Разработка конспекта урока "Diana’s letter" 6 класс

МБОУ «Семекеевская ООШ»
Тукаевкий муниципальный район
Разработка конспекта урока
по английскому языку
в 6 классе
Учитель английского языка:
Валиева Рамиля Рустамовна
2015 г.
Тема урока: Dianas letter
Тип урока: комбинированный
Вид урока: урок применения теоретических и практических знаний
Образовательные: введение и первичное закрепление новой лексики (фразовые
глаголы to get, to give), совершенствование навыков аудирования и чтения,
закрепление в речи и письме лексики по теме «Семья», активизация навыков
орфографии (грамматический материал Posessive Case)
Развивающие: развитие мыслительной деятельности: анализ, обобщение,
Воспитательные: воспитывать умение работать в парах, бережное отношение к своей
семье, повышать самооценку учащихся через игры
формирование коммуникативных способностей обучающихся через
использование игровых технологий обучения;
Оптимальное использование индивидуальных и групповых форм деятельности для
повышения эффективности преподавания языка.
По источникам знаний: словесные, наглядные;
Относительно характера познавательной деятельности: репродуктивный, частично-
Место проведения: учебный кабинет
Средства обучения:
1.М.З. Биболетова «Enjoy English 5, 6 класс» - учебник для учащихся 6 класса, -
Обнинск: Титул, 2007
2. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику
3. Проектор и мультимедийная презентация
4. Символы звуков
5. Карточки со словами по теме «Семья»
6. Аудиоприложение
7. Звездочки
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент (1-2 minutes)
- Good morning, children!(Good morning our teacher)
- Sit down, please.
- Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day is it today?
- Tell me, please, how are today? (Im fine, thanks. Im OK. I’m good and you?)
- Ok, children, today the theme of our lesson will be “Diana’s letter” and on the lesson
we shall listen to her letter about her relatives, remind the words on the topic “Family”,
remind grammar material “Possesive Case”, learn the new words and learn to fill the
application form. (1 слайд). Work hard and for being active I’ll give you stars and at
the end of the lesson we will count them and find out the winner.
II. Фонетическая зарядка (2-4 minutes)
- Let’s begin the lesson itself. I want you to practice some English sounds. I shall show
you the symbols of the English sounds and your task is to pronounce them and name
the words on the topic “Familywith it.
- Look at the blackboard, please. You see the table and your task is to guess the missing
word. First of all let’s read the words. (2 слайд). And who can say us the missing word?
III. Речевая разминка (5 minutes)
- As I know you like to play very much. Let’s play our game “Be attentive”. You know
the rules. (One of you comes to the blackboard, turns his/her back to the class. Then
on of the classmates say the sentence on the topic “Familyand the task is to guess
who said the sentence and then rephrase his/her sentence changing the verbs and
pronouns. For example, Ainur says: “I like my father” rephrasing sentence Ainur likes
his father”
IV. Актуализация навыков грамматики и орфографии (проверка домашнего
задания) (5 minutes)
- It’s time to check your hometask and remember Possesive Case. Your task was to
rewrite the word combinations using Possesive Case. Who wants to answer us?
(Workbooks, ex. 5, p. 59) 3 слайд
Game “Ball” (1-2 minutes)
- Let’s play the game with you. The game is called “Ball”. I’ll throw you this ball and
say a word combination you will rephrase it using Possesive Case
The cat of my friend
The name of my uncle
The son of his aunt
The flat of her parents
The mother of his mother
The toys of my cousins
V. Физкультминутка (1-2 minutes)
- Stand up, sit down, keep moving (3 times)
We are at school today.
Stand up, sit down, open your books, keep moving (3 times)
We are at school today.
Stand up, sit down, open your books, close your books, keep moving (3 times)
We are at school today. (4 слайд)
VI. Совершенствование навыков аудирования и чтения (10 minutes)
- Now we shall listen to the letter of the girl Diana. Listen to her carefully and be ready
to name all her relatives. Who can tell us what relatives has Diana got?
- You may open your books, p. 124, exercise 9. Listen to the text again and be ready
now to answer the questions after the text. Follow the text also. Who can read the first
question? Now I want to ask you some extra questions. (5 слайд)
- Why hasn’t Diana answered her friend’s letter sooner?
- What can you say about weather?
- How old is Diana’s niece?
- Who has a sweet tooth in the girl’s family?
VII. Ознакомление учащихся с новым лексическим материалом (фразовые
глаголы to get, to give) (10 minutes)
- Today we shall learn some new word combinations Phrasal verbs get and give. You
can see them on page 125, exercise 10. Let’s read the words and combinations all
together after me. Now read them one by one and try to translate.
- Now I want you to translate my sentences from Russian into English. Pay attention to
the phrasal verbs. (6 слайд)
- So, my dears, now try to make up your own sentences using these phrasal verbs.
VIII. Обучение письменной речи (5 minutes)
- The last task for today is to fill the application form. You have tables on your desks
and try to fill them. Don’t forget to complete them in block capitals. (7 слайд)
IX. Домашнее задание (1-3 minutes)
- It’s time to write your hometask. Open your diaries ex. 3, p. 139, ex. 9, p. 60,
workbook. (8 слайд)
X. Итоги урока
- Our lesson is over. Count your stars please. How many stars have you got? Good job!
Thank you for your work. Stand up, please. Good bye, children!