Конспект урока "Экскурсия по Кремлю" 11 класс

Муниципальная бюджетная образовательная организация
лицей № 67 г.о.Тольятти
Конспект урока по английскому языку
для 11 класса
«Экскурсия по Кремлю»
с презентацией
учитель английского языка
Дешина Наталья Валериевна
Тольятти 2013
Тема урока - Экскурсия по Кремлю
11 класс (Тема по программе-
Культура родной страны и страны изучаемого языка)
Продолжительность урока 80 минут
Цели урока:
Образовательные: ознакомление учащихся с историей нашей страны (новой
информацией о Кремле.); введение новой лексики.
Развивающие: совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи,
навыков аудирования.
Воспитательные: воспитание патриотизма у учащихся.
Задачи урока:
1. Ознакомиться с новой лексикой по теме Кремль.
2. Прослушать текст с новым материалом о Кремле.
3. Улучшить навыки устной речи методами : вопрос – ответ , мини
4. Совершенствовать навыки письменной речи методом составления личного
5. Совершенствовать навыки работы в группе.
Оборудование: проектор, экран, компьютер, карточки, плакаты , магнитофон.
Ход урока.
1 Организационный момент.(3мин)
Good morning, students and our respected guests! Today we will have an unusual
lesson. It will be devoted to Russian history. It seems to me that we know English
sights better than ours. That's why it's high time to speak about our country and our
attractions. It will be an excursion around the Kremlin.
Have you ever been there?
What do you know about the Kremlin?
At the previous lesson I handed out the words to “Moscow Suburb Nights”. Now
let’s sing it and our guests are welcome to join us in doing it. (Приложение 1)
2 Фонетическая зарядка.(7мин)
Песня « Подмосковные вечера»
Учитель: What did you imagine when you were singing the song?
3 Введение нового материала.(10мин)
Before we start let’s remember some words and the new ones . They will help
you to understand the excursion.
На экране появляются слова:
Temple Cupolas Revive Treasury
Dwell Orthodox Ancestors Belfry
Cannon Praise Ambassador Mansion
Task 1
Listen and repeat the words.
Task 2
Read the words aloud and translate them one by one.
Task 3
Put the words in the Alphabet order.
Task 4
Translate the words from Russian into English.
Task 5
Match the words to their definition. (Приложение 2)
Erect to become or to make something become active or popular again.
Revive to live.
Dwell to build.
Ambassador someone who is related to you who lived long time ago.
Cannon the part of the tower that has a bell in it.
Belfry a large powerful gun used in the past that shot large metal balls.
Mansion a senior official who lives in a foreign country and represents his or her
own country there.
Ancestor a large house.
4 Экскурсия по Кремлю. Все достопримечательности сопровождаются
фотографиями на экране.(20мин) (Презентация) (слайд 1-4)
The Uspensky Cathedral. (слайд 5)
It was built in 1479 and it is the oldest temple of Sobornaya Square. Its powerful
volume crowned with 5 golden cupolas seemed to symbolise the strength of the
reviving united state. It is notable for the strictness and splendour of its forms.
The Blagoveshchensky Cathedral. (слайд 6)
It was built in the 16 century as a part of the Princes palace complex, and it was the
home church of the Moscow tsars. In the deep ground floor of the temple the
Prince's treasury was kept. The cathedral was connected with the front and the
dwelling apartment of the palace through covered passages. The oldest iconostasis
in Russia is situated here.At first there were 3 cupolas, then Ivan the Terrible
changed its image and 4 small one cupola churches were built. At the same time 2
more cupolas appeared over the central part of the cathedral.
? How many cupolas are there now ? (9)
The Arkhangelsky Cathedral. (слайд 7)
It was built in 1508. Grand Princes and Russian tsars were buried there. So it is
called the cathedral-necropolis. Before big military campaigns and after successful
battles the Moscow princes came there to honour the remains of their ancestors, to
ask for their blessings and to praise the courage of Russian warriors.
There are 46 tombs (among them : Ivan Kalita, Ivan the Terrible, his sons,ets.
Boris Godunov was buried there for some time. Dmitry Samozvanets ordered to
dig him out and rebury.
The Belfry of Ivan the Great. (слайд 8)
It was built in 1508.The height of the buildings is 60 and 81 meters. The walls are
from 5 to 2.5 metres thick .
Near the Belfry stands the Tsar Cannon one of the wonders of military
technology of the 16 century. The gigantic gun has a length of 5.35 meters and
weighs 40 tons. In ancient times the cannon stood at Red Square to defend the
? How many times did it fire ? (It never took part in military actions and never
fired a single shot .)
Near The Tsar Cannon lie cast- iron balls, each of which weighs 1 ton.
Near the foot of the Belfry of Ivan the great is the famous Tsar Bell. The biggest
bell in the world weighs 200 tons. It is over 6 meters high and has a diameter of 6.6
meters. It was made in the Kremlin in 1735.
Granovitaya Palata. (слайд 9)
It was built in 1491. It was the ceremonial throne hall where receptions of foreign
ambassadors, state conferences were held. Different important events were
celebrated there.
? Can you name any event ?(The victory over the Swedes, the joining of Kazan
Khanate to Russia.)
The Patriarch's Palace. (слайд 10)
It was built in the 17
century. It was the residence of the head of the Russian
Orthodox. Now there is a museum of art and lifestyle in the 17
century's Russia.
There are samples of clothes , dishes , clocks , books , furniture and so on.
The Kremlin Grand Palace. (слайд 11)
It was built in 1838- 1849 on a place where the mansions of Grand Princes and
Tsars were traditionaly built. It was the moscow residence of Russian Emperors.
The Armoury. (слайд 12)
It is the oldest and the biggest museum of arts and crafts of our country. It
appeared in the 16
Red Square. (слайд 13)
Along the eastern wall of the Kremlin lies Krasnaya Square or Red Square. In the
centry it was «Torg» , the main city market and public center of Moscow. In
the 16
century it changed its name to Troitskaya because of the church of Trinity
that once stood on it. And in the 17
century took the name «Krasnaya».
? Do you know what the name means?(beautiful, main)
The main tower of the Kremlin is the Spaskaya. There is a clock on the top of it.
The mechanism of the clock occupies 3 storeys of the tower and weighs 25 tons.
? How many faces does the clock have?(4)
The diameter of each of 4 faces is about 6 meters. The height of the numbers is 72
? What is the length of the minute hand?(over 3 meters)
? How often does the clock strike ?( every quarter of an hour)
? What is the roof of the tower crowned with?( a ruby star )
? What was earlier there ? ( 2-headed eagles; the star appeared only in 1937)
The height of Spasskaya tower with the star is 71 meters.
? What is situated in the central part of the square near the Kremlin wall? (The
Mausoleum of V.I.Lenin).
Начало второго урока.
5 Рефлексия.(20 мин)
Учитель: Now let’s divide into 2 groups. We will sum up the new information
and check up your knowledge.
Task 1 Match a picture to the name of the construction (слайд 14)
Ответы: 1 – С , 2 Е , 3 – А , 4 – F, 5 B ,6 D.
Task 2 Answer the questions. The team with more right answers will have the right
to start the next task the first.
1. What is the oldest temple of Sobornaya square ? (the Uspensky Cathedral)
2. What was the home church of Moscow tsars ? (the Blagoveshensky)
3. How many tombs are there ? (46)
4. Where were Russian tsars buried ? (in the Arkhangelsky Cathedral)
5. What is situated near the belfry of Ivan the Great ? (Tsar Cannon and Tsar
6. What is the name of the square of the Kremlin where the cathedrals are
situated ? (Sobornaya)
7. On what tower is the famous clock situated ?(Spasskaya)
8. How many floors does the clock occupy ? (3)
9. What was the Spasskaya Tower crowned with ? (2-headed eagles)
10.Where were receptions and ceremonies held ? (in Granovitaya Palata)
Task 3 Try to remember as much information as you can about the Kremlin. The
teams will give answers one by one. The team with more right statements will be
the winner. But first you will have 1 minute to discuss your strategy and may be
some ideas.
6 Закрепление нового материал .(16мин)
Учитель : At the previous lesson we repeated the structure of a personal letter.
Today you will write a letter to your pen-friend and you will tell him/her about
your trip to Moscow and your excursion around the Kremlin. You will have 15
minutes . Write 100-140 words.
7 Объяснение домашнего задания. (2мин)
Учитель : I will hand you out the quiz we did and you will ask your relatives or
friends these questions. Then you will tell me about the results. If they have some
difficulties , help them.
8 Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок. Рефлексия .(2мин)
Thank you for your active work and cooperation. I hope you’ve learnt new facts
and information about Russia and Russian history and you are ready to share your
knowledge with your friends. What was the most interesting fact?
The lesson is over. Good bye.
Приложение 1
Moscow Suburb Nights
Not a restling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb nights,
The caress of the waking sun.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb nights,
The caress of the waking sun.
The calm rilling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight,
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It`s as hard to keep as to give away
All the presses upon my heart.
It`s as hard to keep as to give away
All the presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
and our love that has been so true.
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
and our love that has been so true.
Приложение 2
Ответы на задание (Task 5)
Match the words to their definition.
Erect to build.
Revive to become or to make something become active or popular again.
Dwell to live.
Ambassador a senior official who lives in a foreign country and represents his or
her own country there.
Cannon a large powerful gun used in the past that shot large metal balls.
Belfry the part of the tower that has a bell in it.
Mansion a large house.
Ancestor someone who is related to you who lived long time ago.
Список использованной литературы
1. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык: Учеб. Для 7 кл. шк. с углубл.
изучением англ.яз./О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева.-М.: Просвещение, 2000. -
302 с.: ил.
2. Рекламная брошюра Аэрофлота «Кремль»
Использованные материалы и интернет ресурсы
1. Аудеокассета к учебнику Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык: Учеб. для
7 кл. шк. с углубл. изучением англ.яз./ О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева.-
М.: Просвещение, 2000. - 302 с.: ил.
2. Слова М.Матусовского, музыка В.Соловьева- Седого песня
«Подмосковные вечера»
4. http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/bse/99809/Кремль
HYPERLINK "http://to-name.ru/historical-events/moskovskij-kreml.htm"http://to-