План-конспект урока "My land - My country"

План-конспект урока My land My country
Цель: Формирование полилингвальной поликультурной личности. Повышение уровня знаний
учащихся по языкам.
Образовательные: Активизировать и закрепить изученный материал на основе приобретённых
ранее знаний. Показать практическую деятельность учащихся через интерактивную доску,
стимулировать самостоятельность учащихся, углублять и повышать уровень знаний в области
языков и других предметов.
Развивающие: Способствовать развитию памяти, воображения и мышления. Продолжить
формировать устойчивый интерес к изучению языков, как средства общения.
Воспитательные: Прививать школьникам желание и умение трудиться в коллективе, любовь к
родному краю. Воспитывать чувство патриотизма, как качество личности будущего гражданина
России и Тувы.
Тип урока: Интегрированный (английский, тувинский, русский).
Оборудование: компьютер, карта Республики Тыва
Ход урока
I. Вступительное слово учителя:
Teacher: Dear children! Today we’ll have a game. It is an unusual game. It will be in a form of
competitions. We’ll need 2 teams (5 students in each team). The theme is “My Land My country”. We
know that the property of our country is a nation. But all people must be educated and purposeful. Our
future is a modern educated society.
So, I hope that today you will show good knowledge of your country using Tuvan, English and Russian.
Try to be active. You know that every country has its Flag, State Emblem and Anthem. So, let’s start our
game with an Anthem.
Let’s begin our lesson.
II. Warming up. Разминка.
Task: translate the words into Russian and English.
Тову столица - capital, найырал дружба - friendship, билдингир знаменитый - famous,
тайбын мир - peace, турар стоять - stand, чурттаар жить live, чоргаар гордый
proud of, езу-чанчылдар традиции traditions, - национальность nationality, чараш
красивый beautiful.
III. A game competition.
Task1. Translate these proverbs and give Russian and Tuvan equivalents.
1. Better late than never. Лучше поздно, чем никогда. Сураанын тывар, кузээнин
2. A good name is better than riches. Добрая слава лучше богатства. Арнын бодава,
адын бода.
3. First drink, and then speak. Сперва подумай, потом скажи. - Соглээн сос, керткен
4. East or West, home is best. Гостьях хорошо, а дома лучше. Куш уялыг, кижи
There is no place like home.
Task2. Geographical competition.
a) The republic is situated in the far south of Siberia. Geographical location of Tuva between
east-siberian taiga and central-Asian landscape predetermined wealth of flora and fauna. It
borders with the Altai Republic, the Republic of Khakassia, the Republic of Buryatia and with
Mongolia to the south. The Tuva Republic is administratively divided into seventeen districts
and two cities under republic jurisdiction (urban okrugs) (Kyzyl and Ak-Dovurak). The districts
are further subdivided into sumons (rural settlements), towns under district jurisdiction (urban
settlements), and urban-type settlements.
Look at the pictures and say what it is and where it is.
1. Lake Azas
2. Mount Mongun-Taiga
3. Lake Sut-Khol
4. Por-Bazhyn
b) And now I want to check how you know our republic. The next task is to make a map from
these puzzles.
Task3. “Famous people”.
Tuva is a region with unique history, culture and nature. Historical objects and ethnic culture is
the top of interest: traditional habitat - yurta, national kitchen and handicraft, tuvan throat singing
khomeii, national kinds of sport - wrestling competition Khuresh.
Look at the pictures and say who it is and what he/she is famous for.
1. Sergey Shoygu
2. Kongar-ool Ondar
3. Larisa Oorzhak
4. Andrey Khertek
Task4. Holidays and traditions.
Answer the question: What national holidays of the Tuvin people do you know?
1. Shagaa
2. Naadym
Annual festival "Ustuu-Khuree" and Naadym are the top of interest for tourists.
Task5. Writing composition.
Write a composition about our district and school. Answer the question: Why are you proud of
IV. Подведение итогов урока.
You have shown good knowledge of three languages. You have improved your knowledge in
other subjects. You have learnt many interesting things about our Motherland.
Звучит мелодия песни « С чего начинается Родина». Исполняют все учащиеся.
What does it mean the word « Родина»
To me and to all of my friends?
I think that it is very дорога
For those, who live on these lands.
And I know that it начинается
From a beautiful place of my birth,
From family, school and society
I was born there, studied and рос.
What does it mean the word « Родина»?