Сабақтың тақырыбы: Kazakhstan

Оқу сабақ жоспары
Пән: Ағылшын тілі
Сабақтың ұзақтылығы: 90 минут/180 минут
(керектінің астын сызу)
Оқытушының Т.Ә.А.: Маханова Айман Жилкибаевна
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Kazakhstan
Сабақтың түрі: теориялық, тәжіриблік (керектінің астын сызу)
Сабақтың тұрпаты: жаңа материалмен таныстыру сабағы; оқығанды бекіту
сабағы; еп пен білімді қолдану сабағы; жалпылау және білімді жүйелеу
сабағы; еп пен білімді түзету мен тексеру сабағы; аралас сабағы
(керектінің астын сызу)
Сабақтың мақсаты:
Білімдік: Студенттердің «Kazakhstan» тақырыбында алған білімдерін
жетілдіру. Студенттердің өз бетімен жұмыс істеуге баулу.
Тәрбиелік; Әрбір студенттің бойында туған жерге, өзге халықтардың
мәдениеті мен салт- дәстүріне деген сүйіспеншілігін ояту.
Дамытушылық: Студенттердің ойлау, сөйлеу қабілеттерін
қалыптастыру.Студенттердің белсендігін арттыра отырып, танымдық
деңгейін арттыру.
Оқу- танымдық іс-әрекетін жасау және ұйымдастыру әдістері:
сөйлеу, көрнекілік, тәжірибелік; репродуктивті, түсіндіру-үлестірмелі,
ізденіс, зерттеулік, мәселелі; индукциялы, дедукциялы; пассивті, белсенді,
интерактивті, эвристикалық (керектінің астын сызу); __________________________
Пәнаралық байланыстар: география.
Жабдықталуы: проектор,ноутбук
Учебник для 10 классов общественно-гуманитарного направления
общеобразовательных школ / Т.Аяпова, Д.Укбаев, З.Абильдаева и др. –
Алматы: Издательство «Мектеп», 2006. – 304
ЕІ 189Қ
Сабақ барысы
(керектінің астын сызу)
Сабақ кезеңдері
Кезең мазмұны
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
Good morning dear students! I am glad to see you!
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?
What date is it today? What day is it today?
What day of the week is it? What season is it now?
What weather like today? Are you ready of the lesson?
Ok! Let us begin!
Тірек білімнің
Бақылау жүргізу
Today we are going to speak about Kazakhstan; listen to the
text and do some tasks. All of you open your copy-books and
write the theme of our lesson-Kazakhstan”
Үй жұмысын тексеру
- Teacher will ask new words of the last lesson by standing in
a circle
Жаңа материалды
The theme of the lesson is “Kazakhstan”/ аудару/
Алғашқы түсінікті
The lesson based on computer.
We can use this kind of lessons in our near future.
I think it is very comfortable.
Материалды бекіту
Works with the new texts: Read the text, watch the video
Kazakhstan, and listen to the audio about head of state. Find
the main cities of Republic of Kazakhstan.
Жалпылау және білімді
(Teacher shows the map of the Kazakhstan)
-Which country’s map is it? (It is the map of The Republic of
Kazakhstan) -What countries does it border on? (It borders
with the Russian Federation, China and Central Asian
Republics of Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) -
What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (The capital of Kazakhstan
is Astana) -Who is the head of the state? (The head of the
state is president) -What large cities of Kazakhstan do you
know? (These are Almaty, Karaganda, Chymkent)
Білімді есепке алу және
Border -шекара
Unitary -біртұтас
Government -басқару
Independence- тәуелсіз
Sovereign- егемен
Population -халқы
Сабақты қорытындылау
Түсініктемелермен баға қою
What moments were successful?
Не сәтті болды?
What moments were unsuccessful?
Не сәтті болмады?
Үй жұмысы туралы
to tell of Kazakhstan.; to use plural forms of the nouns, the
Article, verbs “to be”, “to have” correctly
Т.Аяпова, Д.Укбаев, З.Абильдаева и др
Border - граница -шекара
Unitary-унитарный -біртұтас
Government- правление -басқару
Independence- независимый -тәуелсіз
Sovereign- суверенный- егемен
Freedom- свобода -бостандық
Population- население -халқы
Juncture- стык -қиылыс
Kazakhstan is My Motherland” The Republic of Kazakhstan is located on the juncture of two
continent- Europe and Asia. It is the ninth largest country in the world. Kazakhstan borders the
Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan and China. The population of the
Republic of Kazakhstan is over 15 million people. The official language is Kazakh and Russian
is the language of interethnic communication.Monetary unit- tenge. Today, Kazakhstan is a
unitary state with the presidential form of government. The Republic of Kazakhstan gained
independence on the 16 December 1991. The national symbols reflect colours of the blue- sky
and gold sun. The central element of the national emblem is shanyrak. There is an ornament, the
gold sun and the sovereign eagle on the national flag- the symbols of freedom and independence
of the country. About 60 % of the population of the republic live in cities 14 regions. There are
85 in number. The biggest cities of Kazakhstan are Almaty, Astana, Karaganda and Chimkent. A
new capital of the independent Kazakhstan named Astana is a 21-st century’s city.
Task:Read the sentences and say true or false.
1. Kazakhstan is a sovereign independent state.
2. The population of Kazakhstan is over 15 million people.
3. The Republic celebrates its independence Day on the 25-th of October.
4. The official language is Kazakh.
5. Kazakhstan shares its border with France.
6. Russian is the language of international communication.
7. The head of the state is Prime-Minister.
1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
a) Almaty b) Akmola c) Astana
2. Who is the head of the state?
a)President b) Khan c) Prime-Minister
3. What is the Population of Kazakhstan?
a) 10560768 b) 16870000 c) 17560000
4. Where is the Kazakhstan situated?
a)Europe b) Australia c) Central Asia
5. What is the area of Kazakhstan?
a) 1546000sq.km. b)2724900sq. km c)6546000sq. km
6. With what country doesn't Kazakhstan shares its border?
a) China b) Russia c) France
7. When Akmola was renamed Astana?
a) in1997 b) in 1998 c) in 1999
8. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?
a) Russian b) English c) Kazakh
9. What is the language of international communication?
a) English b) Russian c) Kazakh
10. When is the Independence Day?
a) 16 December b) 22 March c) 9 May
Kazakhstan My Motherland is Kazakhstan. It is the country which is situated in the centre of
the Eurasian continent. It is the country of free people. Kazakhstan is an extremely beautiful
land. There are the majestic Zailiysky Alatau mountains, the powerful rivers: the Yrtysh, the
Syrdarya and the Amudarya, and the endless steppes. Kazakhstan is the country where many
nations live in peace. You can find different kinds of treasures: rare beautiful animals, plants,
minerals on the endless space of our country. There are a lot of cities in Kazakhstan which are
as beautiful as the best cities of Europe and Asia such as Astana, Almaty, Pavlodar and others. I
love my Kazakhstan very much. And I believe that you will love it too if you come here. You
can find almost all mineral resources known in the world (more than 90 types) in Kazakhstan
and in a large amount. The biggest rivers of Kazakhstan are the Irtysh, the Syrdaria, the Hi, the
Ishim and the Tobol. The climate of Kazakhstan is very various because of the great size of its
territory. The most general characteristics typical for the whole territory of the Republic are
aridity and variety. The highest mountain of Kazakhstan is Khan Tengri peak (6995 meters) of
the Tian-Shan mountains in the South-East of the Republic. There are 158 species of mammals,
485 species of birds, about 156 species of fish and many endemic animals (jerboa, saiga and
others) in Kazakhstan .The flora of Kazakhstan is rich and various. For example only about 150
species of officials grow here. There are six state nature reserves in Kazakhstan. Nowadays
many rare animals and plants are under state protection. Among them there is a snow leopard
that is the Almaty city emblem and an eagle, which is on the Republican Flag symbolizing proud
trend of Kazakhstan to the bright future. Astana was founded in 1830 in the steppes of Sary-Arka
the sacred place known as a centre of ancient civilization of nomads. Astana is the capital of
Kazakhstan and the centre of Akmolinsk region the Motherland of Saken Seifullin. and
Magjan Joumabayev. In 1832-1961 the city was called Akmolinsk, and when the development
of virgin lands started in the Soviet Union it was renamed into Tselinograd. After Kazakhstan
had gained the independence, a decision was made to replace the capital. So now Kazakhstan
has a new capital and the city has a new name Astana. Textile, light and printing industries
are , highly developed in Astana. There are many universities, institutes and colleges here.
Astana is the centre of political life of Kazakhstan. Residence of President, the Parliament and
the Government are located here. Astana is the city of great construction projects. For a short
time the Governmental buildings and the "Continental" hotel have been built and the central
residential section has been reconstructed. In XXI century Astana will be one of the most
beautiful and flourishing capitals of the world. Almaty is the southern capital of Kazakhstan. It is
one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Almaty is situated at the foot of the Alatau
mountains. The height of snowy peaks towering above the city is more than 4.000 metres above
the sea level. Almaty is a city-garden. It is not only a cultural but also an industrial, a financial
and a political centre of Kazakhstan. There are very many places of interest in Almaty, such as
the "Medeo" skating rink, a steel-rope way to Кок-Tube, museums, theatres, parks and so on.
The original architecture of Almaty Old and New Squares, "Kazakhstan” and “Dostyk”
hotels, the circus, the theatre named after Muhtar Auezov and many other monuments of
architecture impress tourists greatly. Almaty has a long history. The town was founded in 1853.
Then it was a fortress called "Verny". For a long time its name was, "Alma-Ata" "the Father
of Apples". Very big red Almaty apport (sort of apples) is well known even in Europe. Almaty is
a city of nice hospitable people, the city with great future. 1. What do you know about
Kazakhstan? 2. What is the capital of our republic? 3. Who is the head of the state? 4.
When did found Astana? I always begin my lesson with greetings, and checking up the students’
home works, how many girls are absents. Then I ask, what were their home tasks? Usually I give
them a text with vocabulary it based .
Kazakhstan is my Motherland
Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 1991. A total area land
of over 2,724.900 million square kilometers. The population is about 16,870,000. This country
shares its border with the Russian Federation to the north and north west; to the east with
China and to the south with the central Asian republics of Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan and
The Ural River flows through the western part of Kazakhstan to the Caspian Sea. The central
region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north and deserts of central Asia in the
south west. The Altai mountains can be found in the east.
The country is reach with mineral recourses such as copper, gold, iron, nickel, silver, zink with
deposits of oil and natural gas.
The largest city of Kazakhstan is Almaty. Almaty was the capital until December 1997 then it
was moved to Akmola. In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana.
Kazakhstan, with the world’s ninth largest area, has many beautiful places and a rich culture.
The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of international communication.
(Teacher shows the map of the Kazakhstan)
-Which country’s map is it? (It is the map of The Republic of Kazakhstan)
-What countries does it border on? (It borders with the Russian Federation, China and Central
Asian Republics of Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan)
-What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana)
-Who is the head of the state? (The head of the state is president)
-What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know? (These are Almaty, Karaganda, Chymkent) -
What do you think, what are we going to speak about?
The ABC game answers:
1. Е, N, G, L, A, N, D.
2. A, M, E, R, I, C, A
3. K, A, Z, A, K, H, S, T, A, NHidden words answers:
N. Nazarbaev
Proverbs and sayings
Better late than never.
Two heads are better than one.
East or West home is best.
The right choice
16 December
8 March
30 August
9 May
1 December
6 July
15 November
1 January
1 June
30 November