Презентация "Василий Иванович - гордость Шадринска"

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Василий Иванович – гордость Шадринска (презентация на английском языке)
  • Автор Иовлев А.Д., заведующий музеем
  • Главное управление образования Курганской области ГБПОУ «Шадринский политехнический колледж«, машиностроительное отделение
Vasily Ivanovich - pride Shadrinsk
  • Author: A.D. Iovlev, teacher
  • General Directorate of Education in Kurgan region GBPOU "Lufia Polytechnic College Engineering Department "
1932 - 2007
  •    V.I. Yurovsky, was born December 25, 1932 in the village of Yurovka Kurgan region into a peasant family.
2012 - 80 years
  • Vasily Ivanovich - Russian novelist, known for our people. In 2012, he would have turned 80 years old.
His stories and novels
  • His remarkable stories and novels - a worthy contribution to the art of Russian literature. In the works of the writer - interweaving the different sides of human character, extraordinary tenderness and touching lyrics in the description of the nature and wildlife of our region.
After serving
  • After serving in the Soviet Army writer worked in regional newspapers. Studied by correspondence at the Journalism Department of the Ural State University named after Maxim Gorky, the literary department Shadrinsk Pedagogical Institute.
Vasily Ivanovich
  • Vasily Ivanovich more than twenty years working in newspapers Uksyanskogo, White Lake, and Dalmat Shadrinsk areas, local newspaper "Lufia working." Held the positions of executive secretary, department heads and deputy editor. In 1957 he joined the Communist Party.
In March 1976
  • In March 1976 Yurovskikh went to creative work. Vasily Ivanovich - a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR since 1957, a member of the Writers' Union in 1975.
In 1968
  • In 1968, the South Ural publishing house has released his first book of stories about the nature of the "Snegirinoe morning." Later in Chelyabinsk and Moscow came his book "Singing River", "Mother's Blessing", "Cranes roots", "Vesnozapev", "blue-bird pikushki", "Filial call", with more than 20 editions.
All the creativity Yurovskikh
  • All the creativity Yurovskikh deeply rooted in the nature and life of Trans-Urals. Man and nature are inextricably fused it, the lyrical hero lives in the woods and herbs, as an equal among equals, and sometimes as an unwilling debtor to nature for its bounty and beauty. Vasily Ivanovich - excellent zhivopisatel streams, birds, sunrises and sunsets of our Russian nature. His prose literally breathes filial love for the country, for its nature, the love of man.
 His stories have been translated into
  •  His stories have been translated into
  • Polish and Kazakh. From 1990 to 1995 he was a member of the Board Yurovskikh Russian Writers Union. In 1990 Vasily began production of the first Russian printed newspaper "Shadrinsk hunter." He was an honorary member of Shadrinsk District Society of Hunters and Fishermen.
Yurovskikh awarded
  • Yurovskikh awarded the medal "For Labour Valour", the Diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. The winner of the Big literary prize of Russia established the Union of Writers of Russia and Joint Stock Company "ALROSA" (Sakha-Yakutia) for 2002, the Governor of the Kurgan Region Award for his work in the development of the moral order in 1995 and 1999. He was awarded the Prize of the magazine "Our Contemporary", diploma Russian competition for the best children's book, the title of the winner of the contest "Man and Nature", held by "Literary Russia" in honor of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Prishvin.
In 1999 "for his loyalty to his native land of life and literature, and for a worthy contribution to the art of Russian literature and in honor ZZ7 anniversary of Shadrinsk" Vasily Yurovskikh awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Shadrinsk."
Works by V. Yurovskikh
  • 1. Snegirinoe morning, 1968 2. Motherly blessing, 1979 3. Cranes roots, 1979 4. Vesnozapev, 1980 5. Blue bird-pikushki, 1981 6. Filial cry, 1982 7. Countertop, 1986 8. Kin, 1988 9. Native nest, 1990 10. Three Lives, 1990 11. Native, 1999 12. Utrotvorets, 2002 13. Thick, 2003 14. Contusion or ischo as ..., 2005 
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  • Интернет-источники, в т.ч.
  • иллюстративного материала
  • Юровских, Василий Иванович
  • [электронный ресурс]
  • http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/