Конспект урока "Shakespeare Lives in 2017" 8 класс
Shakespeare Lives in 2017
Шекспир - самый гениальный из никогда не существовавших людей
Марк Твен
Учитель английского языка
Грабарь Марина Юрьевна
Харьков, Украина
Цели и задачи урока:
- развивающие:
- знакомство учеников с творчеством и жизнью Шекспира;
- расширение лингвострановедческого кругозора;
- развитие учащихся умений выступать с мультимедийной презентацией;
- образовательные:
- совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и навыков моно логичных
- использование межпредметных связей на данном уроке.
- воспитательные:
- воспитание любви учащихся к литературе страны, изучаемого языка,
культуре и истории;
Тип уроку:комбинированный урок в рамках дня Шекспира.
Оснащение:компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация слайдов в
PowerPoint, видео сюжеты, раздаточный материал.
План урока
I. Вступительное слово учителя
Good afternoon, dear friends! Glad to see you! We are going to have an unusual
lesson today. Today we are going to speak about the greatest English writer
William Shakespeare who still speaks for all people and nations, addressing big
questions and themes about the human experience and what it means to be a citizen
in the twenty-first century. Shakespeare’s plays have been staged many times
since they were written over 400 years ago, and there are still so many different
ways of interpreting his work. Each interpretation will draw out different themes
and ideas. Often, we don’t realize these words came from Shakespeare’s plays or
poems! Probably you know some of them: “To be or not to be…”, “All’s well that
ends well”, “Love is blind”.
Everyone, I think, has a favorite Shakespeare’ s play in his memory:” Othello”,
“King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Twelfth Night”.
We don’t know a lot about Shakespeare’s biography, but today we are going to
imagine some moments from his life. Our lesson completes a great interesting
topic “William Shakespeare”. You have learnt a lot of things about Shakespeare’s
family, about his native town, about the 16th century theatre the “Globe”. And now
let’s listen to the main facts from his biography. He was born on 23rd of April in
The boy was born to John and Mary Shakespeare .There were 8 children in their
family. William was the third child. He went to the grammar school in Stratford
but he was educated more by the people and nature about him than by teaching at
Речевая зарядка
Would you mind answering some questions?
Who is he?
What was he?
What language did he speak?
What plays by William Shakespeare do you know?
Have you read anything by William Shakespeare?
2. Просмотр видео сюжета и доклады учеников про жизнь и творчество
Шекспира ( Presentation 1, Videofragment1).
3. Беседа про произведения Шекспира.
When people mention Shakespeare’s name they do not usually think about his
biography, they think about a great number of his works that are known to many
people all over the world.
What things did Shakespeare write?
His plays are divided into comedies and tragedies. Can you name any of them?
(Hamlet, Prince of Denmark; Othello; King Lear; Macbeth; Romeo and Juliet; A
Midsummer Night’s Dream; Much Ado about Nothing; The Comedy of Errors;
Twelfth Night)
4. Работа с известными высказываниями Шекспира
Teacher: “To be, or not to be; that is the question”. This quotation is known to
everybody, but there are a lot of other famous quotations and interesting
expressions from Shakespeare’s plays.(Раздаточныйматериал1).
Let us translate and explain them.
5. Чтение сонетов Шекспира
We continue our speaking about Shakespeare. You know W. Shakespeare wrote
many sonnets – 154. What does it mean – a sonnet? A sonnet is a fourteenline
poem. The sonnets of Shakespeare are very popular and loved by people. All of
them were translated into different languages. The next task will be pleasant and
done in two languages. Let’s listen to our students who will recite the sonnets by
Shakespeare in English and in Russian.
6. Актуальность Шекспира в современном мире
There exists a culture of interest in Shakespeare, and it is those
fans who are at the front lines in creating new, socially relevant commentary on
Shakespeare’s work. The vast libraries of Shakespearian fan fiction, the many
blogs and websites
devoted to in depth exploration and discussion of the text.
Timelessly tragic
characters suddenly leave the page again, and we see ourselves in their struggles.
Young people
are living with the text, and finding themselves within it.
Shakespeare was ‘not of an age, but for all time.’
Do you think the meaning of Shakespeare’s work remain stable?
Do you think Shakespeare adapt to our time ?
(Videofragment 3)
LEADERSHIP AND POWER. Are leaders born or made ?
To explore the qualities of strong leadership through Shakespeare’s plays and
modern examples.
Shakespeare’s plays are full of characters who are born into power, have lost
power or are trying to achieve it. Read out a list of actions by leaders in
Shakespeare’s plays. Ask the students to step forward if they think this is likely to
be the action of a good leader and back if it is likely to be the action of an unfit
leader. Compare where students are standing at the end of the activity and ask
some of the students to explain their decisions.
Macbeth: Killed the king in order to become the new ruler.
Henry V: Encouraged his troops into battle and to fight bravely.
Henry IV: Took the crown from an unfair and disliked ruler.
Richard II: Used money from his subjects to buy himself expensive things.What
kind of leaders are these Shakespearean characters?
Think about a leader in your school, town or country.
What skills do they have that make them good leaders?
How do they earn and keep their power?
Ask each group to draw a large picture to show what
they think a good leader looks like. Around the outside
of the picture invite them to write the knowledge, skills
and attributes that they think a great leader should
possess. Should they be a good organiser, an inspiring
speaker or a ruthless soldier?
Once they have done this, ask them to compare their
results with other groups in the class. How do they differ?
Decide what they think are the three most important
character traits of a good leader – are they different to
the qualities of a good person?
Return to the original provocation: Are leaders born or made? Discuss this as a
7. Подведение итогов урока.
Dear friends, thank you for the lesson. You have learnt a lot of things about
Shakespeare’s family, about his native town, about his place and his sonnets. You
have seen the film “”. I think it was very interesting and you will remember our
lesson for a long time. Shakespeare was a great poet. He was “for all time”.
The lesson is over.
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