Урок-викторина по английскому языку "Путешествие по Великобритании" 8 класс

Урок-викторина по английскому языку в 8 классе
по теме «Путешествие по Великобритании»
учитель английского языка
Тарновский Евгений Борисович
Урок- викторина «Путешествие по Великобритании»
Цели: - развитие навыков устной коммуникации удирование, чтение,
устная диалогическая и монологическая речь, письмо)
- повышение интереса к стране изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: карточки с индивидуальными заданиями, грамматическая
географическая карта, тематические картинки, аудиозапись песни “Yellow Subma-
Ход урока:
I. Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.
1. Сообщение темы и цели урока. Today we are going to have our last lesson on
the topic “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” The name of our
today's lesson isTravelling Around the United Kingdom”. Some part of our lesson
will be in the form of a competition between two teams. We'll see which team knows
more about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
First we are going to have a short warm-up. The teams will say words in turn and the
winner is the team which says the last word.
Name: - animals;
- professions;
- means of transport, etc.
So, the winner is Team.....
II. Основная часть урока.
1. Обзор изученного материала в форме беседы:
T - Do you like travelling? Why?
P1 I like to travel very much because it is interesting to visit new places, to meet new
people and to see beautiful sights. When I grow up, I'd like to visit the UK.
T What do you know about the United Kingdom?
P2 If we look at the map we'll see that the UK is situated on two large islands and
many smaller ones. The UK is washed by the Irish Sea, the North Sea and the Atlantic
Ocean. The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland..........
T If you could go to the United Kingdom, what place would you choose to visit?
Несколько учащихся, по очереди выходя к доске, рассказывают об избранных ими
P3 I would like to visit London, the capital of the UK. I know that London is situated
on the river Thames. London is famous for.......
P4 I would like to visit Scotland. It’s one of the most beautiful parts of Great Britain.
Scotland is famous for its mountains and lakes. The highest mountain in Great Britain,
Ben Nevis and the famous Loch Ness are in Scotland.
P5, 6, 7... - I would like to visit Liverpool (Belfast, Manchester, Wales....)
2. Отработка диалогической речи на базе подстановочной таблицы по цепочке:
- What is ….......... famous for?
Red Square
its port
is (are) famous for
textile factories
Oxford and Cambridge
Big Ben
their universities
3. Закрепление грамматического материала (степени сравнения
прилагательных) в заданиях по индивидуальным раздаточным карточкам по
England is the ________________(large) part of the UK.
The climate in England is ____________(warm) than in Russia. Etc.
4. Минутка релаксации.
Well, children, are you tired? Would you like to sleep for a minute.
Одну минуту учащиеся «спят», затем делают небольшую зарядку.
T Did you sleep well? Did you see a dream? What did you see?
PP I saw Big Ben (A beautiful river, animals in the Zoo, etc.)
5. Аудирование.
Now we'll continue our competition. You are going to listen to sentences about some
British city and guess what city it is. The winner is the team which guesses first.
1) It is a beautiful city on the river Clyde. It is an important ship-building centre and
the largest city in Scotland (Glasgow)
2) It is a small town in the centre of England. It was founded 800 years ago. The
greatest English writer was born here. (Stradford-on-Avon)
3) This is on old city on the river Cam. Byron, Newton and other famous people
studied at the local university. (Cambridge)
4) This city stands on the river Mersey. It is an old city in the north-west of England.
There are two very old and beautiful cathedrals here. This city is the birthplace of the
Beatles. (Liverpool)
The Team.... guessed more cities.
6. Прослушивание песни 'Yellow Submarine'
We have mentioned The Beatles. Now we are going to listen to one of their songs. I'll
give you the text of the song with some words missing. You have to listen to the song
and write down the missing words.
Учащиеся слушают песню дважды, вставляют пропущенные слова, сверяются с
другими, читают слова, затем прослушивают песню, подпевая.
7. Дополнительные конкурсные задания (при наличии времени).
Учащиеся составляют названия британских городов из отдельных частей (LON-
Учащиеся составляют названия частей Британии и городов из карточек с
отдельными буквами.
III. Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов викторины.
Yellow Submarine
In the town where I ___________
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of _____________
In the land of submarines
So we sailed up _______________
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our ______________________
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
And our friends are all on board
Many more of them ________________
And the band _____________________
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
As we live a life of ease
Everyone of us has ______________
Sky of blue and _________________
In our yellow submarine.
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
Список использованной литературы:
1.В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова. Учебник английского языка для 8
кл.- М.: Просвещение, 2010.
2. О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева.Учебник английского языка для 8кл. - М.:
Просвещение, 2018.
Использованные Интернет-ресурсы:
1. www.kurokam.ru
2. www.homeenglish.ru