Методическая разработка "Знаешь ли ты англоязычные страны?"

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
«Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»
Английский язык.
Методическая разработка интеллектуального марафона по страноведению
«Знаешь ли ты англоязычные страны?» с ответами.
Преподавателя английского языка Попковой Татьяны Васильевны.
Рекомендую для работы с учащимися 7-11 классов и студентов
образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования
с целью формирования социально-культурной компетенции учащихся в
процессе изучения истории, географии, культуры и традиций англо-говорящих
Обучение страноведению преследует главным образом практическую цель
формирование социально-культурной компетенции учащихся. Нельзя сугубо
академически, абстрактно преподавать язык: надо знать страну этого языка, ее
народ, что с ним происходит, какие его устремления. Европеизация
содержания гуманитарного образования требует знания лингвистических и
культурных особенностей стран и их вклада в мировую культуру.
Для достижения поставленных целей я использую разнообразные формы
работы: видео-уроки, встречи с носителями языка, конкурсы на лучший
литературный перевод стихов известных английских и американских поэтов,
проведение викторин по страноведению: «Знаешь ли ты Соединенное
Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии?», «Знаешь ли ты
Соединенные Штаты Америки?»... Канаду, Австралию, Финляндию и другие
страны. Я активно привлекаю студентов 2-3 курсов к составлению подобных
викторин о местах массового отдыха россиян: Египте, Турции, Италии, Греции
и других стран.
Интенсификации учебного процесса добиваюсь путем применения
разнообразных технических средств, иллюстраций, схем, таблиц, графиков и
использования интерактивных технологий.
К данной статье я прилагаю разработку интеллектуального марафона
«Знаешь ли ты англоязычные страны с ответами на вопросы. Эти наработки я
использую как с целью систематизации материала, так и с целью контроля
знаний учащихся. Неоднократно проводила этот страноведческий марафон для
студентов 1-3 курсов и с удовлетворением замечаю возрастающий интерес к
данному разделу учебного материала. Сравнивая культуры, обычаи и традиции
других стран, учащиеся по-новому смотрят на историю и традиции своей
родной страны. Я убеждена, что страноведческая работа является
неотъемлемой частью учебного процесса, она дополняет и углубляет
материалы используемых учебно-методических комплексов.
Интеллектуальный марафон по страноведению «Знаешь ли ты
англоязычные страны?»
Part I
Quiz Great Britain now and then.
Make the right choice.
1. The head of state is...
a) The Prime Minister
b) The President
c) The Queen
d) The Speaker
2. The British Prime Minister lives at...
a) 12, White hall
c) 10, Downing Street
c) 7, Russell Street
d) 15, Oxford Street
3. Whitehall is...
a) a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament
b) a big hall in the centre of London
c) a white palace near Trafalgar Square
d) The palace where the Queen lives in the summer
4. The Great Fire of London broke out in...
a) 1066 b)1766 c)1106 d)1666
5. Sir Christopher Wren built...
a) Buckingham Palace
b) Westminster Abby
c) St. Paul's Cathedral
d) The Tower of London
6. The National Gallery is in...
a) Piccadilly Circus
b) Parliament
c) Trafalgar Square
d) Leicester Square
7. Westminster is a … center of London
a) cultural
b) political
c) business
d) industrial
8. Great Britain is separated from the continent by...
a) The Pacific Ocean
b) The Irish sea
c) The Bristol Channel
d) The English Channel
9. Britain's population is more than ... million people,
a) 56
b) 198
c) 560
d) 79
10. There are many farmlands in Britain, especially in
the ... of the country.
a) north
b) south
c) west
d) east
11. There are ... members in the House of Commons
a) 400
b) 370
c) 650
d) 200
12. Members of the House of Commons are elected every ...years.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
13. In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to… .
a) Prince Albert
b) Admiral Nelson
c) С Wren
d) King Henry VII
14. The Royal Opera House is in ...
a) the centre of the vegetable market
b) Bloomsbery Square
c) Russell street
d) In front of St. Paul's Cathedral
15. The British Museum was founded in ...
a) 1753
16. The centre of London is ...
a) Tower of London
b) Westminster
c) Buckingham Palace
d) Trafalgar Square
17. The British Museum is in ...
a) Church Road
b) River Street
c) Apple Street
d) Russel Street
18. Westminster Abbey is more than … years old
a) 900 b)800 c) 500 d)300
19. . .. is called “The Garden of England”
a) London
b) Wales
c) Kent
d) Liverpool
Part II
Quiz "Do you know the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?"
1) What is Britain?
a) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
b) England, Scotland, Wales
c) England
2) What are two main types of British newspapers?
a)"popular", "quality"
b)"popular"," unpopular"
c)"quality"," political"
3) What's the name of the bowsprit where the Union Jack is flown on the ship?
a) Jack star,
b) Black Jack
c) Jack- sailor
4) What's the longest river in England?
a) The Tames
b) The Taff
c) The Severn
5) What's the highest mountain in Scotland?
a) Snowdon
b) Ben Nevis
c) Highlands
6) What's the oldest part, historical and business center of London?
a) The city
b) The East End
c) The West End
7) What's the Stonehenge?
a) a city
b) a famous club
c) a stone memorial
8) What's Woolsack?
a) a musical instrument
b) the surname of Lord Chancellor
c) a special seat for the Lord Chancellor
9) Who was Guy Fawkes?
a) conspirator
b) English King
c) a singer
l0) What does Whitelhall mean?
a) the office
b) the street
c) the monument
11) What is the Cenotaph?
a) a post-office
b) a square
c) a monument to the fallen in two world wars
12) What is in the center of Piccadilly Circus?
a) The statue of Eros
b) The monument to Admiral Nelson
c) The British Museum
13) What is the capital of Wales?
a) Swansea
b) Talbot
c) Cardiff
14) How do Welsh people call their country?
a) "free land"
b) "small land"
с)"Land of song"
15) Who is the patron saint of Wales?
a) St. Patrick
b) St. George
c) St. David
16) What is the "Fringe"?
a) English Festival
b) performance by amateurs
c) a park in Edinburgh
17) Who wrote "Auld Lang Syne'?
a) Charles Dickens
b) Robert Bums
c) Johnathan Swift
18) What is the most famous building, created by Christopher Wren?
a) JTW Houses of parliament
b) St. Paul's Cathedral
c) Westminster abbey
19) What is the name of the Scottish Language?
a) Scots
b) Scottish
c) Gaelic
20) What drink is associated with Scotland?
a) Wine
b) Lager
c) Whisky
21) What is a bagpipes?
a) a purse
b) a sack
c) a musical instrument
22)What is a traditional skirt worn by Scottish men?
a) kilt
b) tartan
c) tweed
23) What's a rare bird which lives in the Scottish Highlands?
a) golden sparrow
b) golden swan
c) golden eagle
24) What's the symbol of London?
a) St. Paul's Cathedral
b) Big Ben
c) Westminster Abbey
25) What's the symbol of Northern Ireland?
a) a thistle
b) a shamrock and a red hand
c) a rose
26) What's famous sight in the Tower of London?
a) a clock
b) a church
c) ravens
27)What's the home of British government?
a) The Houses of Parliament
b) Buckingham Palace
c) Westminster Abby
28) What's the name of a meeting of people interested in Welsh poetry, Welsh songs
and music?
a) Snowdonia
b) Eisteddfod
c) Talbot
29) Where is the queen Victoria memorial situated?
a) in Westminster Abbey
b) in front of Buckingham Palace
c) on Trafalgar Square
30) Where is the Speaker's Comer situated?
a) in Westminster Abby
b) in Regent's Park
c) in Hyde Park
31) What holiday do the British celebrate on October the 31st?
a) Thanksgiving Day
b) Hallowe’en
c) Easter
32)When can you see the personal standard of the Queen on the top of Buckingham
a) when the country is in war
b) when is the Queen in her residence
c) when the Queen is ill
33)What is the Scottish word for lake?
a) loch
b) island
c) harris
34) What musical instrument do the Welsh like playing?
a) the harp
b) the violin
c) the bagpipes
35) Where is the Poet's corner situated?
a) in Hyde Park
b) in Westminster Abby
c) on Trafalgar Square
36) What's the name of the highly-developed area of London?
a) City
b) The West End
c) The East End
37) Why did Piccadilly Circus get such name?
a) because earlier there was a circus in the centre of the square
b) because it is the name of the architect of the square
c) because the square is round
38) The pattern of a Scottish kilt is,..
a) spotted
b) striped
c) checked
39) How many separate colleges does the University of Oxford have?
a) 15
b) 25
c) 35
40) What is the symbol of Wales?
a) a yellow daffodil;
b) a red daffodil
c) a pink daffodil
41) Who is the patron Saint of England?
a) St George;
b) St Patrick;
c) St. Andrew
42) What is the reason for voting of the Speaker?
a) a difficult political situation
b) when the votes are equal
c) The Speaker always votes
43) Who is the head of State in Britain?
a) Lord Chancellor;
b) The Prime Minister
c) The Queen
44) What is the second largest city in Wales?
a) Salisbury;
b) Talbot;
c) Swansea
45) What's the most famous lake of Scotland?
a) Ness;
b) Lomond;
c) Todos Los Santos
46) What are the colours of the Scottish flag?
a) black and white
b) blue and white
c) red and white
47) What's the capital of Scotland?
a) Edinburgh
b) Aberdeen
c) Glasgow
48) Where does the mysterious monster live?
a) in Loch Lomond
b) in Todos Los Santos
c) in Loch Ness
Part III
«Do you know the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?»
1. Boadicea's men fought against
a) The Celts
b) The Scots
с) The Romans
d) The Britons
2. The Hadrians's wall separated
a) England and Wales
b) Scotland and England
c) England and Northern Ireland
d) England and France
3. The Battle of Hastings took place in
a) 1666
b) 789
c) 1070
d) 1066
4. Robin Hood was in love with
a) Godiva
b) Marian
c) Boadicea
d) Guinevere
5. The Hundred Years' War was against
a) Germany
b) Scotland
c) Italy
d) France
6. Henry III (1509 - 1547) had ... wives
a) 5
b) 6
c) 8
d) 7
7. The Tudor family came to power
a) after the Hundred Years' war
b) after the war with Ireland
c) after the war of the Roses
d) after the war with Germany
8.... became the greatest monarch England has ever known
a) Mary
b) Elizabeth I
c) Catherine of Aragon
d) Edward, the Prince of Wales
9."The Prince and the Pauper' was written by
a) R. Burns
b) W. Shakespeare
c) J. London
d) Mark Twain
10. Hogmanay is celebrated in Scotland on the
a) 22 June
b) 31 October
c) 31 December
d) 25 January
11. The changing of the Guard is at
a) 12 p.m.
b) 11 a.m.
c) 12 a.m.
d) ll p.m
12. Millennium Dome, the largest dome in the world, was finished in
a) 1998
b) 1999
c) 2000
d) 2001
13. «The picture of Dorian Gray» was written by
a) John Steinbeck
b) Oscar Wilde
c) Charles Dickens
d) Ray Bradbury
14. Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in
a) 1952
b) 1961
c) 1970
d) 1983
15. Queen Elizabeth II visited Russia in
a) 1994
b) 1996
c) 1998
d) 1999
16. Queen Victoria ruled the longest period in the English history, for... years
a) 50
b) 64
c) 58
d) 61
17. You can see the Crown Jewels in
a) Buckingham Palace
b) The Houses of Parliament
c) The Tower of London
d) The British museum
18. The Lollipop Lady is
a) a police officer
b) a shop-assistant
c) an actress
d) a waitress
19. Whose name do you associate with the Iron Lady?
a) Anna Pavlova
b) Queen Victoria
c) Queen Elizabeth II
d) Margaret Thatcher
20. Whose name do you associate with detective stories?
a) Joseph Turner
b) Sir Winston Churchill
c) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
d) Charlotte Bronte
21. Here actors, film stars, pop singers and sportsmen come face to face with
a) MOMI (the Museum of Moving Image)
b) The Tate Gallery
c) Hyde Park
d) Madam Tussaud's Museum
22. The Bloody Tower is situated in
a) Westminster Abbey
b) Regent's Park
c) The Tower of London
d) Kensington Gardens
23. The funeral service for Diana, princess of Wales, took place here in September
a) St. Paul's Cathedral
b) Westminster Abbey
c) The Houses of Parliament
d) The Tower of London
24. On the radio: «This is the BBC. The time is six o'clock» and then you hear the
deep boom of it six times. What is it?
a) Big Ben
b) St. Paul's Cathedral
c) Albert Hall
d) Buckingham Palace
25. A Christmas carol is
a) A song
b) a poem
c) A story
d) A present
26. He is famous for his books 'The Hobbit' and “The Lord of the Rings»
a) Ray Bradbury
b) Tolkien, John Ronald Renel
c) John Updike
d) F. O'Connor
27. An International organization which actively works to protect the environment
a) Bloomsbury
b) Greenpeace
c) Oasis
d) Roadblocks
28. She was the first woman Prime Minister of Britain (1979-1990)
a) Laurie Lee
b) Maya Angelou
c) Evelyn Glennie
d) Margaret Thatcher
29.An English singer, guitar player and songwriter who was a member of the Beatles
a) Andrew Lioyd Weber
b) John Lennon
c) Raymond Burns
d) Alan Sillitoe
30. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Britain. It is famous for its
university, which is the oldest in Britain (1624) and the third oldest in Europe
a) London
b) Cambridge
c) Stratford-upon-Avon
d) Oxford
31. A tartan kilt is
a) a dress
b) a coat
c) a shirt
d) a skirt.
32. Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), a famous artist was born in
a) England
b) France
c) Germany
d) Holland
33. A young urban professionals with high incomes and fashionable lifestyles are
a) hard core elements
b) siblings
c) Green Peace members
d) Yuppies
34. Hamlet uncle's name is
a) Laertes
b) Claudius
с)Polonius Jason
35. Anglophones are people who
a) Dislike foreigners
b) Dislike England and English
c) Like England and English
d) Like foreigners
36. Together with Stonehenge it is a part of a group of prehistoric monuments
stretching from southern England to the north eastern tip of Scotland
a) Costwolds.
b) The circles in the corn.
c) Avebury ring
d) Portobello Road.
37.A Scottish country dance that is fast and full of movement
a) Haggis
b) Bannock
c) Glinlivet
d) Highland Fling
38. Francis Drake (1540-1596) was a famous
a) writer
b) poet
c) pirate
d) artist
39. In June 1665 the greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in London. Few
people recovered from it.
... was painted on the door of the houses with people who had a plague
a) A black circle
b) A white cross
c) A black cross
d) A red cross
40. At the period of its prosperity the British Empire covered ... of the Earth
a) one fifth
b) one sixth
c) one seventh
d) one eighth
41. All children must, by law, go to school at the age of ... in the UK
a) Five
b) Six
c) Seven
d) Eight
42. The stone of Destiny, on which the Kings and Queens of Britain still sit, was
brought from
a) France
b) Ireland
c) Wales
d) Scotland
43. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated on the 5th of November because
a) He won a Victory over the Spanish armada
b) He built a fleet of ships and fortifications on the coasts
c) He decided to kill the King by blowing up the Houses of Parliament
d) He opened schools for poor people
44. The law of gravitation was discovered by
a) Benjamin Brittain
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Alexander Graham bell
45. Mungo Park is a famous British
a) explorer
b) statesman
c) poet
d) actor
Part IV
«Do you know the USA?»
Choose the correct answer
1. America was discovered by С Columbus
a) in 1492 b) in 1264 c) in 1482
2. The Pilgrim Fathers arrived in 1620 in
a) Maryland
b) Virginia
c) Massachusetts
3. In the South the settlers established
a) farms
b) shipbuilding industry
c) plantations
4.The people who organized the Tea Party
a) the Indians
b) the merchants
c)the officers
5. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by
a) G. Washington
b) T. Jefferson
c) Adams
6. How many presidents has the USA had?
a) over 50
b) over 40
c) over 25
7. Who was die youngest president to be elected to the office?
a) J. Kennedy
b) R. Nixon
c) J. Carter
8. Which state is known as the «Presidents» state?
a) California
b) Viginia
c) Texas
9. Who was a tailor before he became a president?
a) A. Johnson
b) Ronald Reagan
c) R. Wilson
10. Who was the shortest term served by?
a) W. Harrison
b) R. Nixon
c) J. Carter
11. Which is the oldest university of the USA?
a) Vale
b) Columbia
c) Harward
12. Which state has a nickname "Empire"?
a) Kansas
b) New York
c) California
13. What state is cosmodrom situated in?
a) Nevada
b) Nebraska
c) Texas
14. Who is represented on $ 1?
a) Lincoln
b) Washington
c) Jefferson
15. What is the US economy based on?
a) competition
b) constitution
c) import
16. How many dimes equal a half of dollar?
a) 10
b) 5
c) 2
17. What is the plural of the word « phenomenon»?
a) phenomenons
b) phenomens
c) phenomena
18. A nickname a «tomm is given to:
a) policeman
b) a sailor
c) a soldier
19. What chemical element suggests one of our nine planets?
a) Venice
b) Mercury
c) Mars
20. How long is one foot?
a) 1,609m
b) 3,300m
c) 0,903m
Литература, используемая при составлении заданий по страноведению
«Знаешь ли ты англо-говорящие страны?»
1. Голицинский Ю. Great Britain. Пособие по страноведению для старших
классов гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. -
Санкт-Петербург: КАРО, 1999.
2. Верещагина И.Н. и Афанасьева. О.В. Английский язык. Учебник для V
класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. - Москва:
Просвещение, 1996.
3. Афанасьева О.В. и Михеева И.В. Английский язык. Учебник для VI класса
школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий,
колледжей. – Москва: Просвещение, 1999.
4. Клементьева Т. Б. и Шэннон Джил Албикер . Счастливый английский.
Книга 2 для 7-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Издание второе,
исправленное. - Калужская обл., г. Обнинск: ТИТУЛ 2004.
5. Клементьева Т. Б. и Шэннон Джил Албикер. Счастливый английский. Книга
3 для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Издание второе,
исправленное. - Калужская обл., г. Обнинск: ТИТУЛ 1999.
6. Старков А.П.,. Островский Б. ENGLISH Учебник 7-й год обучения (для
11 класса средней школы) Санкт-Петербург: Специальная Литература, 1998.
7. Старков А.П.,. Островский Б. ENGLISH Учебник 6-й год обучения (для
10 класса средней школы) Санкт-Петербург: Специальная Литература, 1998.
8. Старков А.П.,. Островский Б. ENGLISH Учебник 5-й год обучения (для 9
класса средней школы) Санкт-Петербург: Специальная Литература, 1998.
9. Тематический сборник для подготовки к устному экзамену по английскому
языку за курс средней школы.
10. Павлоцкий Д.В. ENGLISH. Пособие для начинающих гидов на английском
языке Welcome to Saint- Petersburg! - Санкт-Петербург, КАРО 2004
11. Brian Abbs Ingrid Freebairn. BLUEPRINT TWO. - Spain. Madrid: Longman,
12. Власова Е.П., Костенко С.М. Focus on the USA. Санкт – Петербург:
13. Марков Н.Н. This is London (Это Лондон ). Москва: Просвещение,1968.
14. (по И.Блоку) Адаптация, комментарий и словарь Островского Б.С.
Христофор Колумб. – Москва: Просвещение, 1994.