Внеклассное мероприятие "Поэзия британских и американских писателей сквозь века" 9 класс
Тема мероприятия: ”Поэзия британских и американских писателей сквозь века”.
Форма проведения – литературный вечер.
• Образовательные: формирование у учащихся способности к участию в
межкультурной коммуникации;
• Развивающие: развитие эмоциональной и интеллектуальной сферы учащихся;
развитие активного, прочувственного и осознанного восприятия школьниками
образцов британской и американской поэзии, развитие художественного-образного,
ассоциативного мышления;
• Воспитательные: приобщение учащихся к литературному наследию стран
изучаемого языка, воспитание терпимости к иной цивилизации, повышение интереса к
предметам “русская литература”, “английский язык”.
Мероприятие проводится в 3 этапа:
1. оргмомент
2. основная часть
3. заключительный этап
Оргмомент настроил учащихся на работу: учитель рассказывает о своем любимом поэте,
предлагает учащимся назвать английские пословицы, связанные с литературой.
Основная часть включает моменты:
• фронтальный опрос – каких поэтов знают учащиеся (только называют)
• выходят учащиеся, которые представляют британских и американских поэтов,
рассказывают немного о себе, называют свои произведения – остальные учащиеся
пытаются угадать, о ком идет речь
• учащимся предлагается рассказать подробно о знаменитых поэтах Британии и
Америки, прочитать их стихи и творческие переводы.
• в конце основной части учащимся предлагается разгадать кроссворд по творчеству
одного из основоположников британской поэзии – Вильяма Шекспира.
Заключением мероприятия может стать поощрение учащихся за активное участие в
подготовке и проведении литературного вечера.
Ход внеклассного мероприятия
1. Good morning children and dear guests. Today I invite you to our poetic party. It is almost
impossible to imagine our life without books. Do you agree? As for me, I am captivated by poetry.
My favourite poem is “The Arrow and the Song” by H. W. Longfellow. I want to retell it.
So today we are going to speak about some excellent examples of the British and American poetry.
But first of all let`s revise some proverbs about literature. You have the begginings of the proverbs,
try to find the endings, please.
Bad books are worse than useless – They are harmful.
There is no friend – So faithful as a good book.
Choose the author- As you choose a friend.
We are – What we read.
Tell me what you read – And I will tell you what you are.
Dont judge a book – By its cover.
2. Now let`s invite our guests - famous British and American poets, they will tell you some facts
about their life and their poems. And you try to guess – who they are. Let`s begin.
P1- I was born on or about April, the 23 1564, in Stratford- on Avon. I was an actor, a poet, and a
writer of drama. (You are W. Shakespeare.)
P2- I am a great Scottish poet. I was born on the 25 of January in 1759 in Edinburgh to a farming
family. The song “Auld Lang Syne” is very popular in Scotland. (You are Robert Burns.)
P3- I was born in Dublin May, 28 1779. I was a poet, a satirist, a composer and a musician of
note. (You are Thomas Moore.)
P4- I am a great English poet. I was born in 1788 in an old aristocratic family. The poem “Child
Harold s Pilgrimage” made me famous in 1812. (You are George Gordon Byron.)
P5- I was born in 1850 in Edinburgh, Scotland. I wrote such books as “Treasure Island”,
“Kidnapped”, “A Child s Garden of Verses.” (You are Robert Louis Stevenson.)
P6- I was born in 1865 in India. The parents gave me a strange name- that was the name of the
lake. (You are Rudyard Kipling.)
P7- I was born in London in 1882. In 1903 I started to write essays and poems, they were published
in the satirical magazine “Punch”. (You are Alan Alexander Milne.)
P8- I was born in Boston in 1809. In 1827 I published my first book “Tamerlane and other
Poems.” (You are Edgar Allan Poe.)
P9- I was born in 1807 in Portland, Maine, to the family of a judge. My best poetical work is “The
Song of Hiawatha.” (You are Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.)
P10- I was born in 1830 in Amherst, Massachussetts, where I lived all my life. Only 7 of my poems
were published during my lifetime. (You are Emily Dickinson.)
3. Now boys and girls who wants to tell us some more information about these famous British and
American poets and read some of the poems and the interpretations. (P1, P2, P3 ... - c
использованием презентации).
4. Now I want to see if you can find words connected with W. Shakespear. Try to do this word
search square.
5. Now thank you very much for your participation in our party. Take some small presents for your
work. How do you like the party? (P1, P2, P3...)
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