Внеклассное мероприятие "Игра - путешествие «A Travelling to Knowledgeland»" 5 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
для учащихся 5 классов.
Игра путешествие «A Travelling to Knowledgeland».
В «путешествии» могут принимать участие несколько команд. Все они
являются пассажирами поезда, который отправляется в путешествие по «Стране
знаний». Во время путешествия поезд будет останавливаться на разных станциях и
участникам предстоит выполнять различные задания. Члены каждой команды
пассажиры одного вагона. Каждый вагон имеет свои знаки отличия (например,
Ход внеклассного мероприятия
Teacher: You have to imagine that you are passengers of a train. We are going to
travel to Knowledgeland. Pay attention. The train is leaving. Good luck!
Station 1: “Phonetics”
Конкурс скороговорок.
а) Hickety, pickety, my black cat
Likes to sit in my blue hat.
b) Cob is Dob's, Tob is Mob's dog.
c) Sid sees six trees.
Station 2: "Poetry"
Дети читают стихи. Побеждает та команда, которая прочитает больше стихов.
My Teddy-Bear
My Teddy's fur is soft and brown,
His legs are short and fat;
He walks with me all round the town
And never wears a hat.
My Teddy keeps me warm in bed,
I like his furry toes;
I like his darling little head,
His pretty little nose.
- Is this a boy?
- No, it's a toy.
- Is this a log?
- No, it's a frog.
- Is this a sled?
- No, it's a bed.
- Is this a floor?
- No, it's a door.
- Is this my brother?
- No, it's your mother.
- Is this a horse?
- Of course.
I Like
I like to read,
I like to play,
I like to study every day.
I like to jump,
I like to run,
I like to play,
It's fun.
A Pen and a Pencil
Peter has a pencil,
Peter has a pen.
He draws with a pencil,
And writes with his pen.
Station 3: "Grammar"
На данном этапе проверяются знания грамматики.
Каждая команда получает карточку с заданием.
1) Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.
1. I... fine.
2. You ... from England.
3. He ... strong.
4. She ... busy.
5. It... fat.
6. We ... big.
7. They ... British.
2) Use these words to form sentences.
1. ten, they, English, have got, books.
2. has got, new, her husband, a, tape - recorder.
3. has got, children, Joy, two.
4. six, have got, stars, you.
5. rulers, have got, the pupils, nice.
3) Find the mistakes.
1. Ann and Mike is friends.
2. My hobby has reading.
3. We English are.
4. I have got a books.
Station 4: "Lexical"
Проверяются знания лексики. Задания могут быть следующими:
1) Can you finish these lists?
1. spring, summer, autumn, w...
2. grandmother, grandfather, mother, f...
3. baseball, football, cricket, g...
4. September, October, November, D...
5. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, S...
6. History, Geography, Literature, B...
7. Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, E...
2) Match the two parts of each word.
came- der
walk- sette
cas- cle
recor- ra
bicy- bit
ham- rot
par- ster
rab- man
3) Find the numbers 0-12.
4) Guess the word.
Учащиеся отгадывают слово, задуманное другой командой. Тема определяется заранее.
Station 5: "Storytelling"
Каждая команда получает картинку, по которой она составляет рассказ.
Station 6: "Conversation"
Учащиеся беседуют друг с другом на заданную тему. Например, диалог "Знакомство",
кафе", “В магазине” и т.д.
Station 7: "Puzzles"
1) One apple, two apples,
Three apples, four.
Five apples, six apples,
Seven apples more.
Now tell me, little Paul,
Can you count them all?
2) It runs and runs,
But it'll never run out. It flows,
Who knows,
What I'm talking about?
(a river)
3) I don't know
The ABC,
But I'm writing
As you see.
(a pen)
4) I'm black, аnd red,
аnd blue.
I draw everything for
(a pencil)
5) If you want
To draw a straight line,
Make use of me,
For this business is mine.
(a ruler)
6) My face is black,
As blaск as night,
On it, with chalk аll pupils write.
All right!
But it is a disgrace
When they forget
To wipe my face.
(a blackboard)
Station 8: "Musical"
Teacher: Our trip is over. This is the last station called "Musical". Let's sing a song.
Учащиеся исполняют любые песни, выученные в течение учебного года.
Подведение итогов.
Награждение победителей.