likes tea with lemon.
5. Paul goes to his office by underground.
6. Tim works at a bookshop.
7. Mr. Brown lives in the country.
7. Open the brackets in the correct degree of comparison
1. I think that Maths is …………(difficult) than IT.
2. My brother is …………..(fat) than me.
3. Mary is the…………….. (good) friend of mine.
4. This exercise is ……………..(easy) than that one.
5. I think Geography is ……………….(interesting) subject at school.
6. Boris is the ………………..(bright) student in our class.
8. Fill in a, an or the.
1. I have… hamster and …dog. hamster is grey. …dog is black.
2. Steven King is … famous writer.
3. …Moscow is … capital of …Russia.
4. Nile is …longest river in …world.
5. …Westminster Abbey is famous for coronations.
6. I am …student. My friends are … students too.
7. Have you ever been to … the Bolshoi Theatre?
8. Arbat is the most famous street in …Moscow.
9. Big Ben is in the center of …London.
10. Would you like …orange? Yes, please. I like …oranges very much
9.Choose the correct pronoun
1. Ben is the best friend of …..(me/my/mine).
2. His aunt always takes …..(hers/her/his) dog with …..(him/her/hers).
3. Children played in …..(them/theirs/their) garden yesterday.
4. ….. (us/ours/our) parents work in the supermarket.
5. Can you see Frank? I can’t find …..(his/her/him) anywhere.
6. They will give ….(we/us/our/ours) a new game tomorrow.
7. Whose coat is this? It’s not …..(me/mine/my) coat, it’s ….(him/her/hers).
10.Lets count
1. Eleven plus seven is…………
2. Twenty-eight plus thirty- two is……
3. One hundred minus fifty-five is…..
4. Thirteen plus twenty-two is……
5. Sixty –one plus twelve is……