План-конспект урока "Education in Great Britain" 7 класс

План-конспект урока английского языка
в 7 классе.
Тема урока: Education in Great Britain
Цели урока:
1. Развитие коммуникативных умений в рамках предложенной темы
2. Совершенствовать навыки восприятия на слух иноязычного текста информационного
3. Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи через беседу по
4. Развитие умений использовать изученные лексические единицы и грамматические
структуры для решения конкретных коммуникативных задач
1. Обобщение знаний учащихся о системе образования страны изучаемого языка
2. Развитие познавательных способностей учащихся с помощью лингвострановедческой
3. Формирование творческого и критического мышления учащихся через дискуссию
4. Расширение кругозора учащихся за счет получения новых знаний по теме
1. Развитие понятийных форм мышления через освоение особенностей «языкового
сознания» при работе с лексическим материалом
2. Развитие навыков логичности в построении иноязычных высказываний в ходе
решения речевых задач
3. Совершенствование умения строить высказывания различных типов: сообщение,
описание, согласие, несогласие.
1. Совершенствовать умение работать в коллективе: внимательно слушать собеседника,
вежливо реагировать на просьбы и вопросы собеседника, вступать в общение.
Задачи урока:
1. Активизировать лексику и лексико-грамматические конструкции
2. Выявить особенности образования в Великобритании.
3. Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи через беседу по
Форма урока:
Ход урока:
Good morning, dear friends. Glad to see you. You’ve come here to practice listening
& speaking English. Let’s do it! I ask you to be active,bright & emotional. Don’t be afraid of
your mistakes because to err is human. I hope ypu are o. k. Are you O.K. Yes, we are. Look
at each other give a smile.
We will work in groups. They are primary, secondary and high teams. I would like to give
you some questions .
Did your grandparents go to school? P. Yes, they did.
Did your dad go to school? P. Yes, he did.
Did your mom go to school? P. Yes, She did.
Do you go to school? P. Yes, I do.
Where do you get knowledge? P. I get knowledge at school.
What are your favorite subjects?
What subjects are difficult for you?
And now look at the slide and guess, what is the theme of our lesson?
P. The theme is education.
P. I think the theme of our lesson is Education in Great Britain.
Teacher: Absolutely right. The theme of our lesson is Education in Great Britain .
Teacher: What is the aims of our lesson?
P. May be t he aim is know about school life of Britain children .
P. I think the aim is to learn speaking about education in GREAT BRITAIN.
Teacher: The aim is to get more information about education in GREAT BRITAIN.
On your tables you have your personal rating list, you know how you must use it.
I Phonetic drill.
At first let’s practice our phonetic. Listen and repeat after me.
A big black bug bit the big black bear,
but the big black bear bit the big black bug back!
Who reads? Who wants to read? O.K.
II Lexical practice. Let’s revise vocabulary about education.
III O. K. very well. Now I would like to you play a game the ball.
You must remember all words about education which you know. For example: infant school,
IV Game. Transformation. Your task will be a bit difficult. You must change a
sentence. You know how you can do it.
I say: I go to school.
Use your rating list.give a mark for changing your sentences.
Now let’s check up your home task and remember the topic is education in our country and
I invite one delegate of your group to answer the questions of another group.
Who goes from your team? O.K. please have a seat.
Team High school please give some questions about education in Kazakhstan to
PRIMARY SCHOOL. You have shapes on your tables using them for valuating answers
another team. And give a mark yourself in your personal rating. Are you ready? Let’s begin.
Who goes from high school?
Team secondary school please give some questions about education in Kazakhstan to high
SCHOOL. You have shapes on your tables using them for valuating answers another team.
And give a mark yourself in your personal rating.
Who goes from secondary school?
Team primary school please give some questions about education in Kazakhstan to
secondary SCHOOL. You have shapes on your tables using them for valuating answers
another team. And give a mark yourself in your personal rating.
1. What language is presented the educational system in Kazakhstan?
2. At what age does compulsory education begin in Kazakhstan?
3. How long does compulsory education in our country last?
4. How long does primary education last?
5. What subjects are studied at the primary school?
6. How long does secondary education last?
7. What new subjects are studied at the secondary stage?
8. What holiday do you have every year?
9. How long does every lesson last?
10. How many lessons have you got a day?
11. When does the school year begin in our country?
12. Is education free in our schools or not?
1. The educational system in Kazakhstan is presented in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.
2. Compulsory education begins at 6 year.
3. Compulsory education in our country lasts 9 years
4. Primary education lasts 4 years.
5. Russian, Kazakh, Maths, Literature, Art, Music, PHYSICAL TRAINING are studied at the primary school.
6. Secondary education lasts 5 years.
7. New subjects at the secondary stage are Biology, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, History.
8. Every year I have got autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays.
9. Every lesson lasts 45 minutes.
10. I have got 5 or 6 lessons a day.
11. The school year in our country beginS on the first of September.
12. Education in our schools is free.
Don’t forget about your rating list. Give a mark for your work.
VI Education in Great Britain Watching a video.
Now I offer you to watch a video about education in Great Britain.
VII Collage
O.K. You watched a video education in Great Britain. AND
I offer you to make collage about education in Great Britain.
You have pictures and phrases about education in Great Britain.
You must match pictures with sentences.
Then your team will present your work. It may be one person or two persons from
your team.
Do you understand?
You have only 4 minutes on this work.
Are you ready? Let’s begin. Give me your works. Who wants the first? O.K. Go.
Listen very carefully.
VIII Relaxation moment.
Let’s have a rest. We are tired. Stand up. Let’s dance.
Working in groups.
O.K. Good. You’ve dance well. Let’s continue to work. Now you will work in
groups. Every team has your personal task.
Primary team you must match words. There are some mistakes. Secondary you
must translate sentence. And High your task is correct sentences. If you have no
questions begin to work, please.
Are you ready? Let’s check up. We will check up each other.
Use your rating list.
Now you will answer the questions. You have got a test on your desks, you will
work individual. Then you will check up your work and give a mark yourself. Let’s
start please.
Use your rating list.
XI Giving marks
Sum all your marks then divide a sum into your marks. You have a mark for a lesson.
How do you think, what marks do you have today, show me!
I am agree.
I am not agree with ___________. I give you 4 of your pronunciation, you
couldn’t give questions etc.
XII Reflection.
And now show me what are your feelings at the end of the lesson using …….. from
1 to 10.