Конспект урока "The ways of spending free time"

Конспект урока по английскому языку.
Тема: “The ways of spending free time”.
Преподаватель: Падалкина Е.М.
Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных
лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по теме “Выходной день.
Хобби” в условиях неязыкового пространства.
Задачи урока:
Познавательный аспект:
знакомство с популярными способами проведения досуга в России и
англоговорящих странах;
Развивающий аспект:
формирование и развитие речевых способностей, психологических функций,
связанных с речевой деятельностью (память, мышление, способность логически
мыслить, умение анализировать).
Воспитательный аспект:
акцентирование внимания учащихся на способах проведения досуга;
создание ситуаций успеха и самореализации личности в различных видах
Учебный аспект:
введение нового лексического материала (enjoy, love, hate + infinitive/-ing) и
отработка его употребления в речи;
формирование лексических навыков говорения по теме “Свободное время”;
совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения с различной стратегией.
Личностно-ориентированный аспект:
развитие умения сопоставлять факты, развивать исследовательские и творческие
создание условий для развития навыков общения и совместной деятельности.
Тип урока: урок комбинированного типа, посвящён развитию репродуктивных речевых
навыков и занимает промежуточное место в изучении темы “Мой выходной день”,
связывая этап формирования (рецептивный) и этап активизации (репродуктивный)
речевых навыков.
Формы и виды работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.
Оборудование урока:
Учебник «Планета английского», аудиоматериал по теме; текст для чтения, карточки с
новой лексикой, картинки по теме, карточки с заданиями, словари, тетрадь.
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент.
-Good morning, dear guests and students! I am glad to see you! You may sit down…
How are you? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent today?
2. Целеполагание.
-At the last lesson we spoken about your working day, your time-table, your activities, your
lessons and so on…Now we start to speak about our day off and hobbies.
Open your copy-books and write down the date and the topic of our lesson today.
-Please, give the synonyms of the day off (weekends, Saturday and Sunday, free time, spare
time, time for hobby, leisure…).
-When do you get up on Sunday?
-What do you do in the morning? What do you eat for breakfast?
-How do you usually spend your days off?
-Do you go in for sports on your weekends?
-Do you often go to see your friends?
Look at the blackboard and read the proverb and give the translation:
Our best friend is our hobby.
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
The busiest man finds the most leisure.
3. Операционно-деятельностный этап.
1).-Now we should repeat the pronunciation of some sounds which will be necessary at our
lesson (фонетическая зарядка).
Let’s start with reciting the poem ‘Leisure’
(by W. H. Davis)
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
Стихотворение «Беззаботность» (В.
Х. Дэвис)
Что толку жить в оковах суеты,
Когда не видишь в мире красоты?
Не смотришь на закат, на облака,
Что солнцем подрумянены слегка;
Не вслушиваешься в лесную тишь,
За резвой белкой взглядом не
В сверкающих ручьях средь бела дня
Не видишь звезд прозрачного огня;
Не замечаешь, как тебе вослед
Глаза девичьи робкий шлют привет
И как улыбка из ее очей
К губам бежит, сияя горячей.
Остановись! В плену своих забот
Ты не заметишь, как и жизнь
Monday's child is nice and slow
Tuesday's child is go, go, go
Wednesday's child is very funny
Thursday's child is happy and sunny
Friday's child is like a king
Saturday's child can dance and sing
Sunday's child can stand on her head
And count the ghosts under her bed.
2).-Take the list and decide which world is the odd one out in each of the following groups of
1. Music, dancing, painting, games.
2. Games, sports, physical activity, photographs.
3. Knitting, buttons, dolls, books.
4. Ceramics, metalworking, jewellery making, singing.
5. Unique, usual, rare, unusual.
3). -Do you have hobby?
-What hobby do you have?
-What do you like doing?
Now, try to compose the table about your hobbies.
Find someone who…
…goes to the cinema
…meets your friends
…goes to the concerts
…hangs around street corners
because they have nothing to do
…does a lot of sport
…stays at home and watch TV
(After composing this table students tell the group about their hobbies demonstrating home-
4).So there are many different hobbies. They differ like tastes. Let’s revise the names of hobbies.
So, let’s play the game “Guess the hobby”. I describe it for you and you raise the sheet with its
1. Some people like to visit different cities, towns, historical places, some visit other countries.
They can travel by car, by train or by bus. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography,
traditions of different people and countries. (travelling)
2. Some people play football, swim very well. They often go to the stadium or the sports ground.
3. Last Sunday my mother enjoyed the performance greatly. There was a storm of applause; she
saw the stage and the scenery very well. So she promised to take me to the opera next time.
(going to the theatre)
4. My friend likes to plant beautiful flowers and grows many plants in her ground. (gardening)
5. My cousin is fond of travelling and two weeks ago he bought a new camera. He is proud of his
collections of photos. (taking photos)
6. When I come to visit my brother, he shows me new coins, badges and stamps on the theme he
specializes in. (collecting)
7. Jane has got a puppy, she feeds it, takes her puppy for a walk, teaches to do tricks. Jane wants
to have a parrot as well. (keeping pets)
8. Bob`s mother and father spend much time in the nature. They go to the river to catch fish.
9. Mary Watson goes to Music school where her teachers teach her to play the piano. So she is
fond of playing … . (playing musical instruments)
10. My grandmother has got a big collection of books. I often buy new detective stories for her.
11. Some people like to sing songs. They sing them at home, at the parties, listen to songs with
great pleasure. (singing)
-Do you like singing? What famous English or American singers or musical groups do you
-Listen the tape and guess about this person (прослушивание песни “Let`s my people go”).
Who is he? What do you know about him?
(This is Louis Armstrong. He is an American jazz legend. Armstrong was born in 1901 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. He grew up in a rough section of New Orleans, with little to eat and few
clothes to wear. As a boy, Armstrong fell in love with jazz music. He decided to be a musician
but had no money to buy an instrument.
When Armstrong was about 12 years old, something happened that changed the direction of his
life. On New Year’s Eve, 1913, when Armstrong was celebrating, he fired a gun into the air. An
angry police officer arrested him and he was sent to a reform school for boys. Fortunately, the
school’s musical director recognized Armstrong’s talent and taught him to sing and play the
cornet. After he was released from the boys’ home, he worked as a laborer by day and played
with local bands at night. He borrowed a horn until he had money to buy one.
Many people think this is the best jazz ever recorded. Armstrong became a role model for many
jazz players.
In the early 1930s Armstrong started to travel all over the United States and Europe and soon
became one of the most famous men in America. In the 1930s and 1940s, Armstrong played and
sang with his own big dance band. He became known as much for his singing as his playing. He
also appeared in movies and on the radio.
Armstrong was married three times. He had no children. He died in 1971).
-What his songs are the most popular? (прослушивание песни “Wonderful world”).
5). -So, I see that you know a lot of hobbies people have. But what can you say about British
people and their hobbies past time and nowadays?
-Let`s read the information and discuss this topic.
Centuries ago, people didn’t have much free time, because everybody was working too hard. In
Britain in the nineteenth century, people had more spare time, but because the Victorians hated
relaxing and doing nothing, they invented football, rugby and cricket. People took up more
gentle activities too, they began gardening, bird-watching and going in for sports, and it was
even possible simply to watch a sport and give the impression that you were actually doing
something. Gradually, leisure activities have become less and less energetic interests and
hobbies. But now there is a new type of person who thinks that lying on the sofa watching
television on Sunday afternoon or reading the newspaper from cover to cover is the most
exciting activity they can manage. This twentieth century coach potato. For them, every activity
is too much trouble, and laziness is an art form! So how do you spend your free time?
Are you a coach potato?
-How does author express what British people like or dislike doing? Find these phrases in the
Read the rule ex.4, p.60.
-Now you should match the words and make up word combinations. These are kinds of
Tastes really differ… Different people spend their free time differently. Let’s see what the most
popular pastime activities are. Look at the screen, match the words and make up word
combinations. Use the model.
Model: 1 c
1. going
2. playing
3. eating
4. riding
5. collecting
6. watching
7. listening
8. doing
9. reading
7). Revise the proverb “The busiest man finds the most leisure”. Do you agree that it is really
true? What examples could you give me?
- Have you ever heard about one of the busiest people all over the world, Bill Gates? What is ne
famous for?
-Let`s read the text about him and do the task by written.
The busiest men find the most leisure.
Bill Gates is a very busy man. But he likes doing a lot of things. First, he is keen on travelling.
Second, he is interested in playing golf and discussing the latest news in computing. Then, he is
crazy about flying a delta plane and he is fond of extreme sports. He is never bored with riding a
Bill Gates is keen on __________
He is interested in __________
He is interested in ___________
He is crazy about flying ________
He is fond of ________________
He is never bored ___________
-So, check your work.
8).-Now you listen some people. They speak about their favorite things. You should name these
things. (Аудирование)
9). Do you want to know what I do in my free time on my weekend? Look at the blackboard.
Here some of my hobbies. Can you guess?
10). All hobbies we can divide into 3 groups: for women, for men and for both (ex.18 p.66).
-Now divide all hobbies into another group:
1. doing things (playing chess, mountain climbing, horse riding…).
2. making things (knitting, cooking…).
3. collecting things (model trains, postcards…).
4. learning things (astrology, computers…).
4. Подведение итогов.
-Very good, students! Really, you have worked well at our lesson. Everybody has a hobby. You
are the happiest people! Your marks are…
-Your home task will be to create a poster for new club or leisure facility. Decide on:
The size, shape and design on the poster;
The name of the club;
The location;
The type of music;
The opening hours;
Any age restrictions;
The cost of entry.
-The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye, students.