План-конспект урока "Popular British Sports and Games" 5 класс

План-коспект урока английского языка
Тема: "Popular British Sports and Games"
Активизировать имеющиеся в опыте учащихся знания, полученные на уроках
английского языка, или на уроках по другим предметам, а так же из
литературы, газет, телепередач и т.д. по теме “Спорт”.
Формирование навыка употребления активной лексики раздела,
формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников, развитие культуры
устных высказываний.
Развитие коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать;
развитие способности к логическому изложению, к формированию выводов.
Воспитание положительного, уважительного отношения к истории и культуре
Оборудование: Картинки с изображением видов спорта, рабочие карточки, карточки
с именами учащихся.
Ход урока
1. Greeting
2. Введение темы урока, постановка целей.
T.: Please, look at the posters on the blackboard and guess the theme of our lesson.
What shall we do today?
ученики называют тему урока и ставят задачи на урок
3. Фонетическая зарядка
- All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games. Sport
not only helps people to become strong and to develop physically but also makes them
more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. After all sports help people
to stay in good health.
As for me I like different sports and games. I am fond of figure skating. I like to
watch biathlon competitions on TV.
What sports and games do you know?
показ слайдов с целью назвать виды спорта
- I see you know all sports and games in English. Let's do crossword.
выполняют кроссворд: 7 слов (hockey, basketball, skating, golf, football,
compete, swimming)
4. Речевая зарядка:
Now answer please my questions.
- Can you play football?
- Can you play basketball?
- Can you play volleyball?
-Do you like to play badminton?
- Does your friend play table tennis?
- Does your father play tennis?
- What sports games do you play?
- What sports games do the British people like?
- What do you know about football?
- What do you know about cricket?
- What can you tell me about other popular games in Britain?
5. Повторение правила:
So you see that the British people like different sports and games very much. And we will
learn how to tell what people do in their free time.
Now on the board you can see three verbs: play, go and do.
swimming football gymnastics
We use play with ball sports.
Example: I play football with my friends in summer.
We use go with sports ending in ing
Example: She goes swimming twice a week.
We use do with other sports and individual sports.
Example: They do karate every day.
* But there are some exceptions: do fencing - заниматься фехтованием
do weight lifting - делать поднятие тяжестей
do kick boxing, boxing - заниматься кик-боксингом,
Study carefully the rule. If you have no questions, do some practice.
6. Физкультминутка.
7. Составление мини-диалогов
I would like you to work in pairs and make dialogues on this rule.
8. Монологические высказывания:
So you see that we all do sports and play games. And what about the British?
What do you know about British favourite sports and games?
Thank you girls for your information. Let's listen about British favourite sports and games.
После прослушивания ученики выполняют проверочные задания.
9. Рефлексия
Now let's summarize. What are their favourite sports?
What do you know about football in Britain?
What can you tell us about cricket?
About what English popular sports and games can you tell us?
10. Итоги урока
Домашнее задание ex. 23 p. 241
T.: Thank you for the work at the lesson! Good Bye.
- Are they fond of sports and games?
- What are their favourite sports?
- What do you know about football in Britain? Головкова
- What can you tell us about cricket? Агафонова
- About what English popular sports and games can you tell us? Васильева