План-конспект урока "Праздники в Великобритании" 10 класс

План-конспект урока
Тема: Праздники в Великобритании.
Цель урока: Развитие умения говорения
Задачи: 1.Развитие навыка монологической речи
2. Развитие навыка обсуждения изученного материала и беседы по пройденной
Языковой материал: а) новый: слова и выражения из видеоматериала; б) старый: ранее
изученный материал (слова и выражения по теме)
Учебные пособия: учебник, раздаточный материал, видеокассета с записью видеофильма
«Holidays In Great Britain», телевизор, видеомагнитофон.
Ход урока:
I. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности:
1. Приветствие.
2. Речевая зарядка. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы:
- Whats the date today?
- Who’s absent? Where’s he/she? Is he/she ill?
- How are you?
- How was your weekend? What did you spend it?
II. Основная часть урока.
- Today we are going to continue studying the British holidays. We have already discussed
practically all of them. But before we start watching the video about two more special days in
Great Britain, let’s revise the information about the holidays we discussed at the previous lesson.
Your home task was to be ready to speak about them.
- What holiday did we celebrate not long ago?
- What do you know about the history of this day?
- What legends do you know?
- Have you found the information about any other legend?
- How do you mark this occasion in your school?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы небольшими монологическими высказываниями.
- And one more day is the day which has recently been celebrated in Great Britain is Pancake
Day. What do you know about it?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос монологическим высказыванием.
- Do we have a similar holiday in Russia?
- How is it called?
- How is it celebrated?
- Do you have any special traditions in your family connected with this holiday?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, рассказывают о русской Масленице.
- And now todays holidays. The first one is Halloween. It is not typical of Russia at all, though
lately it has been much spoken about. Let’s watch the video. While watching, try to learn as
much information as possible and pay attention to these words:
to frighten away evil spirits
pointed hat
- Now if you watched and listened attentively you’ll be able to complete the following text:
Учащимся выдается упражнение:
Complete the missing information:
In Great Britain and America, there are special celebrations on the night of the ….. of ……….. .
It’s the night before …….. Day and it’s called Hallowe’en. The name comes from All Hallows
(an old name for this day) and evening’. It’s traditionally a night of magic, when all the ……
and …….. and warlocks (male witches) come out, so now people dress up in ............ costumes
and have parties.
On this day kids make special lamps out of a ……….. and put a candle in it. The lamp is placed
in the window in order to ……………… They also play a game. They dress up as ghosts and
witches and …….. at people’s doors and say: “…………………..”. The people in the house
must give them a ‘………..’ (a sweet or a small present). If they don’t the kids play a ………..
on them.
Учащиеся выполняют упражнение в группах, совещаясь друг с другом, затем проверка
- Do you mark this day with anything special at school?
- What do you do?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.
- And the second day. It’s Guy Fawkes Night. This day is purely British as it’s connected with
British history. You have the same task. These are the words you’ll meet:
firework display
to blow up
(to) plot
to execute
to let off fireworks
Учащиеся смотрят видеозапись.
- Answer the questions:
1. When is Guy Fawkes Night observed?
2. How do the people prepare for the Night? What do they make? What is it usually made of?
3. What do they do with the Guy when it is ready? What do they say to passers-by? What do they
need the money for?
3. What do the people arrange in the back yard?
4. So What is done with Guy Fawkes on the 5
of November?
5. What happens at the end of the night?
6. Where is a big public festival held?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.
- Do you remember the history of the holiday? Correct the statements:
1. Guy Fawkes lived in the 19
2. Guy Fawkes was a sailor.
3. He was a protestant by religion while the king was a catholic.
4. He and his friends plotted to blow up Buckingham Palace.
5. Guy Fawkes was a success and praised after that.
Учащимся выдается упражнение и они его выполняют.
- As it has already been mentioned, Guy Fawkes Night appeared in Great Britain and is
celebrated only there. What about Russia. Can you think of a holiday which is celebrated only in
- What holiday is celebrated on the 4
of November?
- Is it an old holiday?
- Did anything special happened in our city to mark the occasion?
- And, of course, we can’t but mention about the last holiday we had. What was it? How did you
mark it?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы отдельными предложениями или небольшими
- And finally, to sum everything up, today we finish discussing British holidays. I’d like to learn
how well you remember all of them. Say what holiday these words refer to:
1. painted eggs 16. a thistle in the buttonhole
2. maypole 17. a procession of flower-carriers at Stratford
3. steel bands 18. Big Ben striking midnight
4. Auld Lang Syne 19. the custom of ‘first-footing’
5. Christmas tree 20. Good Friday
6. haggis 21. paper hats
7. cards and gifts 22. firework display
8. a daffodil or a leek on the jacket 23. pumpkin
9. pancakes 24. Trafalgar Square
10. a rose on the jacket 25. turkey with vegetables and gravy
11. top-crossed buns 26. gunpowder
12. military display 27. dancing with bells and handkerchiefs
13. Mystery plays 28. Notting Hill Street
14. West Indian costumes 29. a black pointed hat and a black cloak
15. bonfire 30. hanging stockings
III. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов, объяснение домашнего задания.
- Be ready to speak about your favourite holiday, either Russian or British.
Приложение 1
to frighten away evil spirits
pointed hat
Приложение 2
Complete the missing information:
In Great Britain and America, there are special celebrations on the night of the
……... of ……………….….. . It’s the night before ……….. Day and it’s called
Hallowe’en. The name comes from ‘All Hallows’ (an old name for this day) and
‘evening’. It’s traditionally a night of magic, when all the …………..… and
…………………... and warlocks (male witches) come out, so now people dress up
in ............................... costumes and have parties.
On this day kids make special lamps out of a ……………………….. and put a
candle in it. The lamp is placed in the window in order to
…………………………………………………………..………… They also play a
game. They dress up as ghosts and witches and …………………….. at people’s
doors and say: “………………………………………..”. The people in the house
must give them a ‘……………..……..’ (a sweet or a small present). If they don’t
the kids play a ……………….….. on them.
firework display
to blow up
(to) plot
to execute
to let off fireworks
Приложение 3
Correct the statements:
1. Guy Fawkes lived in the 19
2. Guy Fawkes was a sailor.
3. He was a protestant by religion while the king was a catholic.
4. He and his friends plotted to blow up Buckingham Palace.
5. Guy Fawkes was a success and praised after that.