Конспект урока "Means of communication through the centuries" 8 класс

МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа
МО «Енотаевский район»
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 8 классе
« Means of communication through the centuries»
учитель английского языка
Чигина Оксана Олеговна
Систематизировать умения и знания, приобретенные по теме и воспитать любовь и уважение к
изучаемому языку, принимать осознанное решение необходимости изучения английского языка.
Задачи урока:
1. Познакомить учащихся с великими изобретениями в рамках речевой ситуации "Средства
коммуникации и их роль в обществе" и обучать кратко высказываться о фактах и событиях,
изложенных в текстах.
2. Развивать умение находить ответы на вопросы в воспринимаемом на слух тексте.
3. Познакомить учащихся с употребление артикля с обобщающим значением.
4.Обучать ознакомительному чтению, выбирая из текста главное и опуская
магнитофон с записью, незнакомые слова на доске, картинки, карточки
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Hello, children! Nice to see you again! Let us begin our lesson . The theme of our lesson is
Means of communication through the centuries”. Today we are going to learn new words and words
combinations, to listen and to read the text, to answer many questions and to do many interesting tasks.
What things can you call a means of communication?
Pupils(возможные ответы) a computer, a telephone, a letter, a pen, a telegraph.
Teacher: Yes, you are absolutely right.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Please, repeat after me the words and words combinations, which you will meet in the text a
bit later:
invent, foot messengers, a real miracle, in honor of, an ancient communications network, a marathon,
to fall dead of exhaustion, soot, ink, lamp oil, to mix with, gelatine, musk, Levant region, Israel, wax-
coated, tomb, to pay in advance, to have to do something, to transmit signals, to code the letter and
signs, a public demonstration, invention.
III. Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Now look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1 Which of these things саn уоu саll а means of communication?
2. How саn yоu use them to communicate?
3. Which of these means of communication do yоu take for granted?
4. Which of them are new or interesting for yоu?
Pupils: 1.The computer, the alphabet, hands, the telegraph, the telephone.
2.I can use a computer to talk through the internet,
to get an information,
to write a letter
I can use an alphabet to write a letter.
I can use a television to get an information,
I can use hands to talk with gestures,
I can use a telephone to talk,
I can use a book to get an information,
IV. Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: Are you able to perform small dialogues from your homework? (учащиеся выполняют
поставленное задание).
V. Теоретическая часть урока.
На этом этапе урока происходит объяснение случаев употребления артиклей перед
существительными с обобщающим значением ст. 71-72
VI. Работа с карточками на закрепление усвоения теории.
Put in the right article.
1.Are tigers stronger than lions?
2. Are … French more polite than … Germans?
3. Are tulips as beautiful as mayflowers?
4. He usually has …tea with …milk.
5. …falcone is the fastest animal.
6. He usually has milk for breakfast, but his sister has coffee.
7. Are Americans as friendly as Russians?
8. Who invented … computer?
9. I like …dogs and my friend likes … cats.
VII. Аудирование.
Teacher: The telegraph line is a communication system which transmits signals with the help of the
Morse code. The picture also bears information. You can use fire to make a smoke signal and send
important information. The flower helps to express your feelings and make a contact. Now listen to the
tape and check one of your answers.
VIII. Тренировка навыков устной речи. (ученики отвечают на вопросы)
1. Саn flowers bе а means of communication?
2. What does the lilу mean?
3. What does the yellow carnation (гвоздика) mean?
( затем текст прослушивается вторично.)
Teacher: Did yоu know that а yellow lilу means “happiness” but а yellow carnation means
“nо”? Yes, flowers can bе а means of communication too.
For centuries people have communicated flowers. They were often able to say things that people
couldn't say to each other. This tradition goes back to ancient Egypt, China and Greece, but the
language of flowers bесаmе really popular in Victorian times. Реорlе who were in 1ovе used flowers to
send secret messages to each other.
Teacher: Now look at the blackboard and name the modern inventions. (На доске картинки
современных изобретений: Факс, магнитофон, наушники, видеокамера, колонки, калькулятор,
мобильный телефон, автоответчик, ноутбук, принтер.) How can you use them ?
Teacher: Now let’s do the quiz. Ex.7, on page 74.
1. Who invented paper?
а) the Chinese Ь) the Japanese с) the English
2. Who invented the alphabet?
а) the Jews (евреи) b) the Greeks с) the Egyptians
3. Who invented ink?
а) the Egyptians and the Chinese Ь) the Chinese с) the Arabs
4. Who first sent private letters from one person to another?
а) the Greeks Ь) the Egyptians с) the Romans
5. Who invented the stamp?
а) the English b) the Russians с) the Americans
6. Who invented the telephone?
а) Telephone b) Ророv с) Alexander Graham Веll ,
7. Who invented the telegraph?
а) Alexander Graham Веll./b) Samиel Morse с) Mary Telegraph
8. Who invented the е-mаil?
а) the Americans b) the Russians с) the Germans
IX.Объяснение домашнего задания.
Teacher: You are to read several texts p. 47-50. they are interesting and you will get a lot of useful
information. So read and answer the questions.
X. Подведение итогов урока.
Thank you for the lesson. I think you liked our lessons. Nowadays we take our modern means of
communication for granted and you have learnt a lot of new information about it. Учитель
выставляет оценки. The lesson is over. Good bye.
Используемая литература:
1. K.И.Kaufman M.Ю KaufmanHappy English.ru” 8 класс.- Обнинск: Титул, 2008
2. Научно-методический журнал «Иностранные языки в школе». Москва, 2010
3. А.В. Шереметьева «English-speaking countries». Саратов: Лицей, 2008