Конспект открытого урока "США. Нью - Йорк"

Министерство образования и культуры Тульской области
ГОУ СПО ТО «Новомосковский строительный техникум»
Конспект открытого урока по дисциплине
«Английский язык»
Тема : «США. Нью-Йорк»
Выполнил: Преподаватель английского языка Мясоедова Н.И.
Новомосковск - 2016 г.
Тип урока: практическое занятие
Цели урока:
развитие иноязычных компетенций аудирования, чтения, говорения (монологической и
диалогической речи).
развитие интеллектуальных способностей и личностной активности студентов;
расширение знаний о стране изучаемого языка ;способствовать развитию логической
связи аудио-и видеоряда.
воспитание толерантного и уважительного отношения к стране изучаемого языка и её
Развитие речевых компетенций:
- актуализация лексических навыков и выведения их в речь;
- чтение с полным пониманием прочитанного;
- аудирование с целью общего понимания;
- активизация умений диалогической и монологической речи;
- приобретение лингвострановедческих знаний
Техническое оснащение: Мультимедийный проектор, DVD-диск
Технологическая карта урока:
Основные этапы урока
Деятельность студентов
обеспечение урока
Организация группы
Приветствие, цель и задачи
Слайд №1
Проверка дом. задания
2 человека
рассказывают о США
Карта Америки;
слайд №2
1.Задаёт вопросы по
пройденному ранее
материалу (особенности
2.Переходит к вводу нового
материала (сообщает
некоторые факты о Нью-
Отвечают на вопросы
слайд №3
Прослушивание песни
Установка на
Слушают песню
Запись песни;
слайды № 5;6
Работа с текстом «From the
history of New-York»
Установка на работу;
Снятие лексических
и перевод новых слов и
1.Повторяют хором
2.Читают текст про себя
3.Выполняют задания к
а) соотносят части
б) находят эквиваленты;
в) отвечают на вопросы
по тексту;
г) переводят
предложения на
материал: текст;
карточки с
слайды №7-17
Знакомство с
Нью-Йорка (презентация)
Установка на презентацию
5 человек по очереди
рассказывают о
№ 18-35
Выполнение задания по
Объясняет задание
Заполняют пропуски в
Просмотр видео сюжета
(аудирование) и работа с
Установка на аудирование
Смотрят видеосюжет,
составляют и
инсценируют диалог
Слайды №36-40
Задание по аудированию
Объясняет задание
Выполняют задание на
соответствие понятого
содержанию текста
Выполнение теста по
Сообщает задание
Отвечают на вопросы
слайды №42-48
Прослушивание песни
«America, The Beautiful»
Слушают песню
Слайды №49-50
Подведение итогов;
объяснение домашнего
задания. Рефлексия.
Комментирует оценки,
объясняет домашнее
Резюмируют итоги своей
деятельности на уроке
Слайд №51
Конспект урока:
1. Организационный момент. Учитель здоровается со студентами, объявляет
цели и задачи урока.
Good morning, everybody! Glad to see you again. Sit down, please! Who is on duty
today? Is anybody absent? Nobody? All right. Now let’s start our lesson.
We continue our work on the theme «the USA». Today we are going to speak about one
of the most important America’s cities. What city it is, you will get to know a bit later.
Besides, we shall learn some new interesting facts from the history of America. You will
even have an opportunity to have the audience with one of the first America’s presidents
Abraham Lincoln himself. It is what we shall do at the lesson today.
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
Let’s start with your home task. Last time I asked you to prepare at home short story or
report about the USA. Who can do it now? Tell according to plan at the screen, please!
S1. Рассказывает о США (у доски, использует карту).
3. Речевая разминка.
Well, at our last lessons we spoke a lot about the USA, it’s political system, it’s capital
Washington. Say me please, what unusual things have you known about this city?
S2: Washington is not the largest city of the USA.
S3: There are no skyscrapers there.
- Ok. What else?
S4: Washington is situated in the District of Columbia and doesn’t belong to any state.
Population of Washington is small.
S5: It has no large industry.
S6: It produces only official papers.
S7: You can hardly find a park, a square or an open area in Washington without a
monument or a memorial.
Yes, you all are right. Well, today we shall speak about the city which is a great contrast
to Washington. This city is the largest in the USA, it has a lot of skyscrapers. How do
you think what city is it?
S8: I can suppose, it’s New York.
Yes, you are right. It is New York. So, New-York. Many people call it the wonder city of
the world. New-York defies description. You can say anything about it and always be
right. If you listen to different people talking about it, you can imagine quite different
towns. For some people, New-York is a center of art, music and theater, for others a city
of finance and politics. For manufacturers it is a bottomless market. Some call New York
a poem in stone and steel, others a soulless monster. But it is unlike any other city in
the world.
4. Прослушивание песни “New-York, New-York”.
And now I would like you to listen to a song, which was sung by Frank Sinatra. This is a
very famous song. I hope it will help you feel the atmosphere of this amazing city.
5. Работа с текстом.
Well, our acquaintance with New-York we shall start with its history. Now we are going
to read a text. It is called “From the history of New-York”.(См.приложение 1). Then
you have to do some exercises to find out how you have understood it. Before reading
let’s read the glossary. Now you have ten minutes for reading.
Затем студенты выполняют послетекстовые упражнения №1-4 (См.приложения 2-
6. Предъявление нового материала с использованием презентаций.
There are a lot of attractions in New-York. You have already seen some of them when
you were listening to the song. Now let’s take a closer look to the most famous of them.
Студенты поочередно выступают со своими презентациями и рассказывают о
достопримечательностях Нью-Йорка, используя слайды .
7. Выполнение задания по презентации. (См.приложение 6)
Now Id like you to do the task. You must fill in the sentences with the rights words from
the list.
8. Просмотр видеосюжета (аудирование) и работа с диалогом. (Задание на
аудирование. Студенты 2 раза просматривают видеосюжет, затем составляют
диалог и инсценируют его. После этого письменно выполняется задание: контроль
понимания услышанного).
Вводная беседа; установка на аудирование.
We have already spoken about American symbols of freedom today. Which of them can
you give as an example?
S1: This is the Statue of liberty on the Liberty island.
Yes, you are right. But democracy and freedom didn’t arise by themselves. People
created them and fought for them. People achieved these ideals through their hard work
and selfless struggle even at the cost of their own lives. These people came into
American history as the founders and fathers of the nation. Which of them do you know?
S2: Among them was George Washington, the first American President. He was
commander in chief of all the colonial forces during the War of Independence in
-Okay! Who else?
S3: Thomas Jefferson. He was an outstanding American revolutionary democrat and the
author of the immortal “Declaration of Independence.”
S4: He also became the third American President.
And which of the national leaders of the Civil War in America can you remember?
S5: I think, it is Abraham Lincoln.
Yes, it is true. In1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected 16
President of the United States.
In that time the country was spilt into two opposing camps. As a result it led to the Civil
war, one of the saddest periods in the history of the United States. And now I’d like to
offer you an interesting task. It is connected with events of which I have spoken. Now
you will watch a educational video, where you are in the role of a journalist. Imagine that
you are journalist and you have an audience with Lincoln himself. There is a
conversation between you and the actor in the role of Lincoln. Listen to it very attentively
and see the sub-titles. These are your words in a conversation. The first time these words
will be displayed in full.
The second time you have to complete them and say in voice. As a result it must be done
a conversation between you and the actor in the role of Lincoln.
9. Задание по аудированию.
Now you have to do such a task: to determine if the statements are true or false.
Студенты письменно выполняют задание (См.приложение 7)
10. Выполнение теста по страноведению.
And now I’d like to find out how well do you know some facts about America and its
history. I suggest you to do the country test.
Студенты отвечают на вопросы теста (работа во фронтальном режиме).
(См.приложение 8).
11. Прослушивание песни “America, The Beautiful”
Now let’s listen to one more song, which is well-known for every American and is sung
by legendary Elvis Presley.
Прослушивается песня.
We see, this song expresses love for the country, glorifies the beauty of its nature, its
people. The pride for their country, its history is also manifested in the song.
12. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
Our time is over. The lesson has come to an end. I think you have known a lot about
New-York and its history. I thank you for your work at the lesson and give you the
following marks (комментируются оценки). For the next lesson you must do short
reports about New-York in orally form. And now it’s time to have break. Thank you for
your work. Good bye!
Приложение №1:
Read the text and do some exercises to it.
From The History Of New York.
At the beginning of the 17th century only the wigwams of the Iroquois stood where the
sky-scrapers of New York now reach to the clouds. In 1605 the first Europeans came to
Manhattan from Holland. Capitan Henry Hudson, searching for the famous Northwest
Passage, discovered the land and reached a river to which he gave his name. In 1626 the
Dutch Governor, Peter Minuit, concluded with them what American business experts call
«the most profitable commercial deal in the U.S. history». With several bottles of gin and
a handful of trinkets that cost twenty-four dollars, he bought a large island from the
simple-hearted, trusting Indians. Later the Indians named the island Manhatta (present-
day Manhattan, the main borough of New York, which in Iroquois means: «They cheated
It seems that at the dawn of private enterprise, too, it was hard to understand the
difference between «a commercial deal» and cheating, between «a miracle of
enterprise» and robbery.
The Dutch founded a city there and gave it the name «New Amsterdam».
After the English had taken over the city in 1626 it was renamed New York after the Duke
of York who was the commander of the English army.
During the War of Independence New York was an important political centre, and for five
years from 1785 till 1790, the capital of the USA.
Since the end of the 19th century the city began to develop at breakneck speed. In 1888
the first skyscraper was put up. It had only 13 storeys, but the next had twenty-two and
so on. Situated at the mouth of the Hudson River, which is open to ocean-going ships the
year round, New York quickly became one of the largest ports in the world.
At the turn of the twentieth century millions of people driven by poverty emigrated to
the United States from various countries of Europe. They entered the New World through
New York, the «Gateway of America.» New York attracts people from all over the world.
That is what makes people call it the «Modern Babylon.»
Now New York is the biggest city in the USA and one of the largest cities of the World*
The population of this city is near 12 million people. It is the capital of New York State.
There are 5 boroughs in New York Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and
Staten Island or Richmond. Today New York City is informally called «The Big Apple».
Some call New York a poem in stone and steel, others a soulless monster, but It is unlike
any other city in the world.
Приложение №2:
Exercises to the text:
1. Match the parts of the sentences:
The Dutchman Henry
bought a large island
from the simple-
hearting, trusting
In 1605 the first Europeans
named the island
During the War of
Independence New York
was put up.
The Dutch
entered the harbour,
captured the city and
renamed it New York
after the Duke of York.
In 1888 the first skyscrapes
is the real centre of the
Later the Indians
entered the New World
through New York, the
«Gateway of America».
In 1626 the Dutch Governer,
Peter Minuit,
discovered the land and
reached a river to which
he gave his name.
Forty years later the English
came to Manhattan
from Holland.
At the turn of the twentieth
century millions of people
from various countries of
founded a city there and
gave it the name «New
Manhattan, the smallest
island in New York
was an important
political centre.
The most important
branches of industry
are linked together by
numerous bridges.
Broadway and Fifth Avenue
are full or cars and
All districts of new York
are those produsing
vehiсles , glass,
chemicals and all kinds
of machinery.
The streets and highways of
New York
are the world-famous
streets in New York.
Fifth Avenue
is unknown, but it is
popular all over the
New York, one of the USA
leading manufacturing cities
is open to ocean-going
ships the year round.
is the great shopping,
hotel and club avenue.
The origin of the name «The
Big Apple»
began to develop at
breakneck speed.
The mouth of the Hudson
is the home of great
firms and banks.
Since the end of the 19
century New York
is the centre of the
theatres and night life.
Приложение №3:
2. Find in the text the English equivalents for:
достают до облаков;
исследуя знаменитый северо-западный проход;
заключил выгодную сделку;
за горсть побрякушек;
простодушные и доверчивые индейцы;
развиваться на головокружительной скорости;
везде, куда ни бросишь взгляд;
миллионы людей, гонимые бедностью.
Приложение №4
3.Answer the questions:
1). What stood in the place of the sky-scrapes at the beginning of the 17
century in New
2). When did the first Europeans come to Manhattan? Where were they from?
3). Who was Henry Hudson? What is now called by his name?
4). What do American business experts call «the most profitable commercial deal in the
U.S. history?»
5). What did the word «Manhattan» mean in Iroquois language?
6). Who founded New York?
7). When and why was it renamed?
8). When was the first skyscraper put up? How tall was it?
9). Why did New York quickly become one of the largest ports in the world?
10). What makes people call New York the «Modern Babylon»?
11). Is New York the largest city in the world? And in the USA?
12). How many boroughs are there in New York? What are their names?
13).Why are there so many bridges in New York?
14). What is the centre of New York? What is the central and the oldest part of New York?
15). How many people do live and work in Manhattan?
16). What is the nickname of New York?
17). Why is New York often called the cultural capital of the USA?
18). What are the two world-famous streets in New York? What are they so famous for?
Приложение №5
4.Translate into English:
1). В начале ХVII века на месте небоскребов стояли лишь вигвамы ирокезов.
2). Остров Манхэттэн, деловой и финансовый центр Нью-Йорка, был куплен
голландцами в 1626 году за горсть побрякушек.
3). Река Гудзон получила свое название благодаря голландцу Генриху Гудзону,
который ее обнаружил.
4). Голландцы основали город и назвали его «Новый Амстердам».
5). Позже город был захвачен англичанами и переименован в Нью-Йорк.
6). На рубеже ХХ века люди из разных стран въезжали в США через Нью-Йорк, «ворота
7). Нью-Йорк называют «современным Вавилоном», т.к. там живут люди разных
8). Так как Нью-Йорк расположен на островах (исключая Бронкс), все его части
соединены многочисленными мостами.
9). Основные отрасли промышленности Нью-Йорка, одного из ведущих
промышленных городов мира,- производство изделий из бумаги, машин, химической
продукции, станков.
10). Нью-Йорк часто называют культурной столицей США, т.к. здесь много музеев,
картинных галерей, театров.
Приложение №6:
Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list:
1. There is a __________ in the base of the statue devoted to the history of immigration to
the USA.
2. Manhattan is __________ into Downtown, Midtown and Uptown regions.
3. Manhattan is crossed from north to south by avenues and from east to west by
4. In the old days the Dutch built there a strong wooden _________ to protect themselves
from the Indians.
5. The first building __________for skyscrapers came in the late 1920’s.
6. There are two observation platforms in the building, which are __________seven days
and nights a week.
7. The Empire State Building has become a _________ of New York.
8. The first skyscrapers were built in __________style.
9. Greenwich Village is mostly a ________ area.
10. Times Square got its name from the «new York Times» which has its main ________
11. You can see the _________ plays, musicals and shows on Broadway.
12. The main headquarters of ________________ are situated in Midtown of Manhattan.
13. After Central Park was opened some wealthy New Yorkers soon built ________ along
Fifth Avenue.
14. The Guggenheim Museum has one of the world’s finest collections of modern and
Wall; office; symbol; residential; divided; mansions; contemporary; newest; museum; art
deco; United Nations; open; streets; boom.
Приложение №7:
Checking of listening comprehension.
Are these statements true or false?
A. Lincoln was born in Indianna.
His family was often on the move.
When he was a boy of nine, his mother died.
His father was a military man.
After his wife’s death, Lincoln’s father married again.
Lincoln’s new mother didn’t take care of him.
When he was a child, he wanted to be a farmer.
Lincoln’s new mother encouraged him to reading.
The battle of Gettysburg was the decisive battle of the Civil
On July 3, 1863 the Confederates were forced to retreat by
the general George Meade.
The Declaration of Independence was adopted only 80 years
ago after the battle of Gettysburg.
The casualty on both sides were very heavy: more than
43000 men.
Lincoln wanted to go and talk to General Lee.
In his Gettysburg speech Lincoln said that «government of
the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish
from the earth».
-Костина Е.А. «О Соединенных Штатах Америки»: учебное пособие для студентов. Москва,
«Московский лицей». 2010г.
- Бурлак А.И., Дж. Г. Бурлак. «Знакомство с Америкой» Москва, Астрель, АСТ, 2009г.
- Голицынский Ю.Б. «United States America» Пособие по страноведению, Санкт-Петербург,
КАРО, 2008г.
Интернет ресурсы:
- http://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskii-yazyki/library/razrabotka-uroka-soedinennye-
- http://festival.1september.ru/articles/527877