Разработка урока "Grammar: may, might, could, probably and definitely" 8 класс

Разработка урока английского языка в 8 “С” классе.
Дата: 14.02.14.
Тема: Grammar: may, might, could, probably and definitely (Unit 8.Strange but true)
Тип урока: повторение пройденного материала
Форма организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная,
групповая, коллективная.
Цели урока:
- повторить использование модальных глаголов;
- закрепить в памяти у учащихся употребление модальных глаголов;
- создать условия для развития памяти, воображения и внимания учащихся;
-содействовать развитию умений осуществлять рефлексивную деятельность.
- развитие умений работать в коллективе.
Ожидаемые результаты: делая упражнения, тем самым повторив все эти
модальные глаголы, дети закрепят их в памяти, а также они будут уметь в чем
отличие этих глаголов. И научатся самостоятельно составлять предложения с
Оборудование урока: учебник английского языка 8 класса «New Matrix»,
рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «New Matrix», классная доска.
Ход урока
1. Начало урока (3 мин)
1.1. Организационный момент
Hello! I’m glad to see you!
How are you?
I’m fine! Thank you!
What date is it today?
What day of the week is today?
What is the weather like today?
Thank you!
Ok. Let’s start our lesson.
Fine! Thank you? And you?
Today is the … of February
Today is …
Today is…
1.2. Постановка цели
Today we have grammar lesson. We will revise
modal verbs: may, might, could, probably and
definitely. And we’ll do ex.1-7. Open your books
on page 97.
Let’s begin our lesson.
2. Повторение употребления may/might (5 мин)
Exercise 1. We can use may or might to talk
about the future. Look at these sentences.
Which two sentences mean the same? Which
sentence has a different meaning?
In pairs, discuss what you think the difference is.
Thank you!
Ask the class which of three sentences has a
different meaning.
Possible answers:
May and might mean more or less the same
both express possibility in the future. Will
expresses certainly in the future.
3. Закрепление (5мин)
Exercise 2. May and might both mean ‘probably’
or ‘possibly’. We use will when we are sure of a
future event. Match statements 1-6 to the correct
meanings a-d.
Students do the exercise in pairs. Check the
answers with the class.
Answers: 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d, 5-b, 6-c.
4. Повторение употребления could (5 мин)
Look at the exercise 3. We can use could to talk
about the future. Like may and might, could
means that we are not sure. Look at this example.
Double numbers on a shirt could bring good luck.
Write five sentences using could about things
you think it’s possible will happen next week.
Ask students to do exercise in pairs. When they
have written five things, ask them to work with
another pair and read out each things. The other
students agree whether it is possible or not.
5. Повторение употребления учащимися probably и definitely (5 мин)
Exercise 4. Rewrite the sentences using the
modal verbs in brackets.
Exercise 5. We can use probably and definitely to
say how sure we are about smth. Look at the
sentences. What do you notice about the position
of the adverb?
We’ll probably win the match tomorrow.
We probably won’t win the match tomorrow.
Ask students to do this exercise on their own and
then check their answer in pairs. Check the
answers with the class.
1. It could rain tomorrow.
2. I might start Spanish lesson.
3. My 16
birthday will be next month.
4. Mark may go to Spain next year.
5. He could become famous.
Ask the class about the position of the adverb.
In positive sentences the adverb immediately
follows the modal; in negative sentences it is
between the subject and the modal.
6. Проверка употребления учащимися модальных глаголов (5 мин)
Exercise 6. Put the words in the correct order to
make sentences. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible.
Exercise 7. How sure are you about these things?
Complete the sentences with your own ideas,
using these words.
may might could probably will/won’t
definitely will/won’t
Ask the students to do this exercise on their own
and then compare their answers with the
partner’s. Check the answers with the class.
1. It will probably rain all day tomorrow.
2. This American film probably won’t win
an Oscar.
3. My sister definitely won’t come to the
school party.
4. Brazil will definitely win another football
World Cup.
5. (Tonight) I will definitely finish my
homework (tonight).
6. We probably won’t fail our exams.
Ask the students to work on their own and then
compare their answers with a partner. Ask
students to read out a few of their sentences.
7. Заключительный этап (5 мин)
7.1. Подвести итоги урока;
Ok. And your marks for this lesson
7.2. Объяснить и записать домашнее задание;
And now it’s time to write down your homework.
So, your homework:
7.3. Поблагодарить учащихся за урок.
Thank you very much! See you!
Good bye!