План-конспект урока "Treasures of the past and the present" 8 класс

Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме:
План урока.
Задачи урока:
Воспитательная: воспитание чувства прекрасного;
Образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся; ознакомить с новой лексикой по теме.
Развивающая: развитие мотивации, внимания, зрительно-слуховой памяти.
Содержание урока.
Ориентиры развития.
Начало урока.( «погружение»)
педподготовка к основному этапу урока-
новой теме.
-Good morning! Glad to see you after your
-How did you spend your vocations?
-What did you do?
-Did you visit any museums?
-That’s a pity! I’m happy to tell you that I
went to the city museum and enjoyed
wonderful exhibitions of pictures from the
Tretyakov Gallery. I advise you to visit this
museum, too.
- By the way, do you agree that museums are
necessary in our life?
-You are right. They collect the riches of our
Past and the Present. The theme of our lesson
is «Treasures of the Past and the Present».
We’ll speak about museums.
-Britain also has got many different museums:
The British Museum is one of the biggest in
the world.
-The National Gallery is famous all over the
world and others.
-It’s time to work with new words. Let’s begin
with the verbs.
-Look at the blackboard. Pronounce the verbs
after me. Read the verbs in turn. What do you
think of them? лизкие по значению).
-Now listen to my sentences and try to guess
the meaning of these nouns.
a) Many years ago pirates looked for treasures.
b) This is jewellery. Most women like it.
c) A table, a chair, a wardrobe-furniture.
d) This ceramics.
e) You know the word a thing. An object is a
Учитель - класс.
Развитие навыков
монологической речи.
Развитие слуховых навыков.
Отработка фонетических
synonym to a word thing.
f) A picture and a painting are synonyms, too.
-Look at the words for 1min and try to
remember as you can. We’ll play the game.
-Let’s play the game «Who has got a good
memory? ». ( Учитель закрывает
поочередно слова на доске).
2.Усвоение новых знаний и способов
- a) Now we’ll work on the text about 4
different museums. Open your books on page
152 ex2. Listen to the tape and pay attention
on the new words.
b) Now let’s divide into 4 groups and choose a
part of the text.
-The task is: - read the part and guess the name
of the museum.
- match the name of the museum with the
pictures in the book.
- find and underline what exhibits they collect.
3.Контроль понимания текста.
-Are you ready with the text? Let’s check it.
-The first group, come to the board and choose
the name of the museum and choose the
- finally find the exhibits it collects.
-read what you have.
-Yes, it’s right.
-The next group, you are welcome.
3.Знакомство со школьным музеем и его
- As we already know there are different kinds
of museums: world, famous, city art museums,
and even school museums. And now we’ll go
to our school museum. You’ll read the main
information about the museum and see the
exhibits displayed there. After the excursion
we’ll exchange our opinions.
- The first museum in honour of
warriors-internationalists in our
district was opened in our school last
year. It’s called «Memory». It’s a
memory of our Motherland, friends.
- On the first stand you can see the
materials about the beginning of the
war ( it was in 1979). The documents
about the end of this war are
demonstrated on the 2
intended in 1989)
- Here under the glass you see the
С опорой на
Работа в группах.
Индивидуально, в
Учитель - класс.
Развитие зрительной памяти.
Развитие навыков
Развитие зрительно-слуховой
Развитие мыслительной
Умение работать в группе.
Развитие навыков
personal objects.
4. Обмен мнениями о школьном музее.
-Now, children, our lesson is over. Your
marks are… Thank you for your work.
Ученик - класс
Развитие навыков
монологической речи.