Открытый урок "Краткие ответы в Present Perfect" 6 класс

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Краткие
ответы в Present Perfect".
6-й класс
Цели урока:
-обобщить знания, полученные на уроках английского языка
- активизировать навыки употребления кратких ответов в Present Perfect в
различных видах речевой деятельности;
- развивать умение детей работать в группах, в парах.
Задачи урока:
- закрепить правило употребления кратких ответов;
- учить детей оценивать свои знания;
- воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку.
Технологии: здоровьесберегающая, игровая, ИКТ, дифференцированный
Учебник М. З. Биболетовой “ Enjoy English 5-6”, компьютер, экран, картинки,
карточки с заданиями, конструктор.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! Слайд
What day is it today?
- What are we going to speak about? What do you think? (Short answers in Present
Perfect) Слайд
- Yes, you are right.
- Today we are going to visit Luntic and his friends. Can you name all friends of
Luntic? Ok. This is our route paper (это наш маршрутный лист). Look at our
plan. Taday we will meet uncle Shnuk and listen his new poem, then we’ll go to
Kornei Korneich to repeat the rules, we will help Luntic and play with Mila.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
- And at first we go to Shnuk. Shnuk would like to tell us his new poem.
Look at the screen, please. Let’s read it after me. Слайд
Twenty froggies went to school
Down beside a little pool
Many, many years have passed;
Big frogs they have become at last.
They have learnt at school a lot
Many stories they have heard
All the countries they have seen
What clever frogs they have been!
- Read in pairs the poem. Who want to read aloud?
Can you find present perfect in this poem. Great!
3. Повторение изученного материала
-Look at the map. Where we go? You are right. Корней Корнеич is a very
clever worm. It can help us remember the rule and construction of Present
- Andrey, when do we use Present Perfect?
- What construction we use?
Have/has + V3(ed)(на слайде)
When do we use have (I, we, you, they)
When do we use has (he, she, it.) Right!
- Now open your student’s books on page 126. Here you can see short
answers in present perfect. You read the question and you read, please,
the short answer.
- You have 2 cards on your desks. Now, please, ask your neighbor (спроси
соседа) and answer “Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t”.
Каждому дается карточка с перевернутыми предложениями, они должны
составить и задать вопрос своему соседу (работа в парах) и ответить Yes, I
have, No I haven’t. Все вопросы начинаются со слова have
1. Have you met your friend today? - you, met, today, your friend, have?
2. Have you had a holiday this year? - you, a holiday, had, this year, have?
3. Have you ever been to London? - have, ever, you, been, to London?
4. Have you seen the new film? - the new, seen, have, you, film?
5. Have you ever been to cinema? - ever, have, been, you, to, London?
6. Have you read the book today? - today, you, have, the book, read?
7. Have you prepared for the lessons today? - have, for, the lessons, you
prepared, today?
8. Have you got a telegram today? - you, have, a telegram, have, today?
9. Have you played computer games today? - you, played, have, computer
games, today?
10. Have you played with your dog? - with, your dog, you, have ,played?
11. Have you opened the window? - opened, have, you, the window?
(слайд) In short answers you never use nouns, you use pronouns.(В коротких
ответах никогда не используют существительное, только местоимение.)
For example:
Has Mike answered the question? -Yes, HE has. –No, he hasn’t.
Have parents bought a car? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t
Have Mary and Ann fed the dog? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
4. Закрепление материала в устной речи
- Let’s go to Lintic. He had a lot of work. Help Luntic. Look at the pictures
and say what has he done from his list. (Дети читают вопросы с
(в презентации картинки с вопросами)
1. Has Luntic cleaned the room? - No, he hasn’t
2. Has Luntic slept on the bed? - Yes, he has
3. Has Luntic watered the flowers? No, he hasn’t
4. Has he had already lunch? Yes, he has
5. Has he cooked the dinner in the kitchen? - Yes, he has
- You have cards on your desks, please write correct answers. (У вас на
столе карточки, запишите в них правильныe ответы). Work in
pairs. (Дать Андрею образец)
1. Has Luntic played with his friends? Yes, he has.
2. Has he written a letter to Santa Claus? - No, he hasn’t
3. Has Luntic cut the Christmas Tree? Yes, he has.
4. Have Luntic and Kusya built a playground? Yes, they have.
5. Has he visited his uncle Shnuk? No, he hasn’t.
5. Физминутка Слайд
- Look, who comes to visit Luntic too? (Kusya!)
- Kusya likes to play.
Let’s have a rest with him. Please, stand up!
- Tell me, what have you done?
- Have you just danced? Has she just danced?
- Have you marched? Have you sat?
- (Устные ответы на вопросы, что они делали.)
- Well done! Say good bye Kusya and Luntic.
6. Закрепление материала в письменной речи
Работа в группах.
- Look at the map again. Where are we go? (We go to Mila).
But look! She is crying because Vupsen and Pupsen were here. They
destroyed her tower and changed words places. (Вупсень и Пупсень
любят шутить и сегодня они сломали башню и поменяли местами
слова.) Help Mila.
- You work in groups.
Для сильных. Your groups make up questions using this words and give the
short answers.
Have you done your homework?
Has your nephew been at school?
Have your friends arranged the picnic?
Has her cousin given an interview?
Для слабых. Your group makes up short answers on the tower. Работа с
конструктором. Две стены с вопросами + две надо достроить с ответами. +
- Lets check up. Check each other.(Группы проверяют друг друга. 2
человека и сильных групп проверяют слабых.)
- Read your question and answer. Well done!
7. Рефлексия (Слайд)
- What have we done today?
Have we read a poem?
Have we asked questions?
Have we given short answers?
Have we played?
Have we met toad Klava?
Have we done the test?
Have we visited Luntic?
- Well down! Lets write your homework. Слайд: Домашнее задание (которое
записывается в презентации). Составить на отдельном листе анкету с
вопросами have то ты делал сегодня), чтобы ваши одноклассники смогли
ответить Yes, I have/No, I haven’t)
- Our lesson is over. Thank you very much for your work. (Слайд)