Конспект урока "The sights of London” 6 класс
Урок в 6 классе
Овчинникова Вера Львовна,
учитель английского языка.
“The sights of London”
Цель урока: способствовать формированию коммуникативной компетенции,
в частности социокультурного компонента учащихся посредством темы
«Достопримечательности Лондона».
Задачи: систематизировать изученный страноведческий материал;
воспитывать интерес и уважение к культуре и традициям страны
изучаемого языка;
развивать внутреннюю мотивацию к изучению языка и культуры,
развивать память и быструю реакцию;
развивать умение работать в группе.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, раздаточный материал,
презентация, картинки по теме «Лондон».
Ход урока:
I этап урока: Организационный момент.
- Good morning, boys and girls! I’m happy to meet you!
- Good morning, teacher! We are happy to meet you, too!
- By the way, how are you getting on? Are you fine? As for me, I’m fantastic!
(ответы детей)
II этап урока: Определение темы урока, посредством отрывка из фильма.
- Brilliant! Well done! And now, guys watch the film and tell me, please what it
is about. (2 минуты)
На доске опора: The film is about…
Yes, you are absolutely right. This film is about London. So, what are we going to
talk about?
We are going to talk about the sights of London.
Very well! Excellent! The theme of our lesson is “The sights of London”.
(слайд 1)
Welcome to our excursion!
III этап урока: Речевая зарядка.
- Have you ever been to London?
- No, I haven’t. I have never been to London.
- Well, today we are going to see some sights of London.
- Look here. Do you know what it is? (слайды с видами Лондона).
- What is it? Any ideas?
(название каждой достопримечательности повторяем хором)
IV этап урока: Активизация коммуникативных навыков.
- What sights would you like to see?
(на доске: I’d like to see…)
V этап урока: Активизация изученной лексики.
- I give you the envelope in which you can find the parts of the names of the
sights of London. Make up the names of the.
- Now you will divide into three groups and you’ll have only 3 minutes to do
this exercise, (раздать конверты).
- Let’s check your answers.
VI этап урока: Физкультминутка.
- Who knows how you can get from your hometown to London.
- Yes, you are right. When we want to go to Great Britain we can get there by
plane, because this country is very far from Russia. I see you are tired. Let’s have a
rest. Look and repeat.
Up, down, up, down,
Which is the way
to London town?
Where? Where?
Up in the air,
Close your eyes –
And you are there!
VII этап урока: Чтение с извлечением информации.
- Fantastic! Look at these cards and match the name of the sight with its
definition. I’ll give you 5 minutes, (раздать карточки)
- Let’s check your answers. 1c, 2d, 3e, 4a, 5b.
- Read, please the texts about the sights of London.
VIII этап урока: Просмотр фильма с полным пониманием содержания.
- Well done! Look at these cards, write your name on the card, watch the film
about London once more and try to complete these sentences.
- Well, change your cards and check the answers. Look at the measures.
(слайд). Find the mistakes and correct them.
IX этап урока: Итоги урока. Выставление оценок.
X этап урока: Рефлексия.
О чем мы сегодня говорили?
Домашнее задание.
Cделать проект о понравившейся достопримечательности.
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey
Trafalgar Square
National Gallery
Regent’s Park
Big Ben
Madame Tussaud’s
The Tower of London
Hyde Park
Match the sights with their definitions.
1. It is the centre of London. It is the most beautiful place
of London. a) The Tower of London
There is the monument of Admiral Nelson.
Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument.
2. It is one of the best picture galleries of the world. b) Buckingham Palace
Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.
3. You can hear the sound of this clock every hour in London. c) Trafalgar Square
4. It was used as a fortress, a royal residence, a palace and a prison. d) National Gallery
There are always black ravens in it.
People keep them in it and look after them very well as
they believe that London will be rich while the ravens live there.
5. It is the official residence of the Queen of England. e) Big Ben
Complete the sentences.
1. In about 43 AD ________ built the first bridge.
2. Now there are ________ bridges in London.
3. Some of them for ______, some for ______, some for
4. The most famous bridge in London is ______.
5. Over ______ million tourists come to London every year.
6. The famous museum of wax models is called ________.
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- Презентация "Филворд "Материалы"" 1-4 класс класс
- Презентация "Оригинальная Валентинка с сюрпризом" 2 класс
- Конспект урока "Лепим из пластилина. «Чудо-дерево»" 1 класс
- Презентация "Букет из конфет" 4 класс